feminists killed tol 


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What have you done when you've bested a fool?

Well, when I really stop to think about it, all I really did was use careful, logical thinking against his careless, illogical thinking, to bring into convenient focus his own self-defeat.


Well-known member
the feminists protest too much
like the marxists

Where I live nearly all women are 'feminists' but they don't protest very much. They just automatically expect equal rights, status, opportunity, etc.
So....... not all feminists protest too much.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Where I live nearly all women are 'feminists' but they don't protest very much. They just automatically expect equal rights, status, opportunity, etc.
So....... not all feminists protest too much.

Google "fourth wave feminism"

Modern feminism bears little resemblance to the feminism of the past

See: https://www.amazon.com/SURVIVING-FOURTH-WAVE-FEMINISM-Vol-ebook/dp/B08914DF9M

Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism – The War on the West is not about men or women, it’s about the ideological subversion of Western minds by foreign interests cloaked under the untouchable word called feminism. It’s about the destabilisation of Western nations in preparation for an inevitable war on the West that is already being fought and won by foreign adversaries. As we tear ourselves apart to fight for titles, quotas, false realities and subjective virtue signals we grow weaker while our enemies grow stronger.


Hall of Fame
Where I live nearly all women are 'feminists' but they don't protest very much. They just automatically expect equal rights, status, opportunity, etc.
So....... not all feminists protest too much.

Or perhaps not enough ...


Well-known member
Or perhaps not enough ...

The majority of Brit women don't shout off about rights, freedoms, fears etc. I would say that on average they are quiet.
But they are confident........ they expect as a norm what you might have to make a big fuss over.

We do read about some cases where gender is or has been an issue, but not so much. The most recent legal case I read about was that a TV Newsreader had taken her employers to Court because they were paying a male newsreader much more than her..... she was only getting £830,000 p.a. I can tell you that women around here reckoned that neither she nor that male were worth anything near that amount. :)

So...... yeah. Our women tend to be strong about Gender Equality in every sense and we have a very good Equality Act 2010 to support that. But they don't all want to be tagged as 'Feminist'...... they are just women who can stand their ground.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The majority of Brit women don't shout off about rights, freedoms, fears etc. I would say that on average they are quiet.
But they are confident........ they expect as a norm what you might have to make a big fuss over.

We do read about some cases where gender is or has been an issue, but not so much. The most recent legal case I read about was that a TV Newsreader had taken her employers to Court because they were paying a male newsreader much more than her..... she was only getting £830,000 p.a. I can tell you that women around here reckoned that neither she nor that male were worth anything near that amount. :)

So...... yeah. Our women tend to be strong about Gender Equality in every sense and we have a very good Equality Act 2010 to support that. But they don't all want to be tagged as 'Feminist'...... they are just women who can stand their ground.

An integral component of modern feminism is "reproductive rights" aka the right to murder their unborn child without governmental interference


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Yes, what is also a word.

What you just wrote is meaningless, you semiliterate, toothless hick.

See? Even Arthur Brain gets that what you wrote is meaningless; look at how he responded to the nonsense you just wrote:

Here's something that is meaningful, though: "Yes, 'what' is also a word."

Even eider seems to understand why you fail in what you just wrote:

What about 'a'. ??
I mean, that;'s only a single letter........
Is 'a' even a real letter?
It's only small.......

eider, at least, seems to understand that, in order to signify that you are talking about the letter 'a' (or the word 'a'), you need to enclose the letter (or the word) within quotation marks.

Learn English.


What you just wrote is meaningless, you semiliterate, toothless hick.

See? Even Arthur Brain gets that what you wrote is meaningless; look at how he responded to the nonsense you just wrote:

Here's something that is meaningful, though: "Yes, 'what' is also a word."

Even eider seems to understand why you fail in what you just wrote:

eider, at least, seems to understand that, in order to signify that you are talking about the letter 'a' (or the word 'a'), you need to enclose the letter (or the word) within quotation marks.

Learn English.

You're actually doubling down on your nonsense....astounding! :chuckle:


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You should check yourself in the mirror sometime.

You should take a break from checking yourself in the mirror, sometime. Your continual, worshipful gaze upon the reflected image of yourself has stultified you, and rendered you pitifully effete and incapable of thinking rationally, and distracts you from actually listening to what your opponent is saying to you.


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User Name, what do you plan to do in order to act accordingly with your saying that tomorrow night's execution, by the state, of a guilty, convicted murderer, is evil, and unjust? And, when do you plan to do it?

(And, remember, it's tomorrow night's execution, so time is ticking...just sayin' (so that you'll bear it in mind when you come to dealing with the "when" part of the question).)

So, let's hear it!


Still, two days later:


Time's up, User Name. And now, as of late last night, the state has put to death the convicted murderer, whose execution you were saying is evil and unjust. Apparently, after all, you did nothing to act accordingly with what you were saying, and now the murderer--your precious "victim of evil and injustice"--has been sent, via electric chair, to the grave.

All your like-minded "bleeding heart" leftard comrades, like annabenedetti, Arthur Brain, Rusha, quip , etc., seem to have, all along, been just as unwilling as you have been to act accordingly with the notion that it would be evil and unjust for that murderer to be put to death. What Nazi leftard hypocrisy!:ha: