ECT God never predestines anyone to hell.

Word based mystic

New member
kayaker. I will comment on your posts soon. But first want to relate a couple points unrelated to your questions to all the posters.

Calvinism in general is probably is one of the most harmful doctrines in christianity today.

It dismisses much of The scriptures commands, encouragements and promises of the action of prayer.

It dismisses much of any mandate to preach the gospel to all creatures and nations.

True development of Love and other spiritual fruits are really not a major need because it is already predestined who will be chosen.

this mindset eliminates any real relationship, give and take of love between men and God.
God just simply made robots to love him????? really. that isn't what kind of love my wife would like from me. If i made her as a robot and she worshipped me and loved me because I programmed her to do so it would be a disgusting thing to do.

developing faith and being obedient to his unctions would be really unnecessary because I was destined to do it anyway.

Such doctrine minimizes relational give and take in love relationships between humans as well. It was already programmed for us to behave that way.

Robots or passionate lovers. scriptures main themes does not show that as a historical or common interaction between man. God is always wooing and drawing mankind and individual men to himself because he does not desire sacrifice but rather relationship.

I have sat at the table in coffee shops and other community based shops where calvinists start conversations and rather than share the gospel and try to lead people to communion with Christ. They start spouting calvin doctrine and imply that if one does not embrace it they question the validity of the individuals salvation.

calvinism I believe is a doctrine of demons meant to neuter and make impotent the manifestation of the sons of God. And disenfranchising the christians encouragement to pray and preach the gospel and grow in faith and relationship with God.
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Cross Reference

New member
I cautiously trust you ask in sincerity, CR.

Cautiously?? . . :) Am I that bad?? All of my threads I hope would be received as sincere questions meant to challenge everyone's thinking about the implied insight of the scriptures with the hope of gaining from a "sincere" debate, should there be disagreement __ and of course that is most always the case. It is always sad to read the detractors, i.e., those who run out of rational reasoning to resort to irrational reasoning from pride and lack of knowledge or foolish adhering to weak, shallow, cultish or otherwise, bad doctrine..

I read the Books of Moses, Genesis mostly. I read the Books of the
NT. I tend to ask myself a lot of questions, and seek answers in the Bible. You OP was about God predestinating folk to hell. It's an interesting topic! I don't think God predestines folk to hell... but, that doesn't mean a father cannot stack the odds against his progeny. Appreciating Word based mystic's quote that he can't imagine a father doing such... then, let me ask for clarity, I beg your patience:

You had it until I read your beginning hypothetical opening which signaled the rest will be based upon a false premise:

If a father knew beyond a shadow of doubt that when he sired a child, that the child would irrefutably be born an insulin-dependent diabetic... would or should he father the child?

God doesn't produce His offspring, biologically. They are born of man. They then are born again and that is by His choosing after the revealing of Himself and man then choosing to follow after Him (cf Gen.4:26 KJV). Even in His foreknowledge God "births" no one to Himself until He is able to ascertain obedience. "God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God." Ps 53:2 (KJV) That one verse does not say that some would sooner or later come to understanding. It just says the none did understand at that particular point in time. This, about the timing of Jesus' arrival on the scene, is important seen in that light:

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law", Gal. 4:4 (ESV) "Fullness of time" meaning that there were righteous men, hearts, situations and circumstances in place that met the conditions God was looking for that could send Jesus into the world to accomplish His purposes. So we can see that, unbeknownst to man, man was inadvertently cooperating with God, either good or evil [Keep Paul in the back of your mind in this]. "The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NASB) "The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!” Psalm 50:23 (ESV)

I guess my point is that God, in His foreknowledge, gravitates towards the ones in whom He sees a hope. His choice is not predicated upon the outset of mans determinations but rather his flexibility and willingness to be adjusted in his thinking when the opportunity comes for him to be so that the outcome of his life would prove God's choice correct. Even Jesus did not escape this scrutiny. He was given the promise and tested for His obedience which proved His allegiance unto the releasing of the fulfillment of the promise. "First the natural and then the spiritual". In this, God foreknew the outcome that He could pre-fill the baby Jesus with all "Grace and Truth" and trust Him implicitly with handling His Glory throughout the time allowed Him to reveal the government of the Kingdom of God to those God foreknew were waiting here of it thereby making a way for "many sons to be brought unto glory". (Heb.2:10 KJV)

I went on little long and probably wandered. I hope I answered that you were able to agree with some my thinking, the subject being not an easy one to grasp. Obviously there is so much more that can said. Hopefully WBM will contribute his insight.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is works of self.

If you truly had faith in Christ then you would display some grace, compassion, care for the hearts of others.

Eph 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.


You mean like you? You're not a good example, you know? You're
always "predicting" that, fellow posters you don't like will suffer,
a horrific beheading, will be horribly burned, or shot full of arrows!

You're kind of a "Prediction Terrorist," of sorts!


New member
OP...''God never predestines anyone to hell''.

Don't you people even read the Bible? Here's two; Judas and Pharaoh you'll need to read the scriptures in which this statement is confirmed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
OP...''God never predestines anyone to hell''.

Don't you people even read the Bible? Here's two; Judas and Pharaoh you'll need to read the scriptures in which this statement is confirmed.

don't you ever answer a question?

God does not predestine anyone to hell

I do read the bible
you really do not have to for that question

you just need common sense

Word based mystic

New member
those two examples prove just the opposite of your attempted point

those two examples prove just the opposite of your attempted point

OP...''God never predestines anyone to hell''.

Don't you people even read the Bible? Here's two; Judas and Pharaoh you'll need to read the scriptures in which this statement is confirmed.

pharaoh may have been close to moses 80 year old age.
His Heart was hardened at a mature age. enough to have children.
NOT since the beginning of time.

The scripture does not say his heart was hardened at creationl

as to judas. The scripture laid out that one would be a betrayer.
Prophetically The Father spoke this out of His omniscience
The Son/Word/creator did not know who it was until near the time of betrayal, When Satan entered Judas

This proves the point that Jesus was not omniscient on this matter Jesus was looking to the scriptures to see one would betray him and when Satan entered judas he then knew because His Father revealed it to him.
It does not infer Christ predestined judas for destruction.
Judas walked into that mold as he chose to allow satan to enter him
with designs of greed, control and power.
Judas was initially trustworthy. enough to allow him to be responsible for the treasury.


New member
pharaoh may have been close to moses 80 year old age.
His Heart was hardened at a mature age. enough to have children.
NOT since the beginning of time.

The scripture does not say his heart was hardened at creationl

as to judas. The scripture laid out that one would be a betrayer.
Prophetically The Father spoke this out of His omniscience
The Son/Word/creator did not know who it was until near the time of betrayal, When Satan entered Judas

This proves the point that Jesus was not omniscient on this matter Jesus was looking to the scriptures to see one would betray him and when Satan entered judas he then knew because His Father revealed it to him.
It does not infer Christ predestined judas for destruction.
Judas walked into that mold as he chose to allow satan to enter him
with designs of greed, control and power.
Judas was initially trustworthy. enough to allow him to be responsible for the treasury.

You really need to read the Bible.

Look up the word perdition and then discover who it related to and what it means.

An exegeses of the word wicked and what it means in Hebrew as a noun would also be of benefit to you. Add to these facts the verse that says, ''the wicked are estranged from the womb''.

Cross Reference

New member
OP...''God never predestines anyone to hell''.

Don't you people even read the Bible? Here's two; Judas and Pharaoh you'll need to read the scriptures in which this statement is confirmed.

You mean they both lived without the ability to war against themselves and serve God? Where do you read that?

If you read your Bible correctly you would see that Pharaoh first hardened his heart to not retain God in his thinking. That is the way reprobation works, i.e., God turns one over to it without remedy as it is an irreversible decree, so the scriptures say (Rom.1:28). Pharaoh was, again, given the opportunity to do so here: (Ex.9:34 KJV)

As for Judas, nothing needs added/altered to WBM's explanation I can see.
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Cross Reference

New member
You mean like you? You're not a good example, you know? You're
always "predicting" that, fellow posters you don't like will suffer,
a horrific beheading, will be horribly burned, or shot full of arrows!

You're kind of a "Prediction Terrorist," of sorts!

No he/she said your words explaining what needs be done by faith are works of self. Considering your view re man's freewill, do you really want to argue against that?
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Well-known member
kayaker. I will comment on your posts soon. But first want to relate a couple points unrelated to your questions to all the posters.

Calvinism in general is probably is one of the most harmful doctrines in christianity today.

It dismisses much of The scriptures commands, encouragements and promises of the action of prayer.

It dismisses much of any mandate to preach the gospel to all creatures and nations.

True development of Love and other spiritual fruits are really not a major need because it is already predestined who will be chosen.

this mindset eliminates any real relationship, give and take of love between men and God.
God just simply made robots to love him????? really. that isn't what kind of love my wife would like from me. If i made her as a robot and she worshipped me and loved me because I programmed her to do so it would be a disgusting thing to do.

developing faith and being obedient to his unctions would be really unnecessary because I was destined to do it anyway.

Such doctrine minimizes relational give and take in love relationships between humans as well. It was already programmed for us to behave that way.

Robots or passionate lovers. scriptures main themes does not show that as a historical or common interaction between man. God is always wooing and drawing mankind and individual men to himself because he does not desire sacrifice but rather relationship.

I have sat at the table in coffee shops and other community based shops where calvinists start conversations and rather than share the gospel and try to lead people to communion with Christ. They start spouting calvin doctrine and imply that if one does not embrace it they question the validity of the individuals salvation.

calvinism I believe is a doctrine of demons meant to neuter and make impotent the manifestation of the sons of God. And disenfranchising the christians encouragement to pray and preach the gospel and grow in faith and relationship with God.

Good summary!


New member

God doesn't produce His offspring, biologically. They are born of man.

Thanks, CR...

First of all, I would like to hear your position on whether or not Cain got off scot-free? Why didn't God snuff him in the first place for lying about, and committing premeditated murder, mercy #1. I hear no remorse from Cain, yet God put a mark on him so no one would find him and snuff him, mercy #2. Was there some parole condition? Cain went forth, started a family, built a city... Did Cain get off scot-free? I hear utterly no remorse from Cain, quite the contrary! Was Cain doing the DIRECT will of God, there? Or, was Cain doing the will of Satan? Were Cain's descendants predisposed adversaries towards the Sethites, et al, akin to Cain murdering Abel (Genesis 4:5, 6, 7, 8)?

This was the point I was making that a potential father, with a KNOWN heritable genetic defect... when that father sires a child, is he not disadvantaging his progeny, their being irrefutably predisposed? Please consider John 9:1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The question I'm asking in an extension of Jesus' disciples'. They asked if this blind man sinned, or his parents, that he was born blind. I respect Jesus said neither... then, did GOD directly cause this man to be born blind? Every parent of a child born with an UNKNOWN heritable affliction initially blames God, then themselves. How did this man come to be blind? Where is God in this? With sincere respect to your vast years, I appreciate scriptural coordinates, CR. FURTHERMORE, the question I'm asking is whether or not it is right for a father carrying a KNOWN heritable disease to sire a child? Were Cain's descendants predestined and born adversaries to Seth, et al? Generally speaking, individual exceptions noted.

This, about the timing of Jesus' arrival on the scene, is important seen in that light:

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law", Gal. 4:4 (ESV) "Fullness of time" meaning that there were righteous men, hearts, situations and circumstances in place that met the conditions God was looking for that could send Jesus into the world to accomplish His purposes.

Cain's great... grandson Lamech killed someone (Genesis 4:23 KJV), and proclaimed the mark of Cain, "seventy and sevenfold." I proffer such being prophecy of Jesus' arrival generation, 77 generations, inclusively... Take a look at Luke 3:38-23, and begin counting names with God is generation #1, Adam generation #2, Seth #3... and so forth. Jesus is the 77th generation from Almighty God. With all due respect to your appreciated rendering, Jesus also fulfilled the arrival generation prophesied by Lamech, great... grandson of Cain.

I guess my point is that God, in His foreknowledge, gravitates towards the ones in whom He sees a hope.

I appreciate your words, CR. I even include, from a different perspective... God's children gravitate toward His Son, in whom we find hope!

"...time allowed Him to reveal the government of the Kingdom of God to those God foreknew were waiting here of it thereby making a way for "many sons to be brought unto glory". (Heb.2:10 KJV)


I went on little long and probably wandered. I hope I answered that you were able to agree with some my thinking, the subject being not an easy one to grasp. Obviously there is so much more that can said. Hopefully WBM will contribute his insight.

Indeed there is more than can be said, deep subject, CR. I've asked some rather thought provoking questions above. They are not unfamiliar to me, rest assured! Maybe WBM can find a moment to offer some scripturally corroborated insight to these questions!


EDIT ADDED: Did Cain not violate some kind of parole siring children, and building a city?


New member
OP...''God never predestines anyone to hell''.

Don't you people even read the Bible? Here's two; Judas and Pharaoh you'll need to read the scriptures in which this statement is confirmed.

You know Truster... you're looking a little deeper into the OP. I don't believe God's children were appointed to wrath. Humans make the decision to procreate, not God. However, what happens after that is a whole different story, as I'm of the opinion God places the spirit within those newly conceived beings. God doesn't appoint procreation, but He does appoint souls/spirits into the bodies.

You and Word based mystic might need to continue discussion. WBM reports:

pharaoh may have been close to moses 80 year old age.
His Heart was hardened at a mature age. enough to have children.
NOT since the beginning of time.

The scripture does not say his heart was hardened at creationl

Ezekiel may have a bone to pick on who the wicked great Pharaoh was:

Ezekiel 31:1, 2, 3, 8, 9, KJV "And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me saying, 2)Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in thy greatness? 3) Behold, the ASSYRIAN was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs." 7) "This was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters. 8) The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches, nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty. 9) I have made his fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him."​

I'm hearing Ezekiel suggest the Pharaoh was like a tree in Eden, as in the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But, Ezekiel concluded the Assyrian was not an actual tree. Who said their eyes would be opened, being as a gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:4 KJV, Genesis 3:5 KJV)? I get the rather distinct impression the wicked Pharaoh was Satan in the flesh...

This opens up pandora's box...


Cross Reference

New member
Originally Posted by kayaker

God doesn't produce His offspring, biologically. They are born of man.
Thanks, CR...

Thank you, Kayaker, for you kind words.

Part 1 of 2.

First of all, I would like to hear your position on whether or not Cain got off scot-free?
Great question. Short answer, no. However, physical death as penalty could not be administered because of the absence of law. God’s words to him tells us that he gave no commandment concerning murder / killing of others.

Even though by Adam’s transgression it is taught we are bound to sin, we are not. What we are bound to is a vain disposition otherwise known as a vanity per Rom. 8:20 KJV.

Cain was full of himself hence we read these words from God: “And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt [must] rule over him. Genesis 4:6-7 (KJV) in other words, God was saying to Cain: “Resist your futile thinking with regards to your relationship with vanity, and you will do well. Obey my commands and live.”

Why didn't God snuff him in the first place for lying about, and committing premeditated murder?

No, and we must remember that creation was over and there was yet no civil government whereby Cain could be tried and convicted. What’s more, God had not given any law from himself whereby man could govern himself by it. Therefore God Himself had to step into man’s affairs to guide/instruct him, i.e., interfere with man’s futile thinking with the hope that he would come to his senses, see his error and call out to God. Remember, this was no longer a "Garden of Eden" environment man is now dealing with.Some began to see to understand and respond. See Genesis 4:26 to understand that God was still on the scene instructing man in his sensibilities.

Those of a line of Seth we might safely assume to be the sons of God the account speaks of as being giants in the land who did mighty acts, which might be the results for their obedience.

All would go well in that regard until they gazed upon the beauty of the daughters of men. Let’s stop there and make an observation:

The male gender were taught by God. The female gender were taught at home. They were not taught to be leaders of men but to be submitted to their fathers and when married, submitted to their husbands and that by something God ordained when Eve was taken from Adam.. Therefore, the responsibility for their spiritual upbringing laid with men, hopefully sons of God. By attrition, as we know how attrition works especially when sin goes unchecked, society deteriorated for obvious reasons to the degree God repented he ever made man. Enter Noah with his ark to remove the remnant of His hope. cf Mark 13:20 to see the same scenario by the words of Jesus spoken into this latter age people.

I hear no remorse from Cain, yet God put a mark on him so no one would find him and snuff him, mercy #2. Was there some parole condition? Cain went forth, started a family, built a city... Did Cain get off scot-free? I hear utterly no remorse from Cain, quite the contrary! Was Cain doing the DIRECT will of God, there? Or, was Cain doing the will of Satan? Were Cain's descendants predisposed adversaries towards the Sethites, et al, akin to Cain murdering Abel (Genesis 4:5, 6, 7, 8)?

Cain was doing the will of his vain disposition that God could not alter until “in the fulness of time”, Jesus would make a away for man to do it by submitting to Him. However, irrespective of the new birth, always it would be by the freewill of man that the victory in the battle for his disposition would be in his hands but with Jesus only providing the way for success for the new born of the Father..

With regards to Genesis 4:26, I believe Jesus said this that might shed light on their relationship with God. “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd”. John 10:16 (KJV) I think we can safely assume He is speaking of those righteous before the flood.

more later . . . .

Word based mystic

New member
Calvinism makes a mockery of The Rewards and crowns given to believers.
why give a crown or reward to a programmed robot that was predestined to do the good works anyway.

(Justice) is also mocked by calvinism.
judgments that are given whether condemned to hell or received in heaven is also a mockery with calvinism.
A programmed robot that was predestined to act that way then judged negatively because It was programmed or destined to do so is a farce.


New member

I'd asked whether Cain got off scot-free. Your response, CR:

Great question. Short answer, no. However, physical death as penalty could not be administered because of the absence of law. God’s words to him tells us that he gave no commandment concerning murder / killing of others.

There’s the dilemma, CR. Appreciating your suggestion Cain did not get off scot-free, then what was Cain’s punishment? I asked why God didn’t snuff Cain. I also appreciate your notion Cain wasn’t sentenced to death being his transgression was prior to the law, a common notion in fact. Yet I do take issue with this notion Cain’s transgression was ‘pre-law’. Noah was a “just man” finding “grace in the eyes of the lord” (Genesis 6:8, 9). How was Noah, “just” if not associated with unwritten law? Furthermore, God personally slew Judah's two older Canaanite sons Er and Onan in Genesis 38:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, for what would superficially appear to be far less than lying about, premeditating, and murdering an innocent brother. Why didn’t God snuff Cain, then? Paul seemed to think the Gentiles followed a type of law whether the law was written or not:

Romans 2:14, 15, KJV "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15) Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another."​

Sounds like there was even Gentile faith that preceded the law. I gather the notion the Gentiles were ‘circumcised of the heart,’ unlike those who instigated the crucifixion (Acts 7:51 KJV, Acts 7:52 KJV). Realizing the Gentiles were descendants of Noah's son Japheth (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV), a new scenario evolves. Noah's son Ham's transgression in Genesis 9:22 KJV was later revealed in the Law of Leviticus 18:8 KJV, Leviticus 20:11 KJV, Deuteronomy 22:30 KJV, and Deuteronomy 27:20 KJV. Immediately following Ham's transgression (Genesis 9:22), Shem and Japheth ('father' of the Gentiles) walked into Noah's tent backwards and covered (Genesis 9:23 KJV). By their action, Shem (‘father’ of the Semites) and Japheth ('father' of the Gentiles) proclaimed their rebuke of Ham's transgression, before those laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

In fact, Paul also took notice, and made mention of Gentile ‘pre-law’ faith, ‘circumcision of the heart’, before those laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy: Realizing Noah’s son Japheth, who walked into Noah’s tent backwards and covered, was ‘father’ of the Gentiles (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:25 KJV), please reconsider Paul’s scolding of the Corinthians:

1Corinthians 5:1 KJV “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles (descendants of Japheth), that one should have his father’s wife.”​

Paul knew what went down in Noah's tent noting the Gentiles (Japheth, et al) would have not part in such, and that was long before the law. So, CR… I cannot accept Cain not being chastised because his lying about, premeditating, and murdering his innocent brother was before the law. Why was Cain worried about someone, other than God, finding him out and killing him, then (Genesis 4:14, 15)? Therefore, quite possibly Cain’s punishment is beneath the radar, so to speak. And, I suspect Matthew 23:33 KJV, Matthew 23:34 KJV, Matthew 23:35 KJV… (who killed Abel?) bears reflection on Cain’s punishment.

Even though by Adam’s transgression it is taught we are bound to sin, we are not. What we are bound to is a vain disposition otherwise known as a vanity per Rom. 8:20 KJV.

Only One was without vain disposition, least of all me, CR.

Cain was full of himself hence we read these words from God: “And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt [must] rule over him. Genesis 4:6-7 (KJV) in other words, God was saying to Cain: “Resist your futile thinking with regards to your relationship with vanity, and you will do well. Obey my commands and live.”

I hear “wroth” being extreme anger in the absence of composure (countenance). “…If thou (Cain) doest well, shalt thou not be accepted (where, and by whom)? and if thou doest not well (anger and sin not?), sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his (Satan’s) desire, and thou shalt rule over him (Satan)” (Genesis 4:6, 7). In other words, God was saying to Cain: ‘Resist Satan, do well, and you will be accepted.’ I appreciate your mention God was telling Cain to “Obey my commands and live,” while there were no commands. Contrary to Paul’s mention of Gentile faith in Romans 2:14, 15; didn’t Cain express his absence of a conscience when he asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Didn’t Cain exhibit the absence of a ‘pre-law’ sense of right and wrong that Stephen noted in Acts 7:51, 52? Cain was a bad seed, CR.

No, and we must remember that creation was over and there was yet no civil government whereby Cain could be tried and convicted. What’s more, God had not given any law from himself whereby man could govern himself by it. Therefore God Himself had to step into man’s affairs to guide/instruct him, i.e., interfere with man’s futile thinking with the hope that he would come to his senses, see his error and call out to God. Remember, this was no longer a "Garden of Eden" environment man is now dealing with.Some began to see to understand and respond. See Genesis 4:26 to understand that God was still on the scene instructing man in his sensibilities.

God didn’t need a “civil government whereby Cain could be tried and convicted.” God personally snuffed Judah’s two eldest Canaanite sons Er and Onan (Genesis 38:6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Why didn’t God snuff Cain, CR? What was Cain’s punishment? Did Cain break some kind of parole? Was siring a family, and bulding a city, punishment?

Those of a line of Seth we might safely assume to be the sons of God the account speaks of as being giants in the land who did mighty acts, which might be the results for their obedience.

I sincerely beg to disagree on your second point, CR. Agreed, Adam was a “son of God” (Luke 3:38 KJV). Judah’s eldest twin son Pharez and his son Hezron… were “The SONS of Judah (1Chronicles 2:5, 4:1). Judah’s Canaanite son Shelah’s sons were “The SONS of Shelah the son of Judah…” (1Chronicles 4:21:22). Therefore, as you suggest, the “line of Seth” were the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2 KJV. However, the “daughters of men” were female descendants of Cain (Genesis 6:1 KJV) who was clearly not a son of God (Genesis 4:14 KJV). God banished Cain, but his Cainite female descendants seduced the “sons of God.” The “giants in the earth in those days; and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Genesis 6:4 KJV). CR, the giants were the progeny of the “sons of God” with the daughters of Cain. Consider Ham’s and his wife’s grandson Nimrod who was the “mighty hunter” king of Babel. Consider Asshur (Genesis 10:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), father of the Assyrians, in Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 3:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:8, 9. Therefore, the “sons of God” were the Sethites, et al. But the “daughters of men” were the daughters of Cain. And, such confluence of bloodlines inspired the flood, I suggest.

All would go well in that regard until they gazed upon the beauty of the daughters of men. Let’s stop there and make an observation:

If the daughters of men were not the female descendants of Cain; do you have any comment to their origin?

All would go well in that regard until they gazed upon the beauty of the daughters of men. Let’s stop there and make an observation:

The male gender were taught by God. The female gender were taught at home.

Didn’t God tell both Adam and Eve to avoid the fruit? Didn’t Adam point the finger at Eve as his excuse (Genesis 4:12, 17)? Adam took a hit, nonetheless! Didn’t Ruth follow Naomi? Wasn’t Tamar, who played the harlot, more righteous than Judah (Genesis 38:26 KJV)? Eve was taken from a rib to walk alongside Adam, CR… not from the sacrum/tail-bone to tag-along behind.

They were not taught to be leaders of men but to be submitted to their fathers and when married, submitted to their husbands and that by something God ordained when Eve was taken from Adam.. Therefore, the responsibility for their spiritual upbringing laid with men, hopefully sons of God. By attrition, as we know how attrition works especially when sin goes unchecked, society deteriorated for obvious reasons to the degree God repented he ever made man. Enter Noah with his ark to remove the remnant of His hope. cf Mark 13:20 to see the same scenario by the words of Jesus spoken into this latter age people.

I proffer “sin” went “unchecked” when Cain sired a family, and built a city, CR. His ‘daughters’ hooked-up with the Sethites, and civilization deteriorated. This is the big question: Did Cain get off scot-free? I hear “no”, respectfully. Then, do you see some association of Cain’s punishment with the flood?

Cain was doing the will of his vain disposition that God could not alter until “in the fulness of time”, Jesus would make a away for man to do it by submitting to Him. However, irrespective of the new birth, always it would be by the freewill of man that the victory in the battle for his disposition would be in his hands but with Jesus only providing the way for success for the new born of the Father..

I proffer Cain was doing the will of Satan siring a family, and building a city.

With regards to Genesis 4:26, I believe Jesus said this that might shed light on their relationship with God. “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd”. John 10:16 (KJV) I think we can safely assume He is speaking of those righteous before the flood.

I indeed appreciate the direction of your thoughts here, CR. Well, those who kept their noses clean, so to speak. I personally prefer to consider Jesus was mostly speaking of the ‘other fold’ being the descendants of Abraham via Hagar, even Japheth’s Gentile descendants.

I’ve enjoyed considering your posture, CR. We obviously have considerable differences to some renderings, and consistencies in others. Thanks for your time and consideration, CR.

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Lazy afternoon

Consider that both Cain and Abel were believers and it was the consequence of Cain offering the works of his hands in his service to God that he came to despise and kill Abel.



New member
Consider that both Cain and Abel were believers and it was the consequence of Cain offering the works of his hands in his service to God that he came to despise and kill Abel.


I can consider such, LA. They both had a choice I suppose. I proffer Cain was predisposed to be absent conviction or conscience. We use the expression, "cold-blooded." Cain was a cold-blooded murderer. Cain was banished, sired a family, and built a city. Those were definite the works of Cain, also. So... where's God's righteousness? God personally snuffed Judah's Canaanite sons Er and Onan (Genesis 38:6, 7, 8, 9, 10)... then, why didn't God snuff Cain? I proffer Cain was executed by his great... grandson Lamech in Genesis 4:23 KJV.


Cross Reference

New member
I'd asked whether Cain got off scot-free. Your response, CR:

Great question. Short answer, no. However, physical death as penalty could not be administered because of the absence of law. God’s words to him tells us that he gave no commandment concerning murder / killing of others.

There’s the dilemma, CR. Appreciating your suggestion Cain did not get off scot-free, then what was Cain’s punishment?

God was guided by His sense of justice set in His purposes for man’s understanding. We must remember that Cain had no advocator to argue his case, either way. Neither did Adam.

What was death to God at that point in time?? Did not Adam “murder” by his by his “vain” act? How is Cain’s “vain” act any different in God’s eyes than Adam's except Cain simply brought it all into focus for us on an individual basis, something we can 'touch'? Because of the written law, God later through Jesus relegated the whole deal to a crime of the thoughts of man, origin-ed in his heart, as being of equal substance with the actual violation. Why? if not for us to recognize it to be a heart issue in us that first needed reconciling with Him before it could be rectified by us. cf 1 Pet 1:22 KJV.

I asked why God didn’t snuff Cain. I also appreciate your notion Cain wasn’t sentenced to death being his transgression was prior to the law, a common notion in fact. Yet I do take issue with this notion Cain’s transgression was ‘pre-law’.

So what was written on Cain's heart that wasn't guided by his own vain thinking, as was everyone else's? There was no other indwelling for guidance, spirit of God. Adam was made an independent nature. Hence, the reason for any given law written either on the heart or or on paper.. Cain lived by vanity, a heart law__ God subjected him to, He was told he needed to rule over, Rom 8:20 KJV; Gen 4:7 KJV.

Noah was a “just man” finding “grace in the eyes of the lord” (Genesis 6:8, 9). How was Noah, “just” if not associated with unwritten law?

He succeeded where Adam and Cain failed. He overruled his "vain" nature .hat is how he found great favor with God.

Furthermore, God personally slew Judah's two older Canaanite sons Er and Onan in Genesis 38:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, for what would superficially appear to be far less than lying about, premeditating, and murdering an innocent brother. Why didn’t God snuff Cain, then? Paul seemed to think the Gentiles followed a type of law whether the law was written or not:


Judah was after the written law.