FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground


New member
"Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a wiretap to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.
It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to wiretap a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the wiretap.
Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.
According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA wiretap application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.
So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.
Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.
According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [former FBI official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”
Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked with Steele at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.
Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.
In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.
Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.
Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.
Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:

We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw those committing the above abuses, he leaked classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.

And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election."



FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground

Although Carter Page and George Papadopoulos both served as foreign advisors for the Trump Campaign, they were part of 2 totally separate investigations by the FBI!

Carter Page attracted FBI interest before joining the Trump Campaign based on his pro-Putin comments widely broadcast on Russian television - followed by a Soviet attempt to recruit him in 2013/2014!

George Papadopoulos was already serving in the Trump Campaign when he revealed that the Russians had "dirt" on Hillary to an Australian diplomat in a wine bar during the spring of 2017.
It was only after WikiLeaks started making the hacked DNC emails public that the Australians contacted the FBI and Papadopoulos was put under investigation!

The fact that both individuals became the subject of separate, independent investigations that lead in lead to the Trump Campaign strengthens the argument that the Russian connection is more than just coincidence!
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"Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a wiretap to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.
It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to wiretap a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the wiretap.
Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.
According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA wiretap application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.
So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.
Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.
According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [former FBI official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”
Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked with Steele at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.
Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.
In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.
Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.
Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.
Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:

We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw those committing the above abuses, he leaked classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.

And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election."


All of the above is based on the assumption that the Nunes Memo is a reliable account - but Devin Nunes is a Republican politician who served on the Trump Transition Team, and already has a history of engaging in questionable practices that resulted in the need recuse himself from heading the investigation!

"THall" still hasn't addressed the central question - why should we place all our faith in the Nunes' Memo, and dismiss the Steele Dossier?
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New member
All this is based on the credibility of the Nunes Memo - Devin Nunes is a Republican politician who served on the Trump Transition Team, so why should we put faith in his version?

First off, the memo was approved by all the Republicans on the committee Nunes chairs, and it was based on affidavits from the DOJ and corroborating evidence from FBI 302's, texts, and emails. There is more to come, and the Republicans want it all released, the FBI, DOJ, and Democrats have been fighting the release of the supporting documents.

The Barbarian

For starters, how about releasing the testimony, in which Nunes claims Gates said that the investigation would not have begun without the Steele Dossier?

When do you think he'll do that?


Well-known member
If there is nothing in this memo, why did Democrats all resist it being released?

They are afraid this will all come out before the midterms.
Cause then their goose will be cooked.

One would think they'd remember that it was Comey who caused Hillary to lose the election. She even wrote about it in her book. :chuckle:



First off, the memo was approved by all the Republicans on the committee Nunes chairs, and it was based on affidavits from the DOJ and corroborating evidence from FBI 302's, texts, and emails. There is more to come, and the Republicans want it all released, the FBI, DOJ, and Democrats have been fighting the release of the supporting documents.
Both the Democrats on the Committee and the current FBI Director, who just happens to be a registered Republican recently appointed by Trump, accuse the Nunes Memo of misrepresenting the facts!

Given that most members of the Committee were not allowed to read the background information which the Memo claims to represent, their opinions are based on 2nd hand accounts!

The Republican majority may be quick to dismiss the Democratic minority as biased, but how do they account for the vocal opposition coming from a Trump appointed FBI Director?



They are afraid this will all come out before the midterms.
Cause then their goose will be cooked.

One would think they'd remember that it was Comey who caused Hillary to lose the election. She even wrote about it in her book. :chuckle:
All one has to do is look at the public approval polls to see whose "goose will be cooked," along with the record number of Republican politicians in Congress who are stampeding for the exits - deciding to sit out the 2018 Interims as a "lost cause!"

If the so-called "DEEP STATE" was as biased against "The Donald" as the Nunes Memo and the Republicans like to claim, why didn't the FBI just leak the Steele Memo during the Campaign and leave Hillary Clinton alone?

If the Steele Dossier was financed by the Democrats, the question remains as to why they didn't just release it during the Election Campaign - particularly to counteract the hacked DNC emails coming from WikiLeaks?


Well-known member
All one has to do is look at the public approval polls to see whose "goose will be cooked," along with the record number of Republican politicians in Congress who are stampeding for the exits - deciding to sit out the 2018 Interims as a "lost cause!"

If the so-called "DEEP STATE" was as biased against "The Donald" as the Nunes Memo and the Republicans like to claim, why didn't the FBI just leak the Steele Memo during the Campaign and leave Hillary Clinton alone?

If the Steele Dossier was financed by the Democrats, the question remains as to why they didn't just release it during the Election Campaign - particularly to counteract the hacked DNC emails coming from WikiLeaks?

It was their insurance case Trump did get elected.



If there is nothing in this memo, why did Democrats all resist it being released?
Its a gift to Russian intelligence that will go over it with a "fine tooth comb" searching for methods and sources - what passes for "nothing" to the average citizen can be a virtual "gold mine" for those trained in the "dark arts!"
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It was their
insurance case Trump did get elected.

What a brilliant strategy - save the Steele Dossier for some undisclosed "rainy day" in the future, rather than use it to combat "The Donald" using a steady stream of WikiLeak memos illegally hacked from the DNC servers!

Most politicians play to win - as we saw with the Trump Campaign that they never had any reservations about exploiting those DNC emails from WkiLeaks - private information that they knew had been illegally hacked!

Its only when the "tables are turned" and they happen to be on the receiving end, that they suddenly get all self-righteous and start yelling "FOUL!"
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Well-known member
What a brilliant strategy - save the Steele Dossier for some undisclosed "rainy day" in the future, rather than use it to combat "The Donald" using a steady stream of WikiLeak memos illegally hacked from the DNC servers!

Most politicians play to win - as we saw with the Trump Campaign that they never had any reservations about exploiting those DNC emails from WkiLeaks - private information that they knew had been illegally hacked!

Its only when the "tables are turned" and they happen to be on the receiving end, that they suddenly get all self-righteous and start yelling "FOUL!"

The wiki leaks (Podesta emails) was picked up by the media...not the Trump campaign.

Had the Clinton campaign not been so sloppy they would never have been caught.

But, you just go ahead and keep drinking that kool-aid, if it keeps you happy.


The wiki leaks (Podesta emails) was picked up by the media...not the Trump campaign.

Had the Clinton campaign not been so sloppy they would never have been caught.

But, you just go ahead and keep drinking that kool-aid, if it keeps you happy.




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Well-known member

As he should have. It was a huge scandal, and the lame stream media didn't want to cover it all all.

Lock her up same way. Trump would have been a fool not to shout it from the hill tops. It was true, and more people should have been demanding it.



As he should have. It was a huge scandal, and the lame stream media didn't want to cover it all all.

Lock her up same way. Trump would have been a fool not to shout it from the hill tops. It was true, and more people should have been demanding it.
What "glorydaz" is arguing is that "the ends justify the means" - its permissible to make use of private emails, that everyone knows to be stolen, because it serves a good cause - giving their side the political advantage over the opposition!

The only problem with that is "what goes around comes around" and eventually the "tables are turned" with their side now being placed on the receiving end - its a little late in the day for Trump and his supporters to be suddenly asserting that they're not being treated fairly and that others not following the rules!
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New member
The criminals are dropping like flies, and the OIG report has not even come out yet.....

1. Dana Boente - Resigned - was U.S. Attorney

2. James Comey - Fired - Former Director of FBI

3. Peter Strzok - Removed from Deputy Director of FBI Counterintelligence

4. Bruce Ohr - Removed from 5 position at DOJ

5. Andrew McCabe - Fired/resigned Deputy Director FBI

6. James Baker - Reassigned, FBI Attorney

7. James Rybicki - Reassigned, FBI Chief of Staff

8. Lisa Page - Fired from Mueller investigation, demoted at FBI

9. Nellie Ohr - Disappeared with loads of hush money