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Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
No ****, because I so want to be on a site with a complete ******* for a moderator hemming me up on whatever embarrassing, laughable theology he lives by which causes him to overlook other douchebags who, by the very standard that got me an infraction, should be ****ing banned a long time ago!

Stupid, small people..
:madmad: Skybringr...You brought this :banned: on you :bang: self.

You keep spewing epithets, implied profanity (for what purpose) in a string of posts that indicate that you're putting forth what Jesus said, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45


James explains here,
"But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." James 3:8-10

Skybringr, you must be a very dissatisfied, discontented, very unhappy person. You are mean spirited, mean mouthed, vindictive, that's a lot for one person to carry around, it's like dead weight.

Your profile shows Catholic, I think your fellow Catholics would even be embarrassed by your posting and speech behavior; if you do such here, what do you do and what are you like in the real world?

Yes, I see you are banned, but...

You need to confess the junky stuff you've posted to the Lord, repent and ask the Lord's forgiveness, and get yourself a real heart changing, God fearing, Jesus giving salvation experience.

You need to repent of all junky stuff you've posted, apologize to the TOL admin and mods, you owe them that.

You'll not know the joy of the Lord until you let Jesus fill that void, that empty spot, and clear out vast black void of nothingness that keeps you under a very black cloud of the enemy.


New member
:madmad: Skybringr...You brought this :banned: on you :bang: self.

You keep spewing epithets, implied profanity (for what purpose) in a string of posts that indicate that you're putting forth what Jesus said, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45


James explains here,
"But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." James 3:8-10

Skybringr, you must be a very dissatisfied, discontented, very unhappy person. You are mean spirited, mean mouthed, vindictive, that's a lot for one person to carry around, it's like dead weight.

Your profile shows Catholic, I think your fellow Catholics would even be embarrassed by your posting and speech behavior; if you do such here, what do you do and what are you like in the real world?

Yes, I see you are banned, but...

You need to confess the junky stuff you've posted to the Lord, repent and ask the Lord's forgiveness, and get yourself a real heart changing, God fearing, Jesus giving salvation experience.

You need to repent of all junky stuff you've posted, apologize to the TOL admin and mods, you owe them that.

You'll not know the joy of the Lord until you let Jesus fill that void, that empty spot, and clear out vast black void of nothingness that keeps you under a very black cloud of the enemy.

Well said. I hope he heeds your words. The kind of anger that erupts out of his mouth bespeaks a need for help.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I PM'd the moderator and stated how I felt. Your input is pointless to me, wipe the shitt off your nose, though :thumb:
..and the PM blisters metal. It just shows how small minded you are. Your stupidity is quite entertaining. I served in the Navy, so your wilting language isn't going to hurt me any. I've been called some pretty foul things in the Service.


New member
I want to know what little girl whined to the mods so I can get some BS infraction even though I've been cursed up and down this thread..

Man up, and moderator, I'm calling you out to. You favoristist kid, who cannot do his job.

:wave: 'Twas I who reported you, and I did so for your unnecessary vulgarity. I can not "man up", however, since I am not a man. Had I known you wanted to talk, before you got yourself tossed again, I would have been right here. If you ever get back in here, look me up. I'll be happy to discuss whatever is on your mind as long as you keep it civil.

--"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on." -- Led Zeppelin
I've always liked that song!


New member
Man, I go play a video game for a day and skybringer totally imploded in spectacular fashion, and all I get is the recording... Oh well


Hall of Fame
Yeah, he has a difficult time concealing his identity due to his explosive temper ... and misogyny.


Hall of Fame
yep, but he could have at least entertained with a better flame out this time and instead basically did the same thing :rip:

Which is why he is one of those "multiple-ID" users ... the behavior is always the same. As we have seen, he flames out, comes back under the same name and flames out again.

Then he creates other ID's and quickly burns those out as well.


Ask men which are the sins they struggle with, and they will answer with sins that are found in the Bible.

Ask a feminist which sins they struggle with, they will tell you "Lack of self esteem". Angel4Truth will verify this.

See here

The 5 solas

New member
Ask men which are the sins they struggle with, and they will answer with sins that are found in the Bible.

Ask a feminist which sins they struggle with, they will tell you "Lack of self esteem". Angel4Truth will verify this.

See here

If you compare the sin lists in the Bible with what men and women struggle with...they are all the same. They may struggle more in some areas than others but sin is not a sex linked characteristic.

Self esteem is one of the greatest lies of Satan in our day and age. We do not need self esteem, but rather, we need to view ourselves in relation to the holiness of God. We need to see ourselves for who we are and how we fail to miss the mark that God has set out for us. It is always about ME with self esteem, when we are much better served when it is about HIM. Not self esteem but rather God esteem.

Our worth is found in God and what He has made possible for His people...in how much He loved us; enough to send His only son to die for us. When we recognize how sinful we were and yet God poured out His grace and mercy upon us, through the sacrifice of His son. I am not worthy, but He did this for me in spite of me. Praise His holy name!


New member
Hall of Fame
Ask men which are the sins they struggle with, and they will answer with sins that are found in the Bible.

Ask a feminist which sins they struggle with, they will tell you "Lack of self esteem". Angel4Truth will verify this.

See here

??? Im not catholic, im not a feminist, and im not suffering lack of self esteem, what on earth you want me to verify, is a total unknown.


New member
Which is why he is one of those "multiple-ID" users ... the behavior is always the same. As we have seen, he flames out, comes back under the same name and flames out again.

Then he creates other ID's and quickly burns those out as well.
Doesn't TOL prohibit the use of multiple accounts, and check IPs?
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