Forced Vaccination is Wrong


New member
One of the most damaging pieces of news to come out against the credibility of the CDC in recent years is the criminal activity of one of their top vaccine researchers, Dr. Poul Thorsen. Dr. Thorsen was charged with 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering, and a federal grand jury alleges that Thorsen stole over $1 million from autism research funding between February 2004 and June 2008. Thorsen is said to have used the proceeds to buy a home in Atlanta, two cars and a Harley Davidson. He is said to have stolen the money while serving as the ‘principal investigator’ for a program that studied the relationship between autism and exposure to vaccines. He is still on the run from the law. - See more at:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Actually, if you just did a little more research it looks like is playing fast and loose on the truth....
Dolo, are you now BOLCATS?
with the truth... :cool:
Truth. Hmmm
[FONT=&quot]Health Impact News is published by Sophia Media.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sophia Media, LLC

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Who is Sophia Media, LLC

[FONT=&quot]And what sort of media do they specialize in: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]"Sophia Media specializes in alternative health publication and advertising. Services include: content writing, video production, and social media advertising."

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]I wonder if they have a specific agenda? (Actually, I don't wonder at all. Its f[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]fairly[/FONT] obvious.)[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


Well-known member
Its not just about lives. If you hit me I expect you to make things right. Given the cost of auto repair these days, you probably can't do that without some kind of help.
Just to clarify: this is why YOU should get insurance, so that if someone hits you, or you hit someone else. YOU will be covered in either case.

There never was any need to force other drivers to get insurance. Except that the insurance companies wanted someone with money to sue when they had to pay for your damages. So they bribed the governors and state legislatures to rig the system to force everyone to buy driver's insurance. And not they can sue each other.

It's just like Romney-Obamacare. People couldn't afford the insurance, but they still had to drive. And when they incurred damages, they couldn't pay those, either. So the insurance companies who did have to pay the damages wanted to force everyone to get insurance so they'd have someone to sue for them, because, of course, they didn't want to pay them, themselves.

So … mandatory insurance became the law. Just as with Romney-Obamacare.

But that never had anything to do with YOUR coverage. You were covered in any case so long as you were insured for both.


Hall of Fame
I have. Rusha has. Others have. You ignore any post that disagrees with your preconceived conclusion.

Indeed. There hasn't been one shred of reliable info on this thread that would make me hesitant in my support of required vaccinations.


New member
So that the solution is not to stop government from enforcing health and safety laws

If the laws are bad because they are influenced by crony capitalism, where does that leave us?

(or eliminating government, as some of the idiots among us like to fantasize about)

Not me. I just recognize my government, which is of God and his morality. "Love thy neighbor" and all.

the solution is to stop the wholesale corruption of government by wealthy conglomerates and corporations that do not have the citizen's health and safety as a goal. And who will in fact routinely compromise that goal in the pursuit of profit.

Would you trust a company that lies during research and when embezzling scientists run the study? Would you trust a government that turned a blind eye to the practice?

Why should we have to trust the disreputable with the health and well being of our babies?


Well-known member
If the laws are bad because they are influenced by crony capitalism, where does that leave us?
It leaves us having to face the reality of crony capitalism that we have been allowing to go on for decades, and do something about it.
Would you trust a company that lies during research and when embezzling scientists run the study? Would you trust a government that turned a blind eye to the practice?
No. So it's time to clean up the government, don't you think? Because we can't live very well or long without it.
Why should we have to trust the disreputable with the health and well being of our babies?
You shouldn't, so stop whining about vaccines and start acting to clean up the government, so that it can act to clean up the commercial malfeasance of the drug industry (and many others).


New member
It leaves us having to face the reality of crony capitalism that we have been allowing to go on for decades, and do something about it.

And what are your actionable steps you are taking.

No. So it's time to clean up the government, don't you think? Because we can't live very well or long without it.
Then keep your sleeves down in the meantime and defend the logic of doing so.
You shouldn't, so stop whining about vaccines and start acting to clean up the government, so that it can act to clean up the commercial malfeasance of the drug industry (and many others).
Actually, when the health and lives of babies are at stake it's time to take individual action.

My government is God's kingdom. I just seek to live in peace the best I can with earth-kingdoms. Good people like me have influenced policy many times, but not through voting, rather through public awareness campaigns. If the people won't cooperate with a destructive ideology they will have to back down.


Well-known member
And what are your actionable steps you are taking.
And what actionable steps are you taking? Anyone can play the blame game.

There are things we can do. One is to vote out all incumbents, every time, regardless of party affiliation unless they are actively working to reform the electoral process, and actively working at eliminating the current legalized and systematic bribery of the house and the senate. You would be amazed how effective this would be if we would just do it.

We can also vote for third party candidates and write-ins whenever possible, to show the current politicians that we WILL vote, that we WILL vote against them, and that we WILL keep on voting against them until they start paying attention to our well-being, and stop serving their wealthy corporate bribe masters.

And the third thing we can do, whenever possible, is to start running for office, ourselves. Even winning local elections; the effect will "trickle up".
Actually, when the health and lives of babies are at stake it's time to take individual action.
I agree. But it's time to take real action, and not just some foolish knee-jerk reactionary inaction. The truth is that most of us have no idea what the truth is about various vaccines, and so are going to have to rely on the knowledge and advice of others. And the internet has created an endless river of hyperbolic misinformation intended to pander, distract and confuse us. If we can't trust our own government to do the right thing, maybe we can look to other nation's governments that are not so corrupt and see what they're doing.

Clearly, vaccination has virtually eliminated some major diseases, and so should be continued.
My government is God's kingdom. I just seek to live in peace the best I can with earth-kingdoms. Good people like me have influenced policy many times, but not through voting, rather through public awareness campaigns. If the people won't cooperate with a destructive ideology they will have to back down.
Good people get fooled all the time. And the most horrible crimes have been perpetrated by people with only the best of intentions. Good people love to preach to others, even when they have no real idea what they're talking about. I'm sorry, but these things happen. The fact is the good people are rarely as good as they think they are, regardless of their good intentions (or just as often, because of them).

Good people should stop presuming themselves to be better than, and apart from every else. Because they are neither.


Well-known member
My conversations with PX tend to fizzle, personally.
I don't waste time arguing with closed minds. When I see that someone I am conversing with is no longer capable of listening, I leave off the conversation. It happens all the time, here.


New member
And what actionable steps are you taking?

You vote with paper. I am a mother of 7 with a wide-ranging influence. I vote by influencing how others play the game of life. I grow things and teach my children to grow things that can feed more than just this family.

Part of being the solution is actually making healthy substitutions for fleeting and undesirable societal customs.

And limiting plastic use.... whatever we can. Our "footprint" is as small per person as a third-worlder. And we are promoting this lifestyle to first worlders in and through our children.

Anyone can play the blame game.

I'm not a blamer, I'm an imaginal cell in what looks to be a dying creature. Our children are the future in a society that looks like it has no hope in its current condition.

The name of the game isn't to blame, it's to recognize that we are part of a living organism called humanity. God is making His children in the midst of this organism. So God is here. There are natural checks and balances to all things.

There are things we can do. One is to vote out all incumbents, every time, regardless of party affiliation unless they are actively working to reform the electoral process, and actively working at eliminating the current legalized and systematic bribery of the house and the senate. You would be amazed how effective this would be if we would just do it.

I think it's more important to hold office-holders responsible and represent the voice and will of the people to them. I care not who is the president, for example. A good president can be killed or corrupted. A bad one can be held in check by his natural fear of the will of people.

We can also vote for third party candidates and write-ins whenever possible, to show the current politicians that we WILL vote, that we WILL vote against them, and that we WILL keep on voting against them until they start paying attention to our well-being, and stop serving their wealthy corporate bribe masters.
It would be easier to investigate and hold them accountable or put them in jail when they break the law. Apathy needs to be a thing of the past, I do agree on that.

And the third thing we can do, whenever possible, is to start running for office, ourselves.

You don't have more than half a dozen kids, with 4 children under 10. Knock yourself out.

Even winning local elections; the effect will "trickle up".
Mmmkay, if you say so...

I agree. But it's time to take real action, and not just some foolish knee-jerk reactionary inaction. The truth is that most of us have no idea what the truth is about various vaccines, and so are going to have to rely on the knowledge and advice of others. And the internet has created an endless river of hyperbolic misinformation intended to pander, distract and confuse us. If we can't trust our own government to do the right thing, maybe we can look to other nation's governments that are not so corrupt and see what they're doing.
Disease prevention may require sacrifices and sometimes painful amounts of self-education but it's the only way.

You can think for yourself.

Clearly, vaccination has virtually eliminated some major diseases, and so should be continued.

What diseases do you think it worked on and what other factors are you willing to give credit to for disease prevention? Whatever advantages vaccination might have given it did so without coercion as a tool. So we should remember that.

Good people should stop presuming themselves to be better than, and apart from every else. Because they are neither.

But some good people are shouldering different responsibilities. My good people just stopped forced vaccination this year. :)

We might still have challenges in Cali, but at least homeschoolers there can get along fine now without a State-snatch over truancy because of vaccines, and this was done WITHOUT changing the men in the legislature.
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New member
I don't waste time arguing with closed minds. When I see that someone I am conversing with is no longer capable of listening, I leave off the conversation. It happens all the time, here.

You are trying to fix humanity in a different way. I'm shaping the future through my kids, and through my influence on others.


New member
Dolo, are you now BOLCATS?

Truth. Hmmm
[FONT=&quot]Health Impact News is published by Sophia Media.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sophia Media, LLC

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Who is Sophia Media, LLC

[FONT=&quot]And what sort of media do they specialize in: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]"Sophia Media specializes in alternative health publication and advertising. Services include: content writing, video production, and social media advertising."

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]I wonder if they have a specific agenda? (Actually, I don't wonder at all. Its f[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]fairly[/FONT] obvious.)[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

You wanna know who sounds like a paranoid kook right now?

You do! :kook:

BOLCATS couldn't possibly be Dolo because he doesn't share theology. It would be pretty wacky of you to imagine that he changed his theology to fool you about who he was on a vaccine debate. Have you even SEEN Dolo on a vaccine debate???

And you look nuts for another reason in this post, too. All the organizations you can find online pander in some way or are financially supported in their mission.

So what is interesting is where the establishment big-money is. And the money is on the booming vaccine industry. People like Barbara Fisher and others started what they did after bad experiences with the sacrosanct medical protocols promoted in your fav websites.


New member
Indeed. There hasn't been one shred of reliable info on this thread that would make me hesitant in my support of required vaccinations.

I love how you put the qualifier *that would make me hesitant in my support of required vaccinations* because yes, indeed there has been reliable information put forth regarding the true status of the safety and efficacy of vaccines but you are having none of it.

Were you a cheerleader in high-school? Because you sure do a lot of emotional cheerleading for your team, which appears to be the pro-forced-vaccine-fanatic crowd. You wouldn't even soften when you heard about the poor aussie kids being cut from welfare or the Pakistani kids who's parents were being held until they submitted to vaccination, etc.


Prison is a good place for parents who willfully allow their children to spread deadly diseases when there is an available and superior option (vaccinations). :)

And BTW, there is a superior option to spreading any disease whether there is a vaccine out or not. It's called disease containment. And it works. Some claim that fever isn't present in sufficient numbers to work as a preventative, but they can't support that claim with evidence. Or they just haven't tried. So just keep waiting patiently.... maybe someone will try to help you argue.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You wanna know who sounds like a paranoid kook right now?

You do! :kook:

BOLCATS couldn't possibly be Dolo because he doesn't share theology. It would be pretty wacky of you to imagine that he changed his theology to fool you about who he was on a vaccine debate. Have you even SEEN Dolo on a vaccine debate???

And you look nuts for another reason in this post, too. All the organizations you can find online pander in some way or are financially supported in their mission.

So what is interesting is where the establishment big-money is. And the money is on the booming vaccine industry. People like Barbara Fisher and others started what they did after bad experiences with the sacrosanct medical protocols promoted in your fav websites.

As an engineer, I look for sites that deal with facts. I look for peer reviewed papers and studies carried out according to good scientific process. Blog sites that are started by somebody you had a bad experience don't meet that standard of care. Sites that report debunked reports as fact don't meet that standard of care.

I eagerly await your next emotionally wrought add hominem outburst.


New member
As an engineer, I look for sites that deal with facts.

Is that right? How come you used and didn't give a review of the facts in the rebuttal I provided? Snopes is a site started by a couple of "nobodies" also.

I hope your engineering is better than your review of the facts in this case. :think:

I look for peer reviewed papers and studies carried out according to good scientific process.

But you ignored the immunologist when we posted her speech and you recently gave me junk science; that "study" harvesting information from one insurance agency that provided mixed numbers, conflating two types of vaccines, MMR and monovalent?

Blog sites that are started by somebody you had a bad experience don't meet that standard of care.

So you assume and judge because they are skeptics without examining their reasoning? At least I consider your studies and articles...

Sites that report debunked reports as fact don't meet that standard of care.
Like who?

I eagerly await your next emotionally wrought add hominem outburst.

What's this... an ad hominem about anticipating ad hominem? :rotfl: