From chat: On Jesus and Homosexuality


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might be a good thread for another day - the difference between Salvific Law and Civil Law
Cool. The first thing I will bring up is marriage and divorce.
We all know how you played that "civil authority" card to your advantage and keeping it completely separate from GOD's way. (ie. took the "civil" path instead of GOD's path).

But by all means let's use your standard to judge homos with the "Civil Law".
Our civil law does not condemn homosexuality and therefore does not punish them.
In fact, it's a crime by Civil Law if you do punish them.
So, going by Civil Law, you are in the wrong to want to punish them or even say it's a crime at all.
Civil Law just check-mated you!


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answer me this - how should civil law handle rapists, murderers, child molesters, adulterers, homosexuals?
You first must ask if any civil authority is a legit authority that society must abide by, because it makes no difference what the civil authority "should do" unless you actually believe everyone is to abide by their decision, no matter what the decision is.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Cool. The first thing I will bring up is marriage and divorce.
We all know how you played that "civil authority" card to your advantage and keeping it completely separate from GOD's way. (ie. took the "civil" path instead of GOD's path).

But by all means let's use your standard to judge homos with the "Civil Law".
Our civil law does not condemn homosexuality and therefore does not punish them.
In fact, it's a crime by Civil Law if you do punish them.
So, going by Civil Law, you are in the wrong to want to punish them or even say it's a crime at all.
Civil Law just check-mated you!

oh goody - you win!

go take a few victory laps and high five yourself! :banana:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We all know how you played that "civil authority" card to your advantage and keeping it completely separate from GOD's way. (ie. took the "civil" path instead of GOD's path).

you're still burned up about that, aren't you? :darwinsm:

:mock:tam, the obsessive hoarder

no different from annabananahead :nono:


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Galatians 2:21 KJV
(21) I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.


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you're still burned up about that, aren't you? :darwinsm:
It was a defense you brought up more than once around here.
Do you have a different outlook on it now, or are you still holding on to that "civil law" defense for your actions?


Well-known member
You have.
You have concluded that the homo must stop his sin to be saved.
Or are you now realizing that they don't have to stop sinning to be saved BY GRACE any more than you had to stop sinning to be saved?

Can I ask you a question please, do you believe that people who are still sinning are saved by grace even whilst they carry on committing the act?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It was a defense you brought up more than once around here.
Do you have a different outlook on it now, or are you still holding on to that "civil law" defense for your actions?

which actions would those be? :chuckle:


New member
Jesus is not literally God. God is infinite and eternal. Jesus is not. According to the Bible Jesus had a beginning and then he died on a cross. Also, Jesus isn't infinite.
Citation? Perhaps bible references establishing any of this?
Marriage is a man-made institution.
Were Adam and Eve married? Can you show us where they made up marriage?
It began as a way to combine households and consolidate power. It's a political tool to enhance survival.
So what? What's your point? Do you believe that discredits it as a biblical, moral institution?