Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !


Well-known member
Inability is denied by antichrist followers !2

Inability is denied by antichrist followers !2

Isa 45:24-25

24 Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.

25 In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

Because man is without strength and righteousness, it is only found in the Lord, however the religionist denies this, they find both righteousness and strength/ability in their own freewill !

The religionist believes they are Justified[Before God] by what they do, even if its their act of righteousness or act of faith. They certainly wretch a scripture like this Rom 4:5

5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

The abuse it out of its Salvation by Grace context and insist that it means that God counts their act of Faith as righteousness, in disregard to Christ being the True Believers Righteousness and the object of their Faith !

God has made Christ unto us that are saved Our Righteousness 1 Cor 1:30

30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

Christ is revealed to be Our Righteousness and not our act of Faith or believing we do !

But now remember the text says " Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength"

Remember what Paul wrote Rom 5:6

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

When we did not have any strength, God became our Strength. The word strength in Isa 45:24

24 Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.

Its the hebrew word `oz :

I.might, strength
material or physical

personal or social or political

Ps 68:35

O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God.

The Lord is Our Strength in and through the Power of His Spirit that He gives to us in New Birth. All ability to act, be it Spiritual Faith, Repentance or any Gospel Obedience, its because enablement of the Spirit He gives to us in New Birth !

The fact is, by Nature prior to New Birth, a New Creation, men have no Righteousness before God nor no Strength or ability to advance toward God !


Well-known member
But false religionists advocate that man naturally has spiritual ability, he has the ability to believe, to have faith, to come to God, to repent, to obey God Spiritually and on and on, in total contradiction to the Testimony of scripture !

Yes. Because God has sent them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie. (2Thes. 2:11).

Their minds have been blinded to the Truth (2 Cor. 4:3-4).

Satan comes as an angel of light, in such complete deception that those who follow him think that they
are serving Christ. They have actually been blinded by satan, and so are unable to see the light of the Gospel.

Only God Himself can rescue and deliver them out of the power of satan from unbelief of the Truth. (Acts 26:18)

If a person maintains that he believed in order to get himself saved,
then he actually believes he has saved himself out of the bondage of satan.
And that is heresy!

The truth is that a person, whom God has not saved by His Grace,
is spiritually powerless to believe the Gospel because it is hid from him. (2 Cor. 4:3)

The Lord is Our Strength in and through the Power of His Spirit that He gives to us in New Birth. All ability to act, be it Spiritual Faith, Repentance or any Gospel Obedience, its because enablement of the Spirit He gives to us in New Birth !

The fact is, by Nature prior to New Birth, a New Creation, men have no Righteousness before God nor no Strength or ability to advance toward God !




New member
Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !

Are you really that dense?

You quoted a text from scripture, here it is.

Rom 5:6

. 6 While we were yet in weakness [powerless to help ourselves], at the fitting time Christ died for (in behalf of) the ungodly.AMP
notwithstanding the inserts, but nevertheless it is Rom 5:6.

My simple question was who are NOT ungodly?


New member

Yes. Because God has sent them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie. (2Thes. 2:11).

Their minds have been blinded to the Truth (2 Cor. 4:3-4).

Satan comes as an angel of light, in such complete deception that those who follow him think that they
are serving Christ. They have actually been blinded by satan, and so are unable to see the light of the Gospel.

Only God Himself can rescue and deliver them out of the power of satan from unbelief of the Truth. (Acts 26:18)

If a person maintains that he believed in order to get himself saved,
then he actually believes he has saved himself out of the bondage of satan.
And that is heresy!

The truth is that a person, whom God has not saved by His Grace,
is spiritually powerless to believe the Gospel because it is hid from him. (2 Cor. 4:3)



Since you seem to agree with B57, maybe you can help this poor soul in simply answering a simple question regarding Rom 5:6.

I'll post it again for you, Who are not the ungodly?


New member

Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !

Post 880 is not going to help you unless you don't know what you stated or don't understand what you stated. If you don't that is not my problem.

I'm just asking the question of Rom 5:6. What seems to be the problem here?


Well-known member
Post 880 is not going to help you unless you don't know what you stated or don't understand what you stated. If you don't that is not my problem.

I'm just asking the question of Rom 5:6. What seems to be the problem here?

Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !


New member

Still nothing in response to this question?:

Do you know why names written in the book of life may yet be blotted out?


New member

Still nothing in response to this question?:

Do you know why names written in the book of life may yet be blotted out?

Obviously, when he has no answer, or just does not understand the questions, he does not reply. By restating his mantra he assumes he might be answering it.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Obviously, when he has no answer, or just does not understand the questions, he does not reply. By restating his mantra he assumes he might be answering it.

Good luck.

Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !


New member
Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !

Why is review necessary for you? Do you not remember what you stated?

Let us assume that I did not understand. If that is the case, I would presumingly ask to clarify. If I responded but you thought it incorrect, why reshash it, it wouldn't change. It would be your job to explain it differently hoping I would understand.

So, answer my question if you can. Reread your posts to refresh yourself what you stated and why I might have asked the question.


New member

Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !

You are a work. You cannot even answer (explain) a question that deals with the reason you need to rehash your previous statement.

I am left with only one option. To assume you do not understand either your own statement, and definitely not what I am asking in relation to your own statement.

If you don't understand the question, just say so. I can further explain it if you need it.


Well-known member
You are a work. You cannot even answer (explain) a question that deals with the reason you need to rehash your previous statement.

I am left with only one option. To assume you do not understand either your own statement, and definitely not what I am asking in relation to your own statement.

If you don't understand the question, just say so. I can further explain it if you need it.

Uh, please review each point with me posted in post 880 ? Then I will answer that specific question, but only after your review with me !


Well-known member
Justified by Faith ! Do you deny it ?

Justified by Faith ! Do you deny it ?

Rom 5:1

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

The antichrist followers have had a grand ole time in their corruption of this scripture, for they tell us that it means that a person is Justified before God by their act of faith or believing, but thats a lie, for those whom Christ died in behalf of and for are Justified by Christ alone, His Obedience alone declares them Justified or Righteous Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

The word made here kathistēmi means: set down as, constitute, to declare, show to be

So its plain as day that His Obedience alone, the obedience of one, declares them Righteous, and then God given Faith from the New Birth acknowledges, receives the Testimony of the Truth of the fact;

So scriptural Justification by Faith is when by God given Faith, a fruit f the Spirit [Gal 5:22] we receive the Fact of having been Justified / declared Righteous by the Blood of Christ alone before we became believers and while we were yet ungodly Rom 4:5

5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

The true Christians testimony is that we are Justified by Christ alone and not by our act of faith or believing, for we believe that are believing or faith is nothing but an evidence of having partook of the benefits of Christ's saving death/work !

We believe that ones faith given in New Birth is God's appointed means of revealing or making it known to us our Justification that we may begin to experience the Joy and Peace through believing Rom 15:13

13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Notice the phrase "through the power of the Holy Ghost" hence who shall deny that this indicates that ones believing is the effect of the Power of the Holy Ghost ?

Justification by Faith therefore is denied when we say that it means that our act of believing is what caused us to be Justified before God instead of Christ's Blood or Obedience alone Rom 5:19 !


New member
Rom 5:1

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

The antichrist followers have had a grand ole time in their corruption of this scripture, for they tell us that it means that a person is Justified before God by their act of faith or believing, but thats a lie, for those whom Christ died in behalf of and for are Justified by Christ alone, His Obedience alone declares them Justified or Righteous Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

The word made here kathistēmi means: set down as, constitute, to declare, show to be

So its plain as day that His Obedience alone, the obedience of one, declares them Righteous, and then God given Faith from the New Birth acknowledges, receives the Testimony of the Truth of the fact;

So scriptural Justification by Faith is when by God given Faith, a fruit f the Spirit [Gal 5:22] we receive the Fact of having been Justified / declared Righteous by the Blood of Christ alone before we became believers and while we were yet ungodly Rom 4:5

5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

The true Christians testimony is that we are Justified by Christ alone and not by our act of faith or believing, for we believe that are believing or faith is nothing but an evidence of having partook of the benefits of Christ's saving death/work !

We believe that ones faith given in New Birth is God's appointed means of revealing or making it known to us our Justification that we may begin to experience the Joy and Peace through believing Rom 15:13

13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Notice the phrase "through the power of the Holy Ghost" hence who shall deny that this indicates that ones believing is the effect of the Power of the Holy Ghost ?

Justification by Faith therefore is denied when we say that it means that our act of believing is what caused us to be Justified before God instead of Christ's Blood or Obedience alone Rom 5:19 !

As usual you fail to understand that there are two different justifications taking place.
It would be meaningless for scripture to say we are all justified through Christ, then say we are also justified by faith.

But your view is not given to be logical or reasonable so that it is redundant in your interpretation would not matter.

You are so afraid of lifting a finger you have denied the pertinent aspects of ones salvation.
It would be interesting to see what your view is of Adam working with God before he sinned.

Would you be able to understand that in II Cor 5:18-19 we have Christ reconciling the world to God. The word justification could also be used, they mean the same thing here, as would to be made righteous.
Now, if you are reading with comprehension, the next verse Paul says that we, meaning a person who wants to be in a relationship with Christ, must reconcile themselves to God. He is referring to the Justification by faith of a person To God.

Notice that there are two distinct justifications taking place.


Well-known member
Justified by Faith ! Do you deny it ? 2

Justified by Faith ! Do you deny it ? 2

That faith is not our Jusitifcation before God, but only a means of receiving the Knowledge of it Lk 1:77

77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,

Salvation here is broad and means the many different Spiritual Blessings that accompany it, Justification, forgiveness, reconciliation and etc !

And this Justification before God is true, before our act of faith, is true because it consisteth in having our sins taken away before God's Law and Justice, and this is accomplished by Christ alone and not by ones act of believing ! For it is written that after He had died and being exalted to the Right Hand of God, Having at that point purged our sins, sat down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on High Heb 1:3

3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

Now what did those whom He died for, what did their act of believing have to do with that ? Nothing, He did it by Himself !

The word here purge is the greek word katharismos and means :

C.a cleansing from the guilt of sins wrought by the expiatory sacrifice of Christ

The cleansing here denotes the removal of the guilt of all their sins, which is an aspect of Justification, being made free from the guilt of sin, Justified from its guilt, its stated by Paul freed from sin here Rom 6:7

7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.

The word freed here is the word dikaioō and means:

to render righteous or such he ought to be

to show, exhibit, evince, one to be righteous, such as he is and wishes himself to be considered

to declare, pronounce, one to be just, righteous, or such as he ought to be

The ASV :7 for he that hath died is justified from sin.

They died or be dead because of their Union with Christ when He died, and so, Paul writes 2 Cor 5:14

14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:

That word dead is the same word for dead in Rom 6:7, because He died for all, so all for whom He died are dead to sin, Justified from it, acquitted of it,made righteous, not by their act of Faith or Believing,but because of His death for them, His purging them from their sins Heb 1:3; This cannot be denied and be a True Believer !