FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground


Well-known member
"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."
(Matthew 7:6).

Your theological acumen is dazzling. Sure got your money's worth from that institution.




...Master's degree.

And I have more than one!

The Barbarian

Why republicans don't want to talk about "the memo" any more:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who previously created a short-lived firestorm over a non-scandal about “unmasking” names from surveillance, tried his best to assist President Trump by concocting and today releasing a memo that sought to sabotage the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and Trump’s subsequent efforts to disrupt that investigation. After a huge buildup, a scant memo of less than four pages makes the sweeping allegation that Christopher Steele’s dossier was the basis for obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court to conduct surveillance on suspected Russian agent Carter Page. The memo turns out to be decidedly underwhelming and at times baffling.

The memo acknowledges that the FISA warrant was extended multiple times. Nunes finds fault in the application because allegedly the court was not told that Fusion GPS which commissioned Steele at one point was paid by an attorney of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Without proof, it claims he was hired to find disparaging evidence on Trump (Fusion GPS’s founder disputed this under oath). It claims Steele was an FBI source, an allegation for which we have no support. It claims, again without support, that Steele was fired as a source for leaking some of his findings to the press.

It also asserts in confusing fashion that the warrant contained information about George Papadopoulos but there was no evidence of cooperation between the two. A statement released by ranking member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and other House Intelligence Committee Democrats suggests there is a connection but Nunes chose to leave that out. In any event, the memo proves something that surely does not help Nunes’s conspiracy theory, namely that the FBI was first alerted to possible interference from Papadopoulos, not by the dossier.

Speaker Ryan says GOP memo set for release is not an indictment of the FBI, DOJ, Rod Rosenstein, or Robert Mueller: "It does not impugn the Mueller investigation or the deputy attorney general." Ryan defended the memo at a press conference with reporters.


Well-known member
Speaker Ryan says GOP memo set for release is not an indictment of the FBI, DOJ, Rod Rosenstein, or Robert Mueller: "It does not impugn the Mueller investigation or the deputy attorney general." Ryan defended the memo at a press conference with reporters.

Fool, because no one wants to see Trump as clamping down on Mueller now that that bogus investigation - which as found NOTHING - will die all on its own. Last thing anyone wants is to throw the media a bone on that, and Ryan was smart enough not to.

This memo is nothing; it just verifies what everyone already knew. All you leftist can do is wait in terror as the IG report comes, and names are named.

patrick jane

What a fitting day for the dems. Groundhog Day. Since Trump won on Nov 9th, 2016 it's been like living the same day, over and over again.




FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground

1. The President has now authorized the release of a classified document labelled "TOP SECRET" - for strictly personal putposes!

2. The Trump White House and its surrogates are now in the process of "EATING" their own Republican appointees - FBI Director Wray, Attorney General Sessions, Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein!

3. The Russian probe by the FBI began, not with the Steele Dossier, but when foreign affairs advisor George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat over drinks in a London wine bar, that the Russians already had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton - American investigators were notified by their Australian counterparts only after WikiLeaks started releasing emails that had been hacked from the DNC!

4. Presumably, what George Papadopoulos was willing to tell to an Australian diplomat over drinks, was information that he also told his superiors in the Trump Campaign - unlike the Australians, however, Trump surrogates not only failed to inform the FBI about the Russians but their own candidate would go on to declare publically that "I love WikiLeaks!"

5. The FISA hearing for Carter Page, that is the basis of the Nunes Memo, occurred after the Trump Campaign stated publically that he was no longer affiliated with them.

6. Carter Page had already been under FBI investigation and the subject of FISA warrants, since 2014, for his connections with Russian - long before "The Donald" declared on the steps of Trump Towers that he would be running for President.
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The Barbarian

What a fitting day for the dems. Groundhog Day. Since Trump won on Nov 9th, 2016 it's been like living the same day, over and over again.

General Kelly must feel like the groundhog in that picture. :salute:

And yes, there's such a thing as too much material:
Stephen Colbert is hugely grateful to Donald Trump. For the sake of the country, Colbert wishes he were a lot less grateful.

“Here’s the thing,” Colbert said. “I love my country more than I love a good joke.”

Yes, Trump provides an unending supply of comedic material for “The Late Show” (weeknights, 10:35, CBS/Ch. 2). And the Trump Effect has had a massive effect on the landscape of late-night television.

Before Trump became president, “The Late Show” was struggling in the ratings. There was speculation that CBS made a mistake by hiring the former star of “The Colbert Report” to replace David Letterman. Pundits opined that CBS ought to give James Corden “The Late Show” and push Colbert back to “The Late Late Show.”
Since Trump took office, Colbert’s ratings have rocketed. “The Late Show” is the clear leader in total viewers and has pulled pretty much even with Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” in younger demographics.

Yes, Colbert sharpened his act. Some nights, his entire monologue is filled with nothing but digs at Trump.

Fallon hurt himself with his fawning interview of Trump, complete with hair-tousling during the campaign.
But Trump is clearly the catalyst for what’s happened in the late-night ratings race. So Colbert ought to be grateful, right? Well, sort of...

“Yeah, this is great that he is communicating in an uncontrolled way and that he does it so often that you always have fresh material,” Colbert said. “But I don’t want to describe that as a good thing. I would happily do with less.”

Because while it’s good for comedy, it’s not good for the country — a viewpoint that Colbert makes clear every night. A viewpoint that poll after poll indicates a large majority of American agree with.

So, yeah, he’s grateful that Trump helped his ratings. But he’d rather have lower ratings and worry less about the future of the country.

Like most of the rest of us.

The Barbarian

Fool, because no one wants to see Trump as clamping down on Mueller now that that bogus investigation - which as found NOTHING

Three Trump underlings are already indicted, and two have pled guilty, apparently now cooperating with the investigation. C'mon. You think we don't know this?

- will die all on its own.

Every week, Huckabee stays, the investigation is in its last days. And every week, a new revelation or a new indictment.

Last thing anyone wants is to throw the media a bone on that, and Ryan was smart enough not to.

Too bad all those idiots were promising that the memo would end the investigation and get Mueller fired. It's not a crime to lie, but people remember.

This memo is nothing;

Told you so. Did you honestly think it was going to be anything of substance?

it just verifies what everyone already knew. All you leftist can do is wait in terror as the IG report comes, and names are named.

That's what you guys were saying about the memo. :plain:

The Barbarian

Ryan had to say that (a) because he's a Romanist weasel, just like Barbie,

Jesus said the world would hate us. And you do. Not that it matters:
Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?

(b) he's got to keep himself distant from even the suggestion that he's out to stop Mueller's dead end "investigation," because (c) he still really doesn't like Trump but (d) there's no arguing with results. Trump gets results and more people are liking him.

Well, let's take a look. His approval rate, inauguration day was 47%. And a year later, it's up to... um... 38%. :)

Trump will probably top 50% favorability before this is over.

He's been consistently above 50% unfavorability. You think this memo fiasco is going to help? The last time he was above 50 favorability never.


New member

FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground

1. The President has now authorized the release of a classified document labelled "TOP SECRET" - for strictly personal putposes!

2. The Trump White House and its surrogates are now in the process of "EATING" their own Republican appointees - FBI Director Wray, Attorney General Sessions, Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein!

3. The Russian probe by the FBI began, not with the Steele Dossier, but when foreign affairs advisor George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat over drinks in a London wine bar, that the Russians already had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton - American investigators were notified by their Australian counterparts only after WikiLeaks started releasing emails that had been hacked from the DNC!

4. Presumably, what George Papadopoulos was willing to tell to an Australian diplomat over drinks, was information that he also told his superiors in the Trump Campaign - unlike the Australians, however, Trump surrogates not only failed to inform the FBI about the Russians but their own candidate would go on to declare publically that "I love WikiLeaks!"

5. The FISA hearing for Carter Page, that is the basis of the Nunes Memo, occurred after the Trump Campaign stated publically that he was no longer affiliated with them.

6. Carter Page had already been under FBI investigation and the subject of FISA warrants, since 2013, for his connections with Russian - long before "The Donald" declared on the steps of Trump Towers that he would be running for President.

These are the facts as I understand them. Nunes is showing the world how much of a delusional partisan hack that he is. He couldn't even be bothered to read the FISA applications.. The cause and effect of this conspiracy are laughable.

In short, Nunes is admittingly ignorant of the material facts and really had no business writing this memo to begin with. He has in effect created a version of fake news.

What a joke

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
As Paul Ryan said:WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. — Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Thursday defended an unreleased House GOP memo that alleges abuses by the FBI and Justice Department, saying that it’s not an “indictment” of those government institutions.“What this is not is an indictment on our institutions, of our justice system. This memo is not an indictment of the FBI, of the Department of Justice. It does not impugn [special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia] investigation or the deputy attorney general,” Ryan said at a retreat for GOP lawmakers in West Virginia. was right. And the guys claiming otherwise?

UOTE=patrick jane;5184654]I know you have search far and wide for a silver lining.[/quote]

As everyone expected, the memo fell flat. As Ryan says, it doesn't impugn the FBI, Meuller, or the investigation. You wanted to believe, and so you were easy to fool.

He said that to help prevent a complete collapse of the DOJ and FBI, our institutions. As it is, Americans have lost all confidence in high level justice officials.

Even with our president and his cronies trying to undermine confidence in our system...

Trump and the House GOP face an uphill battle against the FBI and the Justice Department

Some Trump aides fear the evidence will fall flat under scrutiny that began Friday with release of the so-called "Nunes memo."
They have good reason to worry. A series of House Republican malfeasance claims against Democrats in recent years have fallen flat. Now they're targeting fellow Republicans, too.
The public has a much more favorable view of the FBI than it does of either Trump or congressional Republicans, according to a recent NBC/WSJ poll.

But House Republicans face an uphill fight turning most Americans against the FBI. In last month's NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, the agency was rated positively rather than negatively by a 53 percent to 19 percent margin — far better than Trump or GOP congressional leaders.


Well-known member
Remember: the fake dossier reveals Mueller's entire investigation (which is batting zero) to be the total fabrication/waste of time/fishing expedition/witch hunt everyon knew it was. There is nothing there. Never was. But they knew it from the beginning and lied to pursue it. Now they have no choice but to keep building lie upon lie upon lie. "The memo says nothing" is just the latest. Ignore everything they say -- if justice is finally going to prevail, this memo alone won't do it. But it does unlock the door. More will come.



Remember: the fake dossier reveals Mueller's entire investigation (which is batting zero) to be the total fabrication/waste of time/fishing expedition/witch hunt everyon knew it was. There is nothing there. Never was. But they knew it from the beginning and lied to pursue it. Now they have no choice but to keep building lie upon lie upon lie. "The memo says nothing" is just the latest. Ignore everything they say -- if justice is finally going to prevail, this memo alone won't do it. But it does unlock the door. More will come.
Conservatives have yet to explain as to why the Nunes Memo should have any more credibility than the Steele Dossier!

Given that Kevin Nunes served on the Trump Transition Team, why is his Memo less biased than a Dossier financed with those associated with Hillary Clinton?

Unlike the Nunes Memo, the Steele Dossier never attempted to undermine the public's confidence in the FBI - an agency that the nation is depending to block Russian interference in the 2018 Interims!
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The Barbarian

Remember: the fake dossier reveals Mueller's entire investigation (which is batting zero) to be the total fabrication/waste of time/fishing expedition/witch hunt everyon knew it was. There is nothing there.

Before the FBI had the Steele Dossier, they had evidence that the Russians were interested in recruiting Carter Page, and they were aware (via a drunken admission by a Trump campaign staffer) that the Russians were gathering dirt on Clinton.

Nunes' memo actually admits some of this, but not all of it. As the republican speaker of the House admitted, it does not reflect on the Asst. AG or on Mueller or his investigation.

Never did. But Nunes knew it from the beginning and lied to pursue it. Now he have no choice but to keep building lie upon lie upon lie.

"The memo says nothing"

It says something; it just doesn't say what you claimed it said. As Paul Ryan admitted, it doesn't reflect on Mueller or his probe into the Russians and their attempt to recruit Trump aides.

It’s been a rough week for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, the California Republican at the center of a Washington firestorm after crafting a memo alleging bias and misconduct at the FBI and Department of Justice.

But for Andrew Janz, the congressman’s Democratic opponent, things have never been better.

The controversy surrounding Nunes’ turn in the national spotlight has sparked a wave of interest in Janz’s long-shot campaign, powered by deep hostility toward Nunes’ role in the effort to delegitimize the federal probe into whether Russia infiltrated President Donald Trump’s campaign team.

Janz, a previously little-known Fresno prosecutor, reports he’s been deluged by donations and media attention. Last week, the congressman’s hometown paper, the Fresno Bee, headlined a scathing editorial under the headline, “Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI.” Even late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel piled on this week, sniping that “to call Devin Nunes Donald Trump’s lapdog would be an insult to dogs. And to laps.”

In recent days, Twitter has been abuzz with calls from Democrats across the nation to donate to Janz’s campaign.

“We’re looking really good, thanks to him,’’ Janz told POLITICO, just hours after the memo’s Friday release. “I think we took in $100,000 between today and yesterday.”

Still a long shot in a strongly red district. But less so than a few days ago...

More to come.