Google censors TheologyOnLine!


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
Flip, you're on target.

When I'm counselling someone, we are there for them to work out their issues, not for me to vent my opinions.


You're confusing shepherding with counselling again. Shepherds direct sheep to follow the path the shepherd chooses. Counsellors assist clients with finding their own path, not merely mimicking the counsellors'.

If a client asked me such a question, I would not answer it.

You, on the other hand are avoiding answering my questions about your seeming preoccupation with sexual deviance. What gives, Jay?

I have no preoccupation with sexual deviance but I'm concerned you may. No reasonable person would ever endorse sexual deviant behavior as you do. Why do you feel the need to endorse evil? Why can't you tell your client necrophilia is evil? It seems to me you need to see a doctor and a exorcist.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
I have no preoccupation with sexual deviance but I'm concerned you may.
Funny, your're the one who keeps bringing it up and harping on it, not we atheists...

No reasonable person would ever endorse sexual deviant behavior as you do.
Jay, you are either blind or an outright liar.

Please find one place on this website where I endorse sexually deviant behavior.

(I won't hold my breath in the meantime...)

Why do you feel the need to endorse evil?
Probably because I carry on so many conversations with evil people like you. People who prey on the sick and infirm; people who prey on the weak and mentally ill... :mad:

Why can't you tell your client necrophilia is evil?
I explained that, Jay. You won't accept the explanation. That's your issue, not mine.

It seems to me you need to see a doctor and a exorcist.
I'm very healthy and if you think I need an exorcist, do your darndest! I challenge you to prove you are really an exorcist for Jesus Christ. I defy you and your fake deity to cast out any demons that may be affecting me...

Fair enough?

Or are you just another lying religionist with lots of words and no power?

I publicly dare you to show your deity's power, Jay.

Put up or shut up, you poseur! :D


New member
Big words, Zakath.

You are the one with demons not me. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. It's sad your treating people when in fact your're the one with the mental problems (and the demons).

Yes, I'll meet you and cast those demons out of you in Jesus name ( Next time I'm in Virginia I'll meet you and counsel you). The name that is above all other names.

Don't worry, Zakath, I'll make sure those deviant evil spirits are driven from you in Jesus name.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
Big words, Zakath.
Whatever it takes, fakir!

You are the one with demons not me.
So you do claim that I am demon possessed? Without ever having met me, or even knowing my real name, how would you verify that?

Hmmm... :curious:

Yes, I'll meet you and cast those demons out of you in Jesus name ( Next time I'm in Virginia I'll meet you and counsel you). The name that is above all other names.
Ohh, so you must be in close physical proximity???

Why must you meet me, Jay?

Jesus' god could heal at a distance, why can't yours?

So your god will let me be tormented by demons because he can't seem to rustle up a strong enough exorcist from among his billion followers????

Sounds pretty weak to me, you fraud.

I'm still waiting for you to prove your god is god, Jay.

So far you're all talk and no action...

I find it difficult to fathom how you've actually convinced people on this board you're for real, you fake. :down:
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New member
Blah blah blah blah

That's all you do is complain. Why don't you get a real life in Jesus Christ, your only hope.

I'd rather have Jesus then just self. See, Zakath, your in a terrible position, all of your hope and dreams rest in you---a you that is dying, that gets sick, that's decaying. My dreams and hopes lie with a risen Christ who is now glorified and who reigns.

Zakath, next time I'm in Virigina, look me up and I'll cast those filthy sex spirits from you (those same spirits that have caused you to believe necrophilia is not evil). What a deceived atheist you have become. You are pathetic!


Resident Atheist
There you have it folks!

The impotent Jay Bartlett, exorcist extrodinaire, defeated by a poor, dumb atheist.

Jay, you couldn't cast out a well-used baseball, let alone a non-existent demon!

You're all talk and no action.

You, sir, are a fake, a fraud, and a charlatan. :mad:


New member
There you have it folks, a cranky old atheist who is bitter with his meaningless life.

You, Zakath, have been proven over & over again to be a fool who hates Christians. But we love you. Can you say the same thing about us? Do you love us?

When I meet you in Virigina we'll see who's all talk and who's all action--as I cast those vile evil spirits from your mind.

You, sir, are a cranky clown who has a affinity for Christian forums to spew out your hatred for Jesus.


Resident Atheist
And when was the last time you were in Virginia, hotshot? Should we be expecting you soon?

Perhaps your god can tell you where to go... (I would but this is a family forum...)

Why would you have to come out here anyway? Aren't there enough exorcists out here?

I think it's interesting that not a single one of the two dozen or so that I am familiar with have ever claimed I was demonically possessed...

Must be one of those guild things like the old time masons...

BTW, I have only hatred for preditors like you, Jay. I couldn't care one way or the other about a twenty century dead Jew. But I do care about those who prey on the weak and mentally ill, as you do.


Resident Fiend
Freak, are you really sure you want to do that...?

I mean, I live in the same metro area that Zakath does (you know, walking into the lion's den and all that...).

And why is it, exactly, that exorcisms must be performed face to face? Why not at a distance?


New member
Originally posted by Gerald
Freak, are you really sure you want to do that...?

I mean, I live in the same metro area that Zakath does (you know, walking into the lion's den and all that...).

And why is it, exactly, that exorcisms must be performed face to face? Why not at a distance?

I'll cast the demons out of you too, Gerald. We could hold a mass exorcism.

I'm not joking, I'm serious about this.

Zakath, I was in Virginia about 5 years ago but as I have opportunity I'll visit your hometown and cast those demented devils out of you. I'm surprised you have consented sounds like there is a God as He has answered my prayers already.


Resident Atheist
One might think that in the spirit of "greater things than I do, shall ye do" that exorcists should be able to cast out demons at a distance...

Of course that presupposes the existence of demons and real exorcists in the first place... ;)

Not FAKES like some people we know...


New member
I think you guys should take him up on this. He could bring out a copy of that levitation video, so you can all have something to watch afterwards.

After all, the exorcist has declared that both of you are demonically possessed. He is, after all, the expert on exorcism and he must be divinely inspired to have such certainty in his 'diagnosis', or he would be guilty of all sorts of sinful slander.


New member
However, if they did show nudity, or simulated acts of sexual intercourse (rape or otherwise) I would say they should be destroyed.

So much for Botticelli and Michaelangelo. Lucky old Mona Lisa's buttoned up tight, and so will escape the fires.

I'll happily debate this with you, but I was hoping you might first produce your evidence for the preterist rush accusations you levelled a while ago. I have searched google a couple of times but have not found anyone else making such claims although it is certainly a widely argued and controversial topic.

Any forums you suggest I try? Disaffected theologian web masters I can talk to?

I'm not completely doubting your word, you understand. It's just that I adhere to a higher standard of evidence than a lot of Christians.


New member

Having problems keeping up? I know I'm faster than lightning but really, I do try to keep my most of my words below two syllables for the benefit of the "brightest radio audience in the country".

I'm sorry. I'll spell it out for you. I will happily have this argument with Lion, but only when he has shown himself able to defend a recent claim he made. After all, I often hear fundamentalists talking about a rational defense of their hardline faith based on evidence and the process of reason. So when more worldly claims are made that should be easily verifiable and are destructive in their effects, why shouldn't the maker of such claims be required to back them up?

So I'm not really interested in anything Lion has to say today or tomorrow or 50 years from now unless he will one day put his money where is mouth is. I'm not holding my breath though (although I'm sure he'd like me to).

If you guys can't be bothered to support your swingeing accusations, why should we believe that truth is important to you, as you so often insist?


Flipper, are you now taking up a Christian cause (as in defending the preterist movement)?

Heck no. I'm almost totally disinterested in preterism as it seem a plausible and coherent interpretation of events as opposed to the wildly entertaining LaHaye-like End-Times claims that makes for much more interesting reading. Either way, it's all pin-dancing in my view and so there are better ways for me to invest my time.

But I am interested in people, how they treat others, and what they say versus what they do.

So no, I'm not defending preterism. I'm asking someone who purports to adhere to a strong moral code to support some accusations that were, I think we can all agree, destructive. If he doesn't want to (and it would be quite understandable if he didn't), then I don't have anything I'm interested in saying to him, nor am I interested in anything he has to say.

I'm sure he'll be heartbroken.


New member
Aww... I wanna join the Freak party! Sozo thinks I'm demon possessed... I don't think Freak ever answered one way or the other. :D

How 'bout all three of you head down here?



Resident Atheist
It's fascinating that Jay thinks I'm demonically possessed.

It's been a few years back, but the last time I spoke with Oral Roberts or Robert McAlister, neither of them seemed to think I had problems...

Of course these guys were practicing Jay's schtick long before he was born...


New member
Originally posted by firechyld
Aww... I wanna join the Freak party! Sozo thinks I'm demon possessed... I don't think Freak ever answered one way or the other. :D

How 'bout all three of you head down here?


Look firechyld, we love you here at TOL. You might have demons. But the good news is Jesus is able to liberate you from these spirits that are tormenting you. I'm planning on traveling down to New Zealand May '04. Perhaps you can meet my wife and I then.

By the way, do you have a mailing address, I'd like to send you my new book for free.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
By the way, do you have a mailing address...

Watch out, Firechyld! That's how it starts; first a "free gift" to add you to Jay's "ministry mailing list", then the incessant badgering for money after they sell their list to hundreds of other "ministries"...

Run while you still can! ;)