Government shutdown

The Barbarian

Republicans are likely to blink first:

The last time the government shut down in 2013, polls showed Republicans took the brunt of the blame.

It looks like history might be repeating.

Pre-shutdown polls from last week showed nearly half of respondents said they’d hold President Donald Trump and/or congressional Republicans responsible for a shutdown, compared to less than one-third who said they would blame Democrats in Congress.

A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, conducted Thursday and Friday also found more voters would blame Republicans in Congress for the government shutdown, 41 percent, than would blame Democrats, 36 percent. Democratic and Republican voters, by wide margins, held the other side responsible. But more independents said they would blame Republicans, 34 percent, than Democrats, 27 percent.

The republicans tried twice before to shut down the government, each time blaming the democrats. Americans didn't buy it, and the republicans caved each time.



Looks like the Schumer Shutdown was a flash in the pan. The dismal dems blinked first after only 3 days, poor cheaters. They know who's boss.
1. Conservatives seem to forget that they're going to need Schumer and the Senate Democrats in another 17 days, and for the foreseeable future, as part of the 60 votes required to pass a government finance bill that prevents another "shutdown!"

2. With McCain absent, and the 4 Republicans who voted against the bill last Friday, that's 15 Senate Democrats that HcConnell will need to keep the federal government from shutting down. There were a substantial number of Democrats who ignored Schumer's advice and voted against the spending bill today, so if the Republicans think they can overplay their hand, it will be much harder to negotiate with their Democratic counterparts n 17 days .

3. Given the low standing of the President and the Republicans in the polls, a record number of GOP congressmen have "jumped ship" by choosing not to run in the 2018 Interims, rather than being swept away in a "bloodbath!"

4. In addition, if DACA is allowed to expire in March, are the Republicans prepared to have the videos of 800 000 young "Dreamers" being rounded up, incarcerated and deported, being broadcast 24/7 on every news station in the country?

5. Given that polls indicate that 80% of the nation agrees with the Democratic position, one wonders as to why the Republican leadership would allow a small group of conservative "hardliners" in the Congress and the White House manoeuver the Party into defending an unpopular position during a 2018 Interim Election year?
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Trump says let it shutdown, this one worked so good. The dismal dems can't stump the Trump.

President Lyndon Johnson was forced out of office once the American public were exposed to a steady diet of images of US soldiers in Vietnam being killed and wounded every night on the evening news - and that was before 24/7 news channels!

The smart political move for the Democrats would be to stand back, allow DACA to expire, and let the American media record the human tragedy of 800 000 young "Dreamers" being arrested, incarcerated and deported - courtesy of the Trump Administration!

No President or political party could withstand the subsequent tidal wave of condemnation, protests and civil disobedience that would sweep the country - leaving "The Donald" with nobody in the House and the Senate to protect him from impeachment, the 25th Amendment and/or the Mueller Report!

So Trump supporters, be careful what you wish for!
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The Barbarian

More in new poll blame congressional Republicans for shutdown than Dems
Slightly more Americans said in a new poll they would blame Republicans on Capitol Hill over Democrats for a government shutdown.

In the Politico/Morning Consult poll released Monday — but conducted before the shutdown began — 41 percent of those polled said the GOP would be more to blame, while 36 percent said the Democrats would. Nearly a quarter, 23 percent, said they did not know or had no opinion.

The shutdown, which now stretches into its third day, began at midnight Saturday after the Senate failed to pass a short-term funding bill. Central to the fight between lawmakers is immigration, specifically the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which shields immigrants brought to the U.S. unlawfully as children from deportation.

Democrats are pushing for a fix to DACA, which Trump said last year he planned to wind down.

Historically, the party that is mostly blamed for shutdowns has always caved. Trump probably won't cave, but Congress has elections coming.

The Barbarian

Childern's health insurance program is back in the bill. DACA is not, but McConnell publicly promised to hold a vote on it in February.

Since the majority of Congressmen favor leaving DACA people in the U.S., it's a good result.

Yes, McConnell could renege, but he's aware of elections coming, so I don't think he will.

The republicans probably could have had this deal before they shut down the government.


New member
Childern's health insurance program is back in the bill. DACA is not, but McConnell publicly promised to hold a vote on it in February.

Since the majority of Congressmen favor leaving DACA people in the U.S., it's a good result.

Yes, McConnell could renege, but he's aware of elections coming, so I don't think he will.

The republicans probably could have had this deal before they shut down the government.

The republicans did not vote to shut down the government, the democrats did that.

Obama created DACA by royal decree, it never was authorized by congress.
Trump told congress to do their job and write the laws to handle DACA.
The democrats responded by shutting down the government.
Throw the bums out.

The Barbarian

The republicans did not vote to shut down the government

That's not at issue. Trump called everyone together, they got a deal, and then as you know, the last person to talk to him wins, and someone in the WH got him to renege on the deal and shut down the government.

Obama created DACA by royal decree,

Executive order. Trump has issued more of them. For the same reason. The republican congress is too stubborn to compromise, and too weak to govern.

Throw the bums out.

Be patient. November is coming.


New member
That's not at issue. Trump called everyone together, they got a deal, and then as you know, the last person to talk to him wins, and someone in the WH got him to renege on the deal and shut down the government.
Trump did not ask the democrats to vote to shut down the government.
They did that all on their own to avoid having to do their job and actually write legislation.

The Barbarian

Trump did not ask the democrats to vote to shut down the government.

He merely reneged on the compromise they made. Ironically, the democrats ended up getting their vote on DACA (unless McConnell lied to them and reneges on his pledge) and they also got CHIP restored, which wasn't in the original agreement.

And best of all, Trump didn't get money for his wall; the original agreement would have put some funding forward for it.