Forced Vaccination is Wrong


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Not credible coming from the guy who didn't even understand live viruses in the MMR until my husband explained it to you with facts galore. Remember the measles party thread? You really learned few things there, didn't you? And Anna's thread, and we learned ya some more on Nori's thread.... You are learning from us and you typically don't show evidence of reviewing our facts and articles.
How do you even arrive at that conclusion? There are both attenuated live and dead virus vaccines on the market. Both are intended to accomplish the same thing - teach your body's immune system to recognize a pathogen. Your husband did not teach me that. The only thing I have learned from you is how deep paranoia runs within your community.

You didn't even read my healthimpactnews article refuting the snopes article you gave, did you?
No. Based on the their "About Us" page, they are far from a credible and reliable source of unbiased information.

You haven't compared the penalties to the profits, have you? And when men should go to jail, it's widely understood they don't.
Yes, I have. It is what usually keeps companies from releasing something they know to be a threat. The liability exposure for doing so is hugely greater than for releasing a drug that is found to have more side effects than the testing studies were able to identify.


Tell that to the parents, like her, who had non-autistic kids until the shot, smiling, talking, and making eye-contact - until the shots stole them piece by piece. Each time having a worse reaction.
Given that we have no idea what causes autism, it is foolish for anybody to conclude that any one thing cause autism. The Measles vaccine was introduced in 1968. First chart is autism rates from 1972 to 1992. The second chart is autism rates from 1993 to 2003



Tell us, why did we not see an immediate up-tick in autism if the vaccine causes it? Why did it take 25 years for the autism rates to suddenly start to increase?

You acknowledge risks and the limits of studies yet insult the parents who have seen adverse reaction nightmares leading to neurological disorders in otherwise healthy children.
When they cross the line into fear mongering, yes, I point out that what they are doing is inherently dishonest. Its one thing to say that a vaccine has these risks associated with it at these rates so before you vaccinate, talk to your doctor to examine if there are any risk factors that would warrant doing something different. Have an honest discussion with the doctor so that you know the risks associated with the wild form of the disease and at what rate they may happen. When these people start going around claiming that vaccines contain mercury (which no childhood vaccines today contain) or that they cause autism or that your child will e damaged, whatever that may mean, then they have crossed from rational discussion to fear mongering and need to be opposed.


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Which begs the question ... is forced sterilization a form of abortion? Murder? What is it really? I mean, stripped of the contrived verbiage.
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What a lovely picture of you fzappa, thanks for sharing! :up:

Actually, it's not a picture of a person it's a picture of a mindset ... but, then those that are afflicted with said mind set seldom see that. :chuckle: It's the view you know ...


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Which begs the question ... is forced sterilization a form of abortion? Murder? What is it really? I mean, stripped of the contrived verbiage.

It is neither. You can not abort or murder something that does not yet exist.

Now answer my question: where are the follow up studies for your Mixico story?


Well-known member
It is neither. You can not abort or murder something that does not yet exist.

Now that what I call a reeeeealy nice can of worms. For a start; when does a person exist? I know, this has been chewed over ad nauseum here but one would think it comes into play here ... and then there is predestination ... was it subverted? ... can it be subverted? Does it exist? Were Bill and his friends successful in subverting God's will by preventing these people from being born? Do the apologists for Bill and his friends activities share the blame for their endeavors? .. and how about those who "just" turn a blind eye? Boggles the mind for those of us not so easily succored by the CDC and WHO.

BTW ... what did you think of WHO admitting they were pursuing the development of "birth control vaccines?"

Now answer my question: where are the follow up studies for your Mixico story?

A question better put to the CDC one would think. If they can't defend themselves why would I ... or anyone else for that matter?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Now that what I call a reeeeealy nice can of worms. For a start; when does a person exist? I know, this has been chewed over ad nauseum here but one would think it comes into play here ... and then there is predestination ... was it subverted? ... can it be subverted? Does it exist? Were Bill and his friends successful in subverting God's will by preventing these people from being born? Do the apologists for Bill and his friends activities share the blame for their endeavors? .. and how about those who "just" turn a blind eye? Boggles the mind for those of us not so easily succored by the CDC and WHO.
A person cannot exist before there is a fertilized egg. That much should be fairly obvious.

BTW ... what did you think of WHO admitting they were pursuing the development of "birth control vaccines?"
Not much. It might be welcomed by many.

A question better put to the CDC one would think. If they can't defend themselves why would I ... or anyone else for that matter?
It was a question put to you to see if you were interested n real science or just in spreading fear. You failed. You are not interested in facts, only in spreading fear.


Well-known member
A person cannot exist before there is a fertilized egg. That much should be fairly obvious.

I'm sure Jesus will be interested to hear that. You'll have your opportunity to explain this and much more to Him in the not too distant future.

Not much. It might be welcomed by many.

Oh, it is welcomed by many. The question is ... are you one of them? Another one you'll get to answer eventually.

It was a question put to you to see if you were interested n real science or just in spreading fear. You failed. You are not interested in facts, only in spreading fear.

In your world the only "facts" you will consider are those offered by the CDC who is in bed the the WHO who have told you they develop birth control vaccines. Your defense of these folks and their activities says much about you. The good news is you don't have to answer to me. The bad news? Well, let's just say that guy who you don't think existed before He was an embryo may well look askance at your foolishness.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I'm sure Jesus will be interested to hear that. You'll have your opportunity to explain this and much more to Him in the not too distant future.
I don't think that there is anything to explain. You asked if sterilization, forced or voluntary, is a form of murder or abortion. Since there is no living entity, it cannot be murder or abortion. I am sure that Jesus understands this. I do not believe it is a sin to practice birth control.

Oh, it is welcomed by many. The question is ... are you one of them? Another one you'll get to answer eventually.
There is nothing that I feel compelled to answer regarding this.

In your world the only "facts" you will consider are those offered by the CDC who is in bed the the WHO who have told you they develop birth control vaccines. Your defense of these folks and their activities says much about you. The good news is you don't have to answer to me. The bad news? Well, let's just say that guy who you don't think existed before He was an embryo may well look askance at your foolishness.
It was a fairly simple question. You asserted that clandestine sterilization was forced on the people of Mexico. You posted a link to a bunch of head lines that prove nothing. If you were stop and think logically about this, you would be looking all over for a follow up study on this alleged crime. If you could find it, if you could show that a large number of women were sterilized against their will and were unable to have children, you would have the smoking gun. You could definitively prove that it actually happened. Since you wont trouble yourself to look into it, you allegations remain in the realm of rumor and innuendo that you can use to scare people into your point of view.