"Give Your Life to Jesus"

Grosnick Marowbe

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Gospel is supposed to be the word of Jesus.

Jesus is the Lord, not anyone else.

Jesus taught perfectly what we need to know about His Salvation.

Remember Jesus says "go therefore make disciples of all nations... teachings them to obey everything I have commanded you."

This commission was given before Paul joined which you continually dismiss.

The "Ascended Christ" gave the Grace Gospel message to Paul. He went to the Gentiles with that Gospel and Peter and the rest continued to preach the Kingdom message to the Circumcised. (The Jews) However, I realize you have an inability to understand this.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, dear woman, I do not dismiss it. Rather; I understand it.

It is a commission that was temporarily stopped by God Himself, just as He had planned to.

You disagree with my saying this because it is not how you see that commission.

What you should do is seek to understand why I say that commission was stopped.

The following passage is to be your response...

Acts 17:

11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

12 Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.


1) Receive another's word with all readiness of mind (not right away disagree with them, as you do).

2) Search the Scriptures daily whether those things the other person is saying are so (not right away go by your own ideas)

3) Therefore believe that the Word of God is actually being shared correctly.

You don't do that. You right away disagree.

Do you ask for clarification so that you can do the following - no you do not.

Notice what the Apostle Paul says about where his preaching and writing came from...

1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Tell me - what does "comparing spiritual things with spiritual" mean?

If you have no answer, or an incorrect one - to any of this, then you simply have no business correcting others even if you mean well.

None of us do.

The answer to my question is found in a careful comparison betwen 1 Cor. 2 and 1 Cor. 3.

Without it, you are wasting your time going about Jesus this, and Jesus that...

The ball is in your court - what is your understanding of all this that I have posted and what are you going to do about it?

Know that I am not talking down to you.

I believe you mean well but are confused.

I do not believe you are up to no good. Big difference.

Feel free to get back to me when you have the answer to my above question.


Meshak isn't open to the "True Gospel." In fact, she has rejected it and desires to live her life under the law. The law she follows was NEVER given to the Gentiles. To my knowledge, she isn't a Jew living her life 2000 years ago?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Bible says Moses gave us the law and Jesus came with grace and truth.

If Jesus would not have obeyed, we would not have anyone to go through.

Jesus obeyed and Jesus tells us we have to obey.

Jesus didn't tell Paul another gospel. Jesus told Paul the one and only gospel.

You describe yourself.

Give us a list of what we should be obeying? Don't just say, "Read it for yourself or say, "everything." That would be a "cop-out." Tell us what you're obeying on a daily basis?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The works that no longer save are circumcision.

Circumcision is one of the purification practices that one used to have to do.

Those were the works the Jews could boast in.

Paul is not saying we do not have to obey.

That is nonsense to think that Paul is saying we are saved by faith as long as we do not obey.

Where does it say in the Bible that we were ever "saved" by circumcision?


No, dear woman, I do not dismiss it. Rather; I understand it.

It is a commission that was temporarily stopped by God Himself,

Wow, what a insightful comment.

Of course this is sarcasm.

You are misusing Paul's word to justify your preaching.

What you are continually disregarding is that Jesus is the perfect Teacher. He did not give imperfect commission or command to His apostles.

You need to give more respect or honor to Jesus what He deserves, dear man.


Your teachings are not much different from Calvinism.

God's Truth

New member
Moses did give us the Law and the Lord preached it when He came in the flesh.

Jesus did not preach the old law. Show where he gives instructions on animal sacrifices, and circumcision, etc.

Jesus did not preach the old law. Don't you remember, no more eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot? Don't you remember about not stoning the woman caught in adultery?

"If you obey" is that law.

God did not nail obey to the cross.

Grace and Truth is what the Risen and Ascended Lord brought and revealed to Paul.....

YOU ARE NOT saying what the Bible says! The Bible says Jesus CAME with grace and truth. The Bible does NOT say what you say; it does NOT say Jesus gave grace and truth AFTER he had risen and ascended.

Jesus came with grace and truth and revealed it to Paul.

the "obedience of ONE" which makes us righteous. Which is what we receive when we believe the gospel of the GRACE of God, and hear the WORD OF TRUTH...the gospel of salvation.

Christ was obedient, and that does not mean we do not have to be obedient.

God's Truth

New member
GT said this: "Women were just as responsible as the men in that category. Women had to make sure their male babies were circumcised." I'd like to see the Scripture verse GT got that from?? I think she just made it up.

Exodus 4:25 But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses' feet with it. "Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me," she said.

God's Truth

New member
The "Ascended Christ" gave the Grace Gospel message to Paul.
The BIBLE SAYS Jesus CAME with it. You say Jesus got it and gave it after going BACK to heaven.

You should be more careful in what you teach.

He went to the Gentiles with that Gospel and Peter and the rest continued to preach the Kingdom message to the Circumcised. (The Jews) However, I realize you have an inability to understand this.


God's Truth

New member
Give us a list of what we should be obeying? Don't just say, "Read it for yourself or say, "everything." That would be a "cop-out." Tell us what you're obeying on a daily basis?
Humble yourself.

That is something Jesus tells us to do to be saved.

Have you humbled yourself?

Tell us how you did if you did.

God's Truth

New member
Amen. Ask GT, where does it say in the Bible that we were saved by circumcision?

At least you have noticed that I have been ignoring your posts to me.

I am glad that you want to discuss with me very much, as proven by the post to heir asking her to ask me a question. I still wish you would ease up on the comic relief posts.

As for your question, the Jews were saved by the works of the law, the ceremonial works, such as circumcision. If one was not circumcised, one could not even call oneself a child of God; one could not even go to the temple to worship God.

Romans 11:6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

The works Paul is speaking about is the purification works the Jews used to have to do, i.e. circumcision, the sacrifice of animals, etc.

God's Truth

New member
Hey GT, the Gentiles were never given the law and never were under the law.

They were SEPARATED and WITHOUT God because they did not obey the law, which they COULD HAVE.

The thing about the Jews was, they had to obey the law and wanted to obey the law, for it was to a blood relative that the Christ would come.

God's Truth

New member
If God told you the Savior of the world would come from a blood relative to you, if you obey certain commands from God, would you not do it, and would not all your blood relatives?

God's Truth

New member
Genesis 26:4-5 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws."

Deuteronomy 4:37
Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength,

God loved Abraham, Abraham is the ancestor spoken of.


New member
Wow, what a insightful comment.

Of course this is sarcasm.

You are misusing Paul's word to justify your preaching.

What you are continually disregarding is that Jesus is the perfect Teacher. He did not give imperfect commission or command to His apostles.

You need to give more respect or honor to Jesus what He deserves, dear man.


Your teachings are not much different from Calvinism.

No, I was not being sarcastic.

And I am well aware that the commissions in Scripture are perfect - every single one of them.

Here is a question, that it hopefully heap coals of fire on your head, to your good, Rom. 12:20...

Which of presently on hold commission til after Rom. 11:25, do you follow - the Post Trib one of Matthew 24 and Matthew 28; the Mid-Trib one of Mark 16 and John 20; the Pre-Trib one of Luke 24 and Acts 1, or a combination of the glimpse of each described in Matthew 10?

For it is obvious you do not follow the present one described in 2 Cor. 5.


No, I was not being sarcastic.

And I am well aware that the commissions in Scripture are perfect - every single one of them.

Here is a question, that it hopefully heap coals of fire on your head, to your good, Rom. 12:20...

Which of presently on hold commission til after Rom. 11:25, do you follow - the Post Trib one of Matthew 24 and Matthew 28; the Mid-Trib one of Mark 16 and John 20; the Pre-Trib one of Luke 24 and Acts 1, or a combination of the glimpse of each described in Matthew 10?

For it is obvious you do not follow the present one described in 2 Cor. 5.

I don't try to understand your misusing Paul's word to justify your disregard of Jesus perfect teachings and commands.

By doing so it will go into the muddy arguments.
