For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

No laptop was found?

No e-mail chains have been published?

No reports have been published?

No polls have been conducted?

Let me tell you, all these things have been verified. They are actually legitimate parts of the body of evidence. Notice what you bring to the conversation...

An ongoing investigation is evidence that there is an ongoing investigation. It looks like you are utterly incapable of parsing a conversation and allowing components where they are justified.

You can do this yourself. Search the major wire agencies for mentions of Hunter Biden in the week after the New York Post report was published. You'll find that his name is buried and his alleged activities brushed over.

As you're aware. Fact.

It was quashed. It was a major story. It was squashed. This had an effect.

So were stories about bat boys. As has been pointed out, if a story is not in a person's normal aggregator, it will not get to them, no matter how available it is. When a story is barred from Twitter, all the people who get their political input from Twitter will be less likely to see it.

It looks like these things are just too complicated for you to understand.

Your contentions are speculation and nothing more.

I don't care.

And yet, there it is. Evidence. Facts.

Sure, you don't like them, but there it is. What do you bring to the table besides your narrative and denials of reality?

So, as it stands, you've no evidence, just a whole load of squawk. To be fair, you couldn't have really.

That which is asserted without evidence can be summarily dismissed and laughed at — along with the clown who asserts it.
Oh, yeah, that was the one component I'd missed from your "contributions". Your apparent "non caring" about the 2020 election results anyway.

Well, non care some more. Done and dusted! Biden won!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Oh, yeah, that was the one component I'd missed from your "contributions". Your apparent "non caring" about the 2020 election results anyway.

Well, non care some more. Done and dusted! Biden won!
We know. You don't care. You start a thread moving people who have concerns over election security, then continue the mockery when you get shown reasonable concerns and evidence. You offer nothing of substance to justify your ridicule, and resort to insults and logical fallacies in an attempt to convince yourself that you're actually a sensible part of the conversation.

You're not. You bring nothing to the conversation but fluff.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We know. You don't care. You start a thread moving people who have concerns over election security, then continue the mockery when you get shown reasonable concerns and evidence. You offer nothing of substance to justify your ridicule, and resort to insults and logical fallacies in an attempt to convince yourself that you're actually a sensible part of the conversation.

You're not. You bring nothing to the conversation but fluff.

So, still no tangible evidence to support any sorta widespread fraud garbage or akin then. Ho hum. You have fun though!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So, still no tangible evidence to support any sorta widespread fraud garbage or akin then. Ho hum. You have fun though!
"Tangible" evidence:
1. Laptop.
2. Data on laptop.
3. Ongoing investigation.
4. New York Post report.
5. Twitter suppression.
6. Radio silence from establishment media.
There are six leads for what might be interesting conversations, but not with you. Your MO is to start a thread mocking people's opinions, then when presented with reasonable objections, you ignore them.

You're a troll.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"Tangible" evidence:
1. Laptop.
2. Data on laptop.
3. Ongoing investigation.
4. New York Post report.
5. Twitter suppression.
6. Radio silence from establishment media.
There are six leads for what might be interesting conversations

Yep, those are all interesting topics, but not one of them has anything to do with the topic of this thread, namely whether the 2020 presidential election was stolen by widespread voter fraud or not. Try again.


Well-known member
So, still no tangible evidence to support any sorta widespread fraud garbage or akin then. Ho hum. You have fun though!
There will be no evidence of fraud where there is no serious effective investigation into suspicious or illegal election processes. Have investigators proven the hundreds of thousands of mysterious last-minute ballot drops for Biden were legitimately cast? No. Had unbiased forensics investigators been allowed to do an in-depth examination of voting machines controlled by democrats before any potential evidence of a crime had been wiped from the machines? No. Have election precincts moved to secure future voting from possible fraud to give Americans confidence again in their voting system? No.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"Tangible" evidence:
1. Laptop.
2. Data on laptop.
3. Ongoing investigation.
4. New York Post report.
5. Twitter suppression.
6. Radio silence from establishment media.
There are six leads for what might be interesting conversations, but not with you. Your MO is to start a thread mocking people's opinions, then when presented with reasonable objections, you ignore them.

You're a troll.
Uh, yeh, an ongoing investigation, so nothing established yet.
A report that had dubious source material, hence why Twitter pulled it.
No media blackout and this is you clutching at the proverbial straw.

You claim not to even care about the 2020 election, yet claim that there are many ways in which cheating occurred that you can't back up with anything. That kind of "contribution" deserves to be mocked and if you don't like being called on it then exit the thread. Nobody's forcing you to post on it are they?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Uh, yeh, an ongoing investigation, so nothing established yet.
As has been pointed out numerous times, that the investigation is ongoing has nothing to do with the facts that are in.

We published an e-mail showing that Hunter Biden arranged a meeting in 2015 between his VP dad and one of his senior colleagues at corrupt energy company Burisma, which was paying him up to $83,000 a month. Neither Joe nor Hunter Biden has disputed that the laptop belongs to Hunter or that the material we have published from the laptop is genuine. Joe’s campaign admitted to Politico that an “informal” meeting with Burisma may have occurred. This is new evidence that Joe participated in his family’s cash-for-influence scheme with shady foreign companies.

Yet the rest of the media is helping the Bidens discredit our reporting using the usual suspects, like James Clapper, who told CNN it was “textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft.” They harassed the computer repair guy in Delaware, who turned over Hunter’s abandoned laptop and hard drive to the FBI, and they scoffed when he said he feared for his life. They ran stories smearing Donald Trump ally Rudy Giuliani as a Russian agent, because he told The Post about the laptop and identified incriminating documents on its hard drive. They claim the “chain of custody” of the laptop is suspect.

So, let’s lay it out.

On April 12, 2019, a man who calls himself Hunter Biden enters a Wilmington, Del., Mac repair shop with three “liquid-damaged” computers just before closing time. The owner says one computer is beyond repair. Another has a fried keyboard, so the owner gives Hunter a spare keyboard. The third laptop, a MacBook, is salvageable. Hunter signs a work order to confirm he wants him to fix it and provides contact details.

The owner recovers the contents of the laptop and transfers it to his server. He calls Hunter and asks him to bring in an external drive, onto which he can transfer the content. Hunter arrives at closing time with the external drive. He never sets foot inside the store again. The owner makes frequent attempts to contact Hunter to pick up his laptop, pay the $85 bill and return the keyboard and cord.

No reply.

After 90 days, as per the work order signed by Hunter, the laptop becomes the store’s legal property.

In August, the computer repairman hears news reports about the leaked phone call in which President Trump raises Hunter and Joe Biden’s Burisma activity with Ukraine’s president — the call which sparked his impeachment. The repairman does a word search for Burisma on Hunter’s laptop. Bingo.

Four months later, the impeachment is big news, so he decides to contact the FBI, via a friend, in case the material on the laptop is useful.

On Dec. 9, two FBI agents take away the laptop and hard drive.

In August this year, the repairman sees Giuliani on TV talking about Hunter and Burisma and decides to contact him via an e-mail address he finds online.

“As I read deeper into the drive, I started to realize what I was sitting on and who was involved and at what level. I figured the safest thing to do was reach out to the FBI and have them collect the drive and the Mac so I could wash my hands of it and they might be able offer me some level of protection should someone come looking for it and come after me because I knew what was on it. The FBI did show up and ... over the next few days they contacted me for access to the drive ... because their tech guys didn’t know Macs."

“That kind of threw up a flag."

“They also said nothing ever happens to people who don’t talk about this stuff so that got me a little concerned."

“There is some very incriminating videos on the drive."

The e-mail was compelling. Within two days, a copy of the hard drive was FedEx-ed to a Long Island address where Giuliani and his lawyer examined it, and verified the material was genuine.

Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser, was only peripherally involved. He was brought in by Giuliani in late September to help decipher the China material. Shortly thereafter, Bannon alerted The Post to the existence of the material, although he did not have a copy. On Sunday a week ago, Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of the hard drive.

It is not hard to believe that Hunter would be as reckless as to abandon a laptop at a repair shop. In October 2016, he left a crack pipe in a Hertz rental car in Arizona, along with a white powdery substance, credit cards and his driver’s license, as widely reported. The Post has been transparent about the provenance of the material we have published. We stand by our reporting and the authenticity of the material.

It’s hard to believe the rest of America’s media does not want to know the full story about a man running for president. A report that had dubious source material, hence why Twitter pulled it.

— edited from source.

No media blackout.

As has been pointed out, you can do a simple Web search for "Hunter Biden" for October 2020 limiting it to the major wire agencies. What you'll find is reporting that goes all around what was actually found to focus on "Russian misinformation."

You claim not to even care about the 2020 election, yet claim that there are many ways in which cheating occurred

And you claim anything as long as it is contrary to the evidence.

You can't back up with anything.

Try evidence.

The contributions you bring deserve to be mocked. If you don't like being called on it, exit the thread. Nobody's forcing you to post.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post. The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.

Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

Joe Biden has insisted that the US wanted Shokin removed over corruption concerns, which were shared by the European Union.

Meanwhile, an email dated May 12, 2014 — shortly after Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board — shows Pozharskyi attempting to get him to use his political leverage to help the company. The message had the subject line “urgent issue” and was also sent to Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, who also sat on the Burisma board at the time. Pozharskyi said that “the representatives of new authorities in power tend to quite aggressively approach N. Z. unofficially with the aim to obtain cash from him.”

N.Z. isn’t identified in the email but appears to be a reference to Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky, whose first name is a Ukrainian version of “Nicholas.”

When the alleged shakedown failed, “they proceeded with concrete actions” in the form of “one or more pretrial proceedings,” Pozharskyi wrote. “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” he added.

Hunter Biden responded by saying he was with Archer in Doha, Qatar, and asked for more information about “the formal (if any) accusations being made against Burisma.” “Who is ultimately behind these attacks on the company? Who in the current interim government could put an end to such attacks?” he added.

The exchange came the same day that Burisma announced it had expanded its board of directors by adding Hunter Biden, who was put in charge of its “legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations,” according to a news release that’s since been scrubbed from Burisma’s website. Hunter Biden actually joined the board in April 2014, according to multiple reports.

— edited from source.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As has been pointed out numerous times, that the investigation is ongoing has nothing to do with the facts that are in.

We published an e-mail showing that Hunter Biden arranged a meeting in 2015 between his VP dad and one of his senior colleagues at corrupt energy company Burisma, which was paying him up to $83,000 a month. Neither Joe nor Hunter Biden has disputed that the laptop belongs to Hunter or that the material we have published from the laptop is genuine. Joe’s campaign admitted to Politico that an “informal” meeting with Burisma may have occurred. This is new evidence that Joe participated in his family’s cash-for-influence scheme with shady foreign companies.

Yet the rest of the media is helping the Bidens discredit our reporting using the usual suspects, like James Clapper, who told CNN it was “textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft.” They harassed the computer repair guy in Delaware, who turned over Hunter’s abandoned laptop and hard drive to the FBI, and they scoffed when he said he feared for his life. They ran stories smearing Donald Trump ally Rudy Giuliani as a Russian agent, because he told The Post about the laptop and identified incriminating documents on its hard drive. They claim the “chain of custody” of the laptop is suspect.

So, let’s lay it out.

On April 12, 2019, a man who calls himself Hunter Biden enters a Wilmington, Del., Mac repair shop with three “liquid-damaged” computers just before closing time. The owner says one computer is beyond repair. Another has a fried keyboard, so the owner gives Hunter a spare keyboard. The third laptop, a MacBook, is salvageable. Hunter signs a work order to confirm he wants him to fix it and provides contact details.

The owner recovers the contents of the laptop and transfers it to his server. He calls Hunter and asks him to bring in an external drive, onto which he can transfer the content. Hunter arrives at closing time with the external drive. He never sets foot inside the store again. The owner makes frequent attempts to contact Hunter to pick up his laptop, pay the $85 bill and return the keyboard and cord.

No reply.

After 90 days, as per the work order signed by Hunter, the laptop becomes the store’s legal property.

In August, the computer repairman hears news reports about the leaked phone call in which President Trump raises Hunter and Joe Biden’s Burisma activity with Ukraine’s president — the call which sparked his impeachment. The repairman does a word search for Burisma on Hunter’s laptop. Bingo.

Four months later, the impeachment is big news, so he decides to contact the FBI, via a friend, in case the material on the laptop is useful.

On Dec. 9, two FBI agents take away the laptop and hard drive.

In August this year, the repairman sees Giuliani on TV talking about Hunter and Burisma and decides to contact him via an e-mail address he finds online.

“As I read deeper into the drive, I started to realize what I was sitting on and who was involved and at what level. I figured the safest thing to do was reach out to the FBI and have them collect the drive and the Mac so I could wash my hands of it and they might be able offer me some level of protection should someone come looking for it and come after me because I knew what was on it. The FBI did show up and ... over the next few days they contacted me for access to the drive ... because their tech guys didn’t know Macs."

“That kind of threw up a flag."

“They also said nothing ever happens to people who don’t talk about this stuff so that got me a little concerned."

“There is some very incriminating videos on the drive."

The e-mail was compelling. Within two days, a copy of the hard drive was FedEx-ed to a Long Island address where Giuliani and his lawyer examined it, and verified the material was genuine.

Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser, was only peripherally involved. He was brought in by Giuliani in late September to help decipher the China material. Shortly thereafter, Bannon alerted The Post to the existence of the material, although he did not have a copy. On Sunday a week ago, Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of the hard drive.

It is not hard to believe that Hunter would be as reckless as to abandon a laptop at a repair shop. In October 2016, he left a crack pipe in a Hertz rental car in Arizona, along with a white powdery substance, credit cards and his driver’s license, as widely reported. The Post has been transparent about the provenance of the material we have published. We stand by our reporting and the authenticity of the material.

It’s hard to believe the rest of America’s media does not want to know the full story about a man running for president. A report that had dubious source material, hence why Twitter pulled it.

— edited from source.

As has been pointed out, you can do a simple Web search for "Hunter Biden" for October 2020 limiting it to the major wire agencies. What you'll find is reporting that goes all around what was actually found to focus on "Russian misinformation."

And you claim anything as long as it is contrary to the evidence.

Try evidence.

The contributions you bring deserve to be mocked. If you don't like being called on it, exit the thread. Nobody's forcing you to post.
As before, an article that was pulled by Twitter for dubious source material and upheld by the FEC. News on the matter was readily available for those interested and there was coverage over here on the score. That you think it should have had more and every periodical having it as front page news or whatever is entirely moot. It wasn't deemed that newsworthy and at this point, still nothing established. Or if your yardstick for 'evidence' is an ongoing investigation then wow, Trump's in big trouble...

The burden of proof is on the one making the claims Stripe, namely you. So, if you contend that there are many ways in which cheating occurred in the last election then you need evidence for it. Now, you don't have any as there isn't any. Trump's paid staff couldn't supply the necessary so it's a given that you've got squat - else provide it!

Otherwise, stop acting like a schoolgirl who's favourite boy band has just split up when you're called out on it and mocked.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
As before, an article that was pulled by Twitter for dubious source material and upheld by the FEC.


The FEC said nothing about the nature of the information provided. It only ruled that there was not enough evidence to say that Twitter pulled the New York Post report to sway the election.

The information has withstood every analysis. You're going to have to provide some very compelling counter-evidence to convince anyone that it is not genuine.

News on the matter was readily available for those interested

Quite irrelevant. You seem to love repeating irrelevant things.

Reports about UFOs were readily available to "anyone interested." The effect of the Twitter ban and the establishment media blackout was to remove the New York Post report from immediate circulation to people who might have otherwise found it without having to search.

Do you even know what an aggregator is in the general sense?

and there was coverage over here on the score.

That's superb. It was also available in Mozambique. Can you try to think coherently and provide input that actually contributes to the conversation?

That you think it should have had more and every periodical having it as front page news or whatever is entirely moot.
I don't care who covered it. It's a politics story. I don't care.

It wasn't deemed that newsworthy

A former vice president seeking the top office and his son is mixed up in drugs, sex scandals and very likely corruption implicating the candidate?

The only reason you would ever possibly regard that as not newsworthy is if you don't care, you care too much or the guy was Mozambican.

Still nothing established.

Just the facts. We know you hate them.

If your yardstick for 'evidence' is an ongoing investigation then wow, Trump's in big trouble.

Nope. The evidence to show that the quashing of the story swayed the election is compelling, even if the investigation — it has been concluded, remember — could not find enough evidence.

The burden of proof is on the one making the claims Stripe, namely you. So, if you contend that there are many ways in which cheating occurred in the last election then you need evidence for it. Now, you don't have any as there isn't any. Trump's paid staff couldn't supply the necessary so it's a given that you've got squat - else provide it!


Here it is:
Hunter Biden dropped his laptops and other hardware off at a store. The store found incriminating evidence on the devices. The reports were squashed by the establishment media and big tech. Polls show that had people heard the story, they might have changed their vote enough to sway the election.

See how within that brief description are references to *gasp* evidence?

Beats all the screeching that is all you do.

Quit acting like a schoolgirl whose favorite boy band has just split up when you're mocked.

(And you have the gall to criticize my English-language abilities.)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

The FEC said nothing about the nature of the information provided. It only ruled that there was not enough evidence to say that Twitter pulled the New York Post report to sway the election.

The information has withstood every analysis. You're going to have to provide some very compelling counter-evidence to convince anyone that it is not genuine.

Quite irrelevant. You seem to love repeating irrelevant things.

Reports about UFOs were readily available to "anyone interested." The effect of the Twitter ban and the establishment media blackout was to remove the New York Post report from immediate circulation to people who might have otherwise found it without having to search.

Do you even know what an aggregator is in the general sense?

That's superb. It was also available in Mozambique. Can you try to think coherently and provide input that actually contributes to the conversation?

I don't care who covered it. It's a politics story. I don't care.


A former vice president seeking the top office and his son is mixed up in drugs, sex scandals and very likely corruption implicating the candidate?

The only reason you would ever possibly regard that as not newsworthy is if you don't care, you care too much or the guy was Mozambican.

Just the facts. We know you hate them.

Nope. The evidence to show that the quashing of the story swayed the election is compelling, even if the investigation — it has been concluded, remember — could not find enough evidence.


Here it is:
Hunter Biden dropped his laptops and other hardware off at a store. The store found incriminating evidence on the devices. The reports were squashed by the establishment media and big tech. Polls show that had people heard the story, they might have changed their vote enough to sway the election.

See how within that brief description are references to *gasp* evidence?

Beats all the screeching that is all you do.

Quit acting like a schoolgirl whose favorite boy band has just split up when you're mocked.

(And you have the gall to criticize my English-language abilities.)

From the article:

"The New York Post reported an email from April 2015, in which an adviser to Burisma, Vadym Pozharskyi, apparently thanked Hunter Biden for inviting him to meet his father in Washington.
Hunter was a director on the board of Burisma - a Ukrainian-owned private energy company while his father was the Obama administration's pointman on US-Ukrainian relations. Hunter was one of several foreigners on its board.
The New York Post article did not provide evidence that the meeting had ever taken place. The Biden election campaign said there was no record of any such meeting on the former vice-president's "official schedule" from the time.
But in a statement to Politico, the campaign also acknowledged that Mr Biden could have had an "informal interaction" with the Burisma adviser that did not appear on his official schedule, though it said any such encounter would have been "cursory".
"Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as 'not legitimate' and political by a GOP colleague, have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official US policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing," said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for Mr Biden.

Mr Biden's team has also decried the New York Post story as "Russian disinformation", though it did not say the emails were bogus.
The New York Post article was shared by President Trump and his allies. Two of his former advisers, Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani, were involved in providing the story and the hard drive containing the alleged emails, to the newspaper.
Mr Giuliani says the messages were found on a laptop that Hunter dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.
Sceptics have noted that Mr Giuliani travelled in December 2019 to Kyiv where he met Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach, whom the US Treasury has designated as a longtime Kremlin agent. Mr Giuliani has acknowledged trying dig up dirt on the Bidens in Ukraine."

So, this is hardly clear cut and as black and white as you would have it but then, you're very selective as it is where it comes to what you'll lap up where it comes to the issue aren't you? Not so keen to lap up the myriad issues surrounding Trump, not least of which his attempts to "find" 11,000 votes in Georgia...

So, not evidence Stripe, just supposition and speculation on your part. Plus, this is supposedly just one of the "many ways" in which "cheating" occurred so specify what they are along with substance to support. Otherwise, you got nuttin'...

Oh, and sure I have the "gall" to criticize your English. Your grasp of basic terminology and definition has been appalling.


Well-known member

From the article:

"The New York Post reported an email from April 2015, in which an adviser to Burisma, Vadym Pozharskyi, apparently thanked Hunter Biden for inviting him to meet his father in Washington.
Hunter was a director on the board of Burisma - a Ukrainian-owned private energy company while his father was the Obama administration's pointman on US-Ukrainian relations. Hunter was one of several foreigners on its board.
The New York Post article did not provide evidence that the meeting had ever taken place. The Biden election campaign said there was no record of any such meeting on the former vice-president's "official schedule" from the time.
But in a statement to Politico, the campaign also acknowledged that Mr Biden could have had an "informal interaction" with the Burisma adviser that did not appear on his official schedule, though it said any such encounter would have been "cursory".
"Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as 'not legitimate' and political by a GOP colleague, have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official US policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing," said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for Mr Biden.

Mr Biden's team has also decried the New York Post story as "Russian disinformation", though it did not say the emails were bogus.
The New York Post article was shared by President Trump and his allies. Two of his former advisers, Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani, were involved in providing the story and the hard drive containing the alleged emails, to the newspaper.
Mr Giuliani says the messages were found on a laptop that Hunter dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.
Sceptics have noted that Mr Giuliani travelled in December 2019 to Kyiv where he met Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach, whom the US Treasury has designated as a longtime Kremlin agent. Mr Giuliani has acknowledged trying dig up dirt on the Bidens in Ukraine."

So, this is hardly clear cut and as black and white as you would have it but then, you're very selective as it is where it comes to what you'll lap up where it comes to the issue aren't you? Not so keen to lap up the myriad issues surrounding Trump, not least of which his attempts to "find" 11,000 votes in Georgia...

So, not evidence Stripe, just supposition and speculation on your part. Plus, this is supposedly just one of the "many ways" in which "cheating" occurred so specify what they are along with substance to support. Otherwise, you got nuttin'...

Oh, and sure I have the "gall" to criticize your English. Your grasp of basic terminology and definition has been appalling.
The evidence of O.J.'s guilt in the murder of two people was overwhelming, yet supporters of the murderer insisted he was innocent. Likewise, the evidence is overwhelming of Hunter Biden's sudden and long-term multimillion-dollar business association with Ukrainian crooks after his dad pushed a billion-dollar aid package for Ukraine through Congress. And yet leftists continue to insist there was "no there there."


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
This is hardly clear cut and as black and white as you would have it.

It was a few messages on a laptop.

We know that you want it to be about something else.

Laptop -> Report -> Twitter -> poll.

You're selective when it comes to what you'll latch onto, aren't you?

Not so keen to lap up the myriad issues surrounding Trump, not least of which his attempts to "find" 11,000 votes in Georgia...
Got evidence of criminal wrongdoing?

not evidence

Actually, it is. The accusations against Hunter Biden are based on evidence from a laptop.
The accusations against Twitter are based upon its actions and its history of suppressing people based on their political leanings.
The poll was conducted. That you don't like polls all of a sudden doesn't magically make them disappear.

Evidence, your reality-denying histrionics notwithstanding.

Just suppositions and speculation on your part.

This is supposedly just one of the "many ways" in which "cheating" occurred so specify what they are
Reading is your second language, ain't it?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It was a few messages on a laptop.

We know that you want it to be about something else.

Laptop -> Report -> Twitter -> poll.

You're selective when it comes to what you'll latch onto, aren't you?

Got evidence of criminal wrongdoing?

Actually, it is. The accusations against Hunter Biden are based on evidence from a laptop.
The accusations against Twitter are based upon its actions and its history of suppressing people based on their political leanings.
The poll was conducted. That you don't like polls all of a sudden doesn't magically make them disappear.

Evidence, your reality-denying histrionics notwithstanding.

Just suppositions and speculation on your part.

Reading is your second language, ain't it?
And, nothing established and the same ole usual squawk. Not to mention some garbled bunk about Twitter suppressing people based on their political leanings. I suppose Trump & MTG are just victims right?

Meanwhile, not one iota of actual evidence to support these "many cases of cheating". Well, as before, if Trump's paid team couldn't dredge any up then you've got none have ya?

Hey, it's 2022 though right? You don't care remember?


Well-known member
And, nothing established and the same ole usual squawk. Not to mention some garbled bunk about Twitter suppressing people based on their political leanings. I suppose Trump & MTG are just victims right?

Meanwhile, not one iota of actual evidence to support these "many cases of cheating". Well, as before, if Trump's paid team couldn't dredge any up then you've got none have ya?

Hey, it's 2022 though right? You don't care remember?
Hundreds of clear-cut cases of voter fraud have been identified, signaling the fact that there could easily have been hundreds of thousands of cases of voter fraud that were never uncovered. Democrats are not in favor of investigating voter fraud, not in favor of purging voter registries of ineligible voters as required by law, and not in favor of stricter controls in the voting process designed to limit the possibility of voter fraud.

Here is one of the hundreds of clear evidences of voter fraud in the 2020 election:

10. Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania.

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

“There’s certainly the potential for hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners here legally and illegally to be on our voter rolls, and a certain percentage who are casting ballots,” Mr. Metchalfe told LifeZette. “We’ve got a lot of integrity issues that need to be addressed.”


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
nothing established

You're going to have to do a bit better than an offhanded dismissal to wipe clean the trail of evidence.

The laptop was found. The data on it are not discredited. The reporting has been justified. The suppression is real. The election was almost certainly affected.

All these things have evidence backing them up. You waving your hands around and screeching — the usual squawking — doesn't erase it.

Twitter suppressing people based on their political leanings.

That's right. Twitter will find any excuse to ban people on the opposite side of the political aisle from it. Is this something else you're in denial over?

I suppose Trump & MTG are just victims right?

See! You do realize!

Meanwhile, not one iota of actual evidence to support these "many cases of cheating".

That I've provided a long trail of evidence supporting one of the ways in which the election was stolen, yet you just stand there and repeat the nonsense that "I haven't provided anything" shows that it is a waste of time to put any effort at all into discussing things with you. You're a troll and nothing more. You bring no value to the conversation ever.

Well, as before, if Trump's paid team couldn't dredge any up then you've got none have ya?

Keep screeching.

Hey, it's 2022 though right? You don't care remember?
Don't care about what? You have a long history of inappropriately applying things I've said to concepts I've expressed when they do not belong anywhere near each other.

Shall we do a tally of the myriad things that you have gotten wrong in this thread? :LOL:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're going to have to do a bit better than an offhanded dismissal to wipe clean the trail of evidence.

The laptop was found. The data on it are not discredited. The reporting has been justified. The suppression is real. The election was almost certainly affected.

All these things have evidence backing them up. You waving your hands around and screeching — the usual squawking — doesn't erase it.

That's right. Twitter will find any excuse to ban people on the opposite side of the political aisle from it. Is this something else you're in denial over?

See! You do realize!

That I've provided a long trail of evidence supporting one of the ways in which the election was stolen, yet you just stand there and repeat the nonsense that "I haven't provided anything" shows that it is a waste of time to put any effort at all into discussing things with you. You're a troll and nothing more. You bring no value to the conversation ever.

Keep screeching.

Don't care about what? You have a long history of inappropriately applying things I've said to concepts I've expressed when they do not belong anywhere near each other.

Shall we do a tally of the myriad things that you have gotten wrong in this thread? :LOL:
Considering I provided a link to the case itself - then how is that an offhand dismissal? It doesn't show what you want it to and nor is it some game changer that you seem desperate for it to be. It's not that much of anything and given your following bunk with Twitter it's pretty easy to see why you glibly lap stuff up while ignoring actual reality.

Twitter is a social media platform and isn't above consequences/repercussions if it allows disinformation to get peddled without action, the same with other sites. If you honestly think Trump was a "victim" after being repeatedly warned about his ridiculous tweets then you're an idiot. The same with MTG.

You haven't provided any evidence to justify your ridiculous claims of cheating and in "many ways" at that. When put on the spot you just deflect away with the predictable tropes and anything but. If only you would actually bring some, it would be something to address. Then again, how can you? When there isn't any? If it's a waste of time then go prattle elsewhere because that's all you're doing. Convince yourself that Biden cheated a win if you want but you've got nothing to support it with any substance.

Or carry on warbling on if ya like but wow, how are ya not even boring yourself right now? You don't care, it's 2022 remember so why is anyone talking about this stuff anyway? Ya know, like on that other thread?

You have a long history of being a pompous dope who accuses others of things they haven't done. So ho hum.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Considering I provided a link to the case itself - then how is that an offhand dismissal?

I quoted your offhand dismissal. Your link was nothing that I had not already supplied.

What you need is substantive content that complements the actual conversation, not things to say to convince yourself that you're a relevant part of the debate.

It doesn't show what you want it to

"It" — the laptop — has data on it that implicate former US vice president Joebiden.

and nor is it some game changer

It was more confirmation of what was pretty much common knowledge, ie, politicians make money by using their influence. And the suppression probably swayed the election.

It is clear why you lap stuff up while ignoring reality.

Twitter is a social media platform and isn't above consequences/repercussions if it allows disinformation to get peddled without action

What disinformation?

What did the New York Post report that was false?

If you honestly think Trump was a "victim" after being repeatedly warned about his ridiculous tweets then you're an idiot. The same with MTG.

Victim? You're the only one wailing. Twitter banned the US president for what goes unpunished on it 24/7.

You haven't provided any evidence

No? No evidence? No laptop? No report? No Twitter action? No poll? No evidence? Are you sure?

You keep saying this. Perhaps you don't know what it means. Let's put it in baby words for you.

That. You. Don't. Like. Stuff. Does. Not. Mean. It. Does. Not. Exist.

When put on the spot...

I offer evidence. You respond by denying reality. The evidence does exist. It's just that you hate a rational discussion.

If only you would actually bring some.

Laptop. Report. Twitter. Poll.

There are things to address.

How can you?

Google is your friend.

If it's a waste of time, then go prattle elsewhere, because that's all you're doing. Convince yourself that Biden won legitimately if you want, but you've got nothing to support it. Carry on warbling, but how are you not boring even yourself?

You don't care, it's 2022 remember so why is anyone talking about this stuff anyway?

It's your thread. You state a conspiracy theory, provide no evidence for what you believe and mock people who do add substance. You offer nothing to this Web site. What we want is for you to start adding value to the conversation. Not spam.

Ya know, like on that other thread?

What thread?

You have a long history of being a pompous dope who accuses others of things they haven't done.
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