"Good" and "evil" (like many English words used to translate Hebrew or Greek word-to-word) are horrific stand-alone terms that have lended themselves to endless vague-though-adamant conceptual misunderstandings and misrepresentations. Tov and ra'a don't mean good and evil in any manner moderns apply.
Ra'a is privation or negation of tov. The most over-arching applicable meaning for tov is "functional"; so ra'a is the privation or negation of function as dys-/mal-/non-functionality.
God created all things tov. Completely functional according to His design. But latent within the actuality of functionality is the potentiality for dysfunction, malfunction, or non-function. Such is administered as subtraction by addition, much like adding a wrench to functioning gears subtracts functionality of a mechanism.
Like sin (hamartia in Greek), ra'a is not a "something". It's a degree of "somethinglessness". A void or lack. Just as hamartia is from "a-" (no/not) and "meros" (share/part) and is "the missing share or part" as a negation of "something" instead of a "something"; ra'a is a negation of tov.
Within every functional component of creation as actuality of existence, there is the latent potentiality of varying degree of subtraction or negation of that functionality. It's a qualitative issue, not a quantitative issue.
That which is functional (tov) is that which brings forth the character and quality of the Creator as activity within creation. That standard for character, quality, and activity is dikaiosune in Greek... righteousness, justice. God's standard is the only standard, and is the only true functionality.
"Evil" and "bad" have become incredibly diluted concepts that are individually subjective according to personal determination of one's own standard. One's own standard is self-righteousness, which is unrighteousness to whatever degree it differs from God's standard.
And God's standard is the whole of His eternal, uncreated, and immutable attributes (both incommunicable and communicable). HE is the standard for all character and conduct, and He revealed Himself in His Son.
Ra'a is the result of the Edenic scenario, and for which we have redemption, etc. The consequences aren't only individual, but environmental. And it's mercy that is for those sin consequences, just as grace is for sin itself (the articular noun, not just the doing and done of sinning and resulting sins).
God extends mercy and grace according to His sovereignty, etc., and is not obligated by His creation's entitlement or expectations. He laid down His very soul-life in Christ for all who hear and believe.
God is a covenant God. Part of the meaning for YHWH is "He who exists to covenant".
It's amazing how so many who are not in covenant with God expect Him to intervene in the dysfunctional groaning creation beyond the miracle of salvation and the Incarnation of the Logos, His Son.
Most thought and reasoning on this issue it ra'a, even among professing Believers.