God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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Well-known member
No. Steko is following YOU around and giving you thanks when he wasn't even posting.


Instead of worrying about who is getting a "thanks", you need to make sure you don't LIE about what a person says. You insisted drbrumley said Jesus was praying to Himself. That was a LIE, and it's YOUR error....not anyone else's. Admit it and stop that insane chortling.

God's Truth

New member
Glorydazed is harshly misjudging me and calling me so many things outside my name.

She is going on in a mean and hateful way about my truly thinking someone was trying to convey something to me...then she misunderstands me and continues to badger me for what she herself does. What confusing hateful nonsense.

God's Truth

New member
Instead of worrying about who is getting a "thanks", you need to make sure you don't LIE about what a person says. You insisted drbrumley said Jesus was praying to Himself. That was a LIE, and it's YOUR error....not anyone else's. Admit it and stop that insane chortling.

No one is "following you around, Badger. You just butt your way into every thread, and preach the same nonsense ad nauseam. Badgering people....

You need to take your own advice. I NEVER SAID ANYONE WAS FOLLOWING ME AROUND.


Well-known member
I do not believe that that when Jesus prayed to have this cup pass from him, he was praying to Himself.


What are you giving a thanks to drdumley for saying Jesus prayed to Himself?

You don't believe that.

I certainly don't and... he doesn't either.

You need to read what you're reading.

Okay, I understand. I do read what I am reading. He said, "..., he was praying to Himself."

LOOK :doh:

Her response? An insane laugh. :think:


Well-known member
Okay, I understand. I do read what I am reading. He said, "..., he was praying to Himself."

He does say though that they are the same. The trinitarians say they are not the same.

You still gave him a thanks for saying something you do not believe.

Here's what I am saying God's Truth...

Question; Who is God?

In regards to the triune nature, God is 3 in 1.

We have God the Father. Under no dispute.

We have God the Son. Namely Jesus Christ. Jesus is Jehovah of the Old Testament. Every time Jehovah is used in the Old, It is translated LORD.

As an example:

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD(Yĕhovah) God (elohiym) formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

We have God, the Holy Spirit. Under no dispute as far as I can tell.
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