Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


Well-known member
From Mueller, She Wrote:

NEW: Sidney Powell’s PAC - which is currently under federal criminal investigation - is paying attorneys fees for some Oath Keepers charged in the attack on the Capitol. She and her pals will suck every last cent out of these cultists.

Leftists fascists will illegally persecute their enemies to the fullest extent of lawlessness they can get away with.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Far-right attorney Sidney Powell may soon face disciplinary action—ranging from a reprimand to disbarment—for her post-election lawsuits alleging widespread election fraud, as the disciplinary committee at the State Bar of Texas filed a petition in state court alleging the lawyer committed professional misconduct through her efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

What a shame...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
From Mueller, She Wrote:

NEW: Sidney Powell’s PAC - which is currently under federal criminal investigation - is paying attorneys fees for some Oath Keepers charged in the attack on the Capitol. She and her pals will suck every last cent out of these cultists.

"Sindey "Release The Kraken" Powell". Gotta kinda ring to it hasn't it? Makes you wonder who was keeping it locked up though...


Well-known member
"Sindey "Release The Kraken" Powell". Gotta kinda ring to it hasn't it? Makes you wonder who was keeping it locked up though...
Take a crack at this: What do you do when two separate reports indicate a sitting member of Congress deliberately lied through his teeth to get Trump impeached?

Adam Schiff on more than one occasion stated he had proof the President had colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election. Either he has the proof or he lied. Which is it? Show us the proof.

We're breaking down the results of the special counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. As we've been discussing this hour, the special counsel did not find that President Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government - that according to a summary of the conclusions delivered by the - Attorney General William Barr to the Congress.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Sidney Powell said she was going to "release the Kraken" a year and a half ago, but I have seen neither hide nor hair of that kraken this entire time. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? It's as though they've been lying about the election being stolen this entire time.
They being President Trump and him only.

His party has disavowed his claims of irregularities which allegedly affected the outcome of the election. These irregularities might have affected the election more than Russian interference affected the election in 2016, but in both cases, neither of them actually affected the outcome of either election.

The Republicans have already decidedly spoken on the matter, in their near uniform silence.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
They being President Trump and him only.
"They" being Trump, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Guiliani, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Howley, Paul Gosar, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Sarah Palin, and a smattering of other Republican morons.

His party has disavowed his claims of irregularities which allegedly affected the outcome of the election. These irregularities might have affected the election more than Russian interference affected the election in 2016, but in both cases, neither of them actually affected the outcome of either election.

The Republicans have already decidedly spoken on the matter, in their near uniform silence.
This will be the inevitable outcome.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"They" being Trump, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Guiliani, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Howley, Paul Gosar, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Sarah Palin, and a smattering of other Republican morons.

This will be the inevitable outcome.
Looks like the inevitable outcome that matters though is that Repubs are going to win some seats in the fall.


Well-known member
Are we never to have relief from loud-mouthed Marxist opponents of God Bless America seeking to convince their gullible followers that right-wing conservatives could possibly be, might be, seem to be, are thought to be, or have been accused of being on the verge of possibly doing something that could be seen as possibly being an act of terrorism.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Trump continues to eat his own. You just love to see it! Mo Brooks issued a statement where he says that even he isn’t crazy enough for Trump:


User Name

Greatest poster ever
As much as I love to see this, where was Mo Brooks when it came time to impeach Trump? He voted no.
The incident Brooks is referring to took place after Biden assumed the presidency, but yeah, Trump is going to continue to give these Republicans just what they deserve for enabling him. This is just the start. I predict that Trump will do whatever he can to burn the Republican house down!


like marbles on glass

Now we know why DA Brag refused to release letters of resignation

A top prosecutor who abruptly left the Manhattan DA's office said in his resignation letter there's 'no doubt' that Trump committed 'numerous' felonies

One of the two top prosecutors who suddenly left the Manhattan district attorney's office last month said in his resignation letter that he believes former President Donald Trump is guilty of "numerous" felonies, The New York Times reported.

"The team that has been investigating Mr. Trump harbors no doubt about whether he committed crimes — he did," the prosecutor, Mark Pomerantz, said in his resignation latter, according to The Times.

Pomerantz and Carey Dunne, the other senior prosecutor who was leading the DA's criminal investigation into the Trump Organization's business dealings, resigned in February after the new district attorney, Alvin Bragg, expressed doubts about moving forward with a case against the former president.

Pomerantz said in his resignation letter, dated February 23, that Trump was in fact "guilty of numerous felony violations" and that it would be a "grave failure of justice" to not hold him accountable for his actions, according to The Times.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Republican party does not think the election was rigged or stolen or too many irregularities, but there are a lot of loud Republican cheerleaders who do keep saying that. This is where the former President finds himself, right in the midst of the Republican cheerleaders. They'll definitely vote for whoever he tells them to vote for, but it's like the football player who got cut from the team, promising "I'm going to get back on the team" but he's not. He's just a cheerleader like them now.

But man, when he was actually in the game? "Lights out!" Three Republican Supreme Court Justices. BAM!!!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Three Republican Supreme Court Justices. BAM!!!!
Yeah baby!

What was even more galling to the left was that he was empowering lower class American negroes by creating an economy in which they could find jobs, decreasing their dependence on social assistance offered by the left who have always been more interested in keeping blacks enslaved, ever since 1865.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yeah baby!

What was even more galling to the left was that he was empowering lower class American negroes by creating an economy in which they could find jobs, decreasing their dependence on social assistance offered by the left who have always been more interested in keeping blacks enslaved, ever since 1865.
I agree. And he did very simple things, simple to understand. Build wall. Work on North Korea. Help Blacks. Nominate Republicans. He did tons of stuff like that.