I said, in a parenthetical, "for example." But the thrust of my argument was against "long periods of time."
Well I guess we are in agreement then.
Stuu: It wouldn't be a creationist strawman, would it?
What, you mean like the one you just made?
A kind of meta-strawman?
AiG thinks it's a 'popular belief':
Contrary to popular belief, rocks and fossils actually form quite rapidly.
AiG for kids (creepy) feels the need to warn kids against something:
The Bible helps us to understand that it didn’t take millions of years for fossils to form
Whatever this creationist site is claims the following:
Evolutionist view point..it usually takes about a few million years for a single fossil to form
Truth That Matters (classic alt-fact language) mangles it thus:
The uniformitarian theory adopted by evolutionists is that fossils were formed as animals slowly got buried in sediments over millions of years during the course of the earth's evolutionary history.
I reckon that establishes your earlier line as a classic creationist strawman. But of course I take your word that you didn't mean it in that way.
Trying to define the argument out of existence does not make the argument go away.
Here are five links that demonstrate the use of a working definition of 'fossil' as
preserved remains older than 10,000 years:
San Diego Natural History Museum:
National Geographic:
American Museum of Natural History:
The Virtual Petrified Wood Museum:
Moab Happenings of Utah (partly a geology society I think):
I linked to an article that shows that fossils can form RAPIDLY, in "a SINGLE DAY."
By definition, a single day is NOT 10,000 years.
You can form a fossil in a single day at any point in time if you have the right conditions. That means as recently as a second ago, which means that fossil is, by definiition, NOT 10,000 years old.
If it formed in a single day 9000 years ago, it is not a fossil. If it formed in a single day 11,000 years ago and it is preserved living remains or impressions, it is a fossil. That is the current usage of that word by real scientists.
Stuu:2. There never was a global flood during the timescale you claim is described in Genesis.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
No indeed it doesn't. But I'd say having no interruption to ice cores or dentrochronology are two examples of complete, final disproof of a global flood within the past 10,000 years. I'm surprised you have the bravery to have even mentioned it again, given how laughably absurd Mr. Brown's claims are. As they say, he is not even wrong.