For Knight, a TOL-A-Thon suggestion.

For Knight, a TOL-A-Thon suggestion.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...It's not even something I keep track of until I had to look before I posted this. It. Simply. Doesn't. Matter.
I agree from one perspective.
Someone else's?

That is why I started this fund raising thread. Pure capitalism. Sell something without any intrinsic value to help support TOL.
Like your user account?

But now that the thread has degenerated into a general discussion of Rep Power let me tell you where I do think it matters. I have seen a number of newbies leave because they were pummeled into negative reputations by "heavy hitters". Instead of engaging them in discussions and pointing out where perhaps there was "wrong thinking" just hammer them.
I don't believe I've ever actually seen that...I'm not saying it hasn't happened (though I mostly am) but it doesn't make sense if you think about it. But I've seen people come in with attitude and find the line to "get some" forming pretty quickly.

Sometimes people simply don't get the lay of the land and do themselves a bad turn by making quick assumptions about how things are and should be and proceeding without noticing how they actually are and will be.

And now and again it's a confluence of things. When I first arrived it wasn't exactly a love fest. :D I had about seven people show up to my hello thread and shortly after my first post (on the death penalty) which was something like, "But what about the woman Christ spared from stoning?" Knight yelled at me and PK hit me with a neg rep. :chuckle:

I survived it. Partly because in my experience even if you catch some people on a bad day there are always those around here looking for people who want to contribute and who are here to do that and they'll help ease you into forum life. A few people did just that for me. AB and AMR chief and first among them. Zoo in fairly short order and even old chrys...a few others who have faded into the woodwork since. Over time I found a large number of friends from any number of TOL camps to cement my feeling of community.

The thing is, you can disagree on nearly anything with anyone and still find that. It's all in how you go about it and how you choose to fit into the place...or how you don't.

I look at that as abusive behavior.
That's because you're melodramatic and prone to hyperbole.

Try telling a newbie that it simply doesn't matter.
Or give them the best advice you can and befriend them if they're friendly, differ with them when you differ, etc.

But be sure to do it before they leave in disappointment or even despair.
Anyone who can be put into those states by anonymous internet posters doesn't belong on a forum in the first place. They aren't made of the right stuff for it. :nono:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Someone else's?

Like your user account?

I don't believe I've ever actually seen that...I'm not saying it hasn't happened (though I mostly am) but it doesn't make sense if you think about it. But I've seen people come in with attitude and find the line to "get some" forming pretty quickly.

Sometimes people simply don't get the lay of the land and do themselves a bad turn by making quick assumptions about how things are and should be and proceeding without noticing how they actually are and will be.

And now and again it's a confluence of things. When I first arrived it wasn't exactly a love fest. :D I had about seven people show up to my hello thread and shortly after my first post (on the death penalty) which was something like, "But what about the woman Christ spared from stoning?" Knight yelled at me and PK hit me with a neg rep. :chuckle:

I survived it. Partly because in my experience even if you catch some people on a bad day there are always those around here looking for people who want to contribute and who are here to do that and they'll help ease you into forum life. A few people did just that for me. AB and AMR chief and first among them. Zoo in fairly short order and even old chrys...a few others who have faded into the woodwork since. Over time I found a large number of friends from any number of TOL camps to cement my feeling of community.

The thing is, you can disagree on nearly anything with anyone and still find that. It's all in how you go about it and how you choose to fit into the place...or how you don't.

That's because you're melodramatic and prone to hyperbole.

Or give them the best advice you can and befriend them if they're friendly, differ with them when you differ, etc.

Anyone who can be put into those states by anonymous internet posters doesn't belong on a forum in the first place. They aren't made of the right stuff for it. :nono:

Good post!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the best example of a newbie we almost lost
is grosnick
the pack really went after him
we were able to save him

it took the hottest thread in tol history to do it

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The best example of a newbie we almost lost is Grosnick. The pack really went after him, but we were able to save him. It took the hottest thread in TOL history to do it
Fixed that for you.

Else, I think you give Gros too little credit on either end of it. He made missteps/he made amends. And good on him, not "we" of any sort.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
we still have the thread to show anyone what it was like
And as with most of what you advance, it doesn't tell the whole story. In fact, that story can't be easily told because so much of it is missing.

Again, he made mistakes/he made corrections. The blame and credit is his. I think he's made real strides. And I think he owns whatever progress he makes, that it isn't ours to credit ourselves however inclined we might be to that sort of thing, though you seem determined to do so.

I know what it is like to be tested here at tol
Same sort of answer.


the best example of a newbie we almost lost
is grosnick
the pack really went after him
we were able to save him

it took the hottest thread in tol history to do it

How did he do it? By joying bully group. classy.

Now he is in unshakable place.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
but it is more reliable
No, it isn't. It's just more as you'd like it. :D

It would hurt the place. Better to reform it. The notion behind what a rep number could represent is a good one. The way people have gamed the system is the problem. I had a solution for that one. I'd add to the suggestion that there should be a point at which one becomes simply a rep emeritus of sorts, say 500k and then everyone who has shown the commitment to remain that steady a contributor would be recognized by an emblem of some sort and their rep frozen at the ceiling.

This would give newbies a fun thing to shoot for, a way of seeing who had what standing in the larger community early on and preserve the note earned by those who have (even if some have, again, arrived without). By limiting the large and small to one rep pt, for good or ill, in any post the number couldn't easily be used to create a false positive or negative front.

Else, just give people the option of turning rep notice off and people can read into it what they will.


Well-known member
Aww. You want me to find my place here? Is that kind of like saying "sit down and shut up"? Oh well, thanks for the insight. Just so you know, I never sent BillyBob any pictures. It was all just fun banter that seemed to get under the skin of a certain number of sanctimonious "holier than thou" types.

Sanctimonious "holier than thou" types? Like you, you mean?
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