good morning breakfast clubbers


DMV Princess
Hall of Fame
Hello, I agree the photos are of a beautiful couple, may God bless them richly! Congratulations!

But, but, but what is the last pic a picture of?
I hate to be nosy but I can't help it
They were married on a stage, huh?
with a shelter there -like a nativity scene?
Or like a Jewish holiday?

Your photo reminded me the Lord Jesus was born in a temporary booth like Israel.

rainee, I had to go back to see what you were talking about. :D .. I didn't see this post (above) until now. So sorry about that.

That last picture is of my daughter and her husband and our Pastor. That is the front of our church. The "shelter like" thing is something my daughter wanted to go along with her "nature themed" wedding. So my husband built it. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Good morning...

... and good afternoon to the rest

not lucky enough to live in the west.

Well, like we say of our western brethren, if you can't have culture you might as well have climate. :eek:

Psh. The west is lame. :plain:
Easy kmo. The only thing worse than having your region disparaged is having your team's clock cleaned by a team from the region you just finished disparaging. :shocked:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
On the contrary we have everything necessary, minus the accent. :eek:
And the literature, music and so on. :D

As for accents...sure, American cheese is cheese all right...mostly. But do you really want that on a good sandwich?

I want to savor my vowels, thank you kindly. :e4e:
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New member
Hall of Fame
Well, like we say of our western brethren, if you can't have culture you might as well have climate. :eek:

Easy kmo. The only thing worse than having your region disparaged is having your team's clock cleaned by a team from the region you just finished disparaging. :shocked:


Denver isn't west. They are mountain. :plain:


New member
Hall of Fame
Can too. :eek:

I'll bet your tea tomorrow will say:

"If it is wisdom you seek, go west. Stop when you reach the ocean and there you will find enlightenment - also fish tacos and really good margaritas."

Fish is nasty. And margaritas are girly. :plain:

If i wasn't on my phone I would post Michael W Smith's Go West song. :tunes: :D