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I don't think SS is a good analogy. You pay into SS so it is understandable to pull that back out even if you think the SS system should be abolished.

Also, when people talk about SS being evil I think it is usually because they think it is theft. So pulling money out would just be taking back what is rightfully yours.

SS is a pyramid scheme. Steal from the one group of people (younger generation) and pay to another group (older generation). There is no bank account of SS money. All money is spent, balance is zero.. What you put in, is not what you get out.

Educate yourself on how that system works, or do not and stay ignorant. Duuuuhhhhhhhh


I don't agree with divorce because it is not permitted in the Bible but we should separate from abusive spouse, especially if the kids are involved. Jesus would not condone staying in abusive relationship.

Women should get into the business of marrying the right man and not getting married and divorced. And married, and divorced. And married and divorced..

You know what I've picked up on? Most women who happily married once tend not to be feminists at all, especially the Christian kind.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Women should get into the business of marrying the right man and not getting married and divorced. And married, and divorced. And married and divorced..

You know what I've picked up on? Most women who happily married once tend not to be feminists at all, especially the Christian kind.

Interesting observation :)

Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.


Women should get into the business of marrying the right man and not getting married and divorced. And married, and divorced. And married and divorced..

Not everyone is believer when they get married. I was a non-believer and he was a believer when we got married. And I got separated after I have learned what Jesus teaches. I got separated after I became Jesus' follower. I separated from him for the kids spiritual and mental wellness. Parents have responsibility to raise the kids for they should go.

And I did say you should not divorce, just separate in case he repents.


TOL Subscriber
Why male landowners?

How does only male landowners voting lead to an effectively functioning Republic?

Because the owners of the Republic should be the sole determiners of that Republic

Do you think women voting is a rebellion against the will and word of God? Do women voting usurp the authority of husbands and men?

If women have husbands who own land in this republic, their husbands can vote in their interest and regard.


Of course I am against women being abused and do not think it has to be tolerated, but I am also against divorce, so before offering counsel and resolution in any such situation involving either, one must become aware of all history and details of the problems.

There is biblical hope, relief, and even resolution possible for persons in abusive relationships, if they find a scriptural Christian Pastor, Elder, or counselor who is properly equipped to counsel and who will faithfully go the the Word of God to provide answers for the spouse(s) in need.


If the abusive one repents and stop it completely, that's the best but not all are like that. My husband had no intention of changing and he said so clearly. And he did not admit what he is doing is abusive and harming children's metal and emotional growth.

thank you for your response. And I did give my perspective on this regard in later post. It is post#399.


Of course there'd need to be more than just the say so of the woman. The thing is, even just voicing it would get a woman nowhere where they had no voice whether they could back up their accusations or not. Okay, scientific procedures and testing are far more advanced now but to deny that rape and abuse were apparent when women had no recourse but to endure it is absurd...

There's also the fact that rape is something that can only be reduced to a certain extent, and it's not much.

Rape has been around since the Neanderthals. The whole knocking a woman out and dragging her into a cave?
That's probably not too far from the truth.

One can't really blame men based on that, however- they lacked the capacity for the type of morals we have.

The point is that in the beginning of relevant mankind, we were coming out of that and it took time for us to come to terms with our moral compass we've gained.

I can pretty much guarantee that rape wasn't seen as severe by either man or women in olden times. They were really hard times where women had stones about them; very different then this new age.

So insofar as rape couldn't be proven, it wasn't necessarily seen as next to near murder like it is today.

Muslims from what I understand, in their Shariah Law, kill anyone proven to have raped a women. Of course, it only applies to women who are betrothed to another; they of course have the right to rape their spouse.
It seems brutal, but this has been the case for much of society since the beginning, and there was never one martyr to have ever come forward with a relevant cause.

FYI, I happen to believe that anyone crying rape and found to be lying should receive a tough sentence as it not only does a disservice to the actual victims of such but it can also be devastating to the falsely accused. Is that a liberal idea?

I believe that to. Unfortunately, it will never happen because according to society, women are victims and we shan't be concerned for any justice of men!

Where are you getting this notion that 'most females' believe what you're suggesting? What I will say is that there's plenty of characteristics that both sexes share as oppose to the 'macho' idea of a man and the 'feminine' as woman as if they're polar opposite cliches.

'Macho' doesn't have anything to do with it. In reality, that sort of distracts from the real points.

Men and women think very differently, act differently, are raised differently, have different responsibilities at the core of their families, and that is where the rudiments lie-
the workplace is a not a fundamental thing; the roles before should determine the roles thereafter.

Yes, and pointing out that women having the vote and a voice is not the cause of injustice in court still stands.

The typical woman votes for whoever their husband votes for. That means that the main purpose, whether intended or not, serves best for independent women.

And what causes women to be independent rather then betrothed? There's a lot to take in- a big picture that all correlates together.

The 5 solas

New member
There's also the fact that rape is something that can only be reduced to a certain extent, and it's not much.

Rape has been around since the Neanderthals. The whole knocking a woman out and dragging her into a cave?
That's probably not too far from the truth.

One can't really blame men based on that, however- they lacked the capacity for the type of morals we have.

The point is that in the beginning of relevant mankind, we were coming out of that and it took time for us to come to terms with our moral compass we've gained.

I can pretty much guarantee that rape wasn't seen as severe by either man or women in olden times. They were really hard times where women had stones about them; very different then this new age.

So insofar as rape couldn't be proven, it wasn't necessarily seen as next to near murder like it is today.

I do not know about the other women on the board, but this has me shaking my head. Who on earth are you? Do you even begin to comprehend how offensive what you are saying here is?
For a woman to be raped, is a horrific and devastating thing. A violation that I cannot even begin to imagine. You make it sound like it is no big deal. I know there are some women who have cried wolf, but regardless....for those who have suffered this atrocity, you are far too glib about it.


I do not know about the other women on the board, but this has me shaking my head. Who on earth are you? Do you even begin to comprehend how offensive what you are saying here is?
For a woman to be raped, is a horrific and devastating thing. A violation that I cannot even begin to imagine. You make it sound like it is no big deal. I know there are some women who have cried wolf, but regardless....for those who have suffered this atrocity, you are far too glib about it.

I'm philosophically and realistically minded, not emotionally minded.

I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.

You all have no recourse for one, why should I for the other?

There's always an ignore list function.


TOL Subscriber
If the abusive one repents and stop it completely, that's the best but not all are like that. My husband had no intention of changing and he said so clearly. And he did not admit what he is doing is abusive and harming children's metal and emotional growth.

thank you for your response. And I did give my perspective on this regard in later post. It is post#399.


I hurt for you and the past abuses that you witness to happening against you, and I do not condone them . . .

At the same time, I do not know you, nor do I know the actuality of your witness and story of abuse, so I cannot and will not counsel you . . .out of my simple ignorance of your real life, identity, history,beliefs, etc.

This does not mean I oppose your testimony; nor does it mean I spiritually oppose you in any way, according to what you claim.

I just cannot counsel you as being an innocent victim or otherwise, because God has not placed me in position to know one way or the other the truths of your claims.

I want to believe all your words, but I have learned not to believe much of anything, that others self-servingly post on the internet.

God is your counselor, not me. I am only one observer who will pray for your soul, and for your husband and family.

May He show His grace and mercy to you all.


The 5 solas

New member
I'm philosophically and realistically minded, not emotionally minded.

I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.

You all have no recourse for one, why should I for the other?

There's always an ignore list function.

Well...I am a human...and a female, so that makes me emotional and I am okay with that. I praise God that He made me so.

Rape is an action against a person's being with long lasting emotional scars that can make future sexual relationship with one's spouse difficult...along with trust issues and a whole range of baggage. It is not the same as "a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife" which is obviously what happened to you. I knew it would surface. I am sorry for your loss.

I would never put someone on ignore unless they were really incorrigible. I just wanted to express my dismay at your statements.


Hall of Fame
I do not know about the other women on the board, but this has me shaking my head. Who on earth are you? Do you even begin to comprehend how offensive what you are saying here is?
For a woman to be raped, is a horrific and devastating thing. A violation that I cannot even begin to imagine. You make it sound like it is no big deal. I know there are some women who have cried wolf, but regardless....for those who have suffered this atrocity, you are far too glib about it.

There was another creep who trivialized the rape of women just like *Skybringr* does (and in his case, children as well). The creep was also Catholic and went by the name of Sum1sgruj/Silenceinmotion. He was a very sick human being and even made some rather threatening comments towards a few people on the board. Similar song, different day. What are the odds, eh?
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There's also the fact that rape is something that can only be reduced to a certain extent, and it's not much.

Any improvement is better than none, and I'm well aware that a ridiculously low percentage of rapists are actually caught for their offences even now. Still, hopefully that will significantly change as soon as possible. If things were kept the same as they were there wouldn't be a chance of that...

Rape has been around since the Neanderthals. The whole knocking a woman out and dragging her into a cave?
That's probably not too far from the truth.

One can't really blame men based on that, however- they lacked the capacity for the type of morals we have.

The point is that in the beginning of relevant mankind, we were coming out of that and it took time for us to come to terms with our moral compass we've gained.

With that moral compass comes recognizing that violating another is flat out unacceptable - be it in the marital bed or outside of it.

I can pretty much guarantee that rape wasn't seen as severe by either man or women in olden times. They were really hard times where women had stones about them; very different then this new age.

So insofar as rape couldn't be proven, it wasn't necessarily seen as next to near murder like it is today.

You're not in a position to speak about an experience of rape unless you've been a victim of such period. There's good reason why it's regarded as a hideous offence in the present.

Muslims from what I understand, in their Shariah Law, kill anyone proven to have raped a women. Of course, it only applies to women who are betrothed to another; they of course have the right to rape their spouse.
It seems brutal, but this has been the case for much of society since the beginning, and there was never one martyr to have ever come forward with a relevant cause.

Well thankfully the more enlightened and civilized societies deem it a major crime regardless of 'marital status'...

I believe that to. Unfortunately, it will never happen because according to society, women are victims and we shan't be concerned for any justice of men!

It already is happening. That you persist with this idea that nobody gives a tinkers cuss about injustice to men is just your biased projection coming to the fore again...

'Macho' doesn't have anything to do with it. In reality, that sort of distracts from the real points.

Men and women think very differently, act differently, are raised differently, have different responsibilities at the core of their families, and that is where the rudiments lie-
the workplace is a not a fundamental thing; the roles before should determine the roles thereafter.

Erm, unless you think that reason, logic, emotion, consideration etc are the sole realm of one particular gender then you'll find that both men and women have more in common than you might like to think, and that addresses the rest. There is no 'determining' as a rule of thumb.

The typical woman votes for whoever their husband votes for. That means that the main purpose, whether intended or not, serves best for independent women.

You really have a habit of generalizing sans support.

And what causes women to be independent rather then betrothed? There's a lot to take in- a big picture that all correlates together.

Plenty of reasons. There's a lot of couples who decide not to get married. Some of either sex wish to remain single etc etc so it's hardly an argument...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm philosophically and realistically minded, not emotionally minded.

I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.

You all have no recourse for one, why should I for the other?

There's always an ignore list function.

Okay, you're an absolute tosspot. I wish I'd read this before wasting time typing out a response to your last to me. You're just here to vent against women and it's bloody sickening.



Hall of Fame
I'm philosophically and realistically minded, not emotionally minded.

Something happened to your mind alright ... what you stated is sick and twisted.

I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.

We know. You stated as much under your last two usernames, Sum. It was sick then and it is sick now. I don't wish to sue you ... I wish for you to seek help. What you listed is not even comparable.

You are speaking of PROPERTY and FINANCES and shared custody of children as compared to a vicious sexual violation. In most custody cases, neither parent *lose* their children UNLESS one can be proven to be an extreme danger to the children. A home and money can be replaced whereas the type of emotional trauma that happens to a rape victim never completely goes away. The same is true of children who are molested (which is worse than rape, IMO, because of the victim's vulnerability).

You all have no recourse for one, why should I for the other?

There's always an ignore list function.

Nah, IF you wish to compare rape to divorce/shared custody, I will never ignore your posts. I will continue to respond and show them for what they are.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I do not know about the other women on the board, but this has me shaking my head. Who on earth are you? Do you even begin to comprehend how offensive what you are saying here is?
For a woman to be raped, is a horrific and devastating thing. A violation that I cannot even begin to imagine. You make it sound like it is no big deal. I know there are some women who have cried wolf, but regardless....for those who have suffered this atrocity, you are far too glib about it.

He doesn't comprehend a darned thing. If he was a victim or knew someone who'd gone through such an ordeal he'd (hopefully) have a different tune to play. Someone close to me endured it and I saw the after effects first hand. Somebody becoming a shadow of their former self...thankfully she's no longer that way now and is happily married with kids but to reduce rape to something anything short of an absolute atrocity is just abominable.


Rape is an action against a person's being with long lasting emotional scars that can make future sexual relationship with one's spouse difficult...along with trust issues and a whole range of baggage. It is not the same as "a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife" which is obviously what happened to you. I knew it would surface. I am sorry for your loss.

Rape is sensationalized to further ignore the problems of men. This is so obvious of the feminist agenda that it will drive any person willing to accept it to be very anti-feminist altogether.

Under what actual, sober notion does one hold a women being raped so much worse then a man whose life is basically ruined to a woman?

~Deep scars~ ~future issues with a spouse~ ~trust issues~

I want you to take in the symmetry there- the painfully dull reality of the raped woman and the deprived husband.

Now you sit there and tell me that it isn't in the feminist's agenda to further ignore the deprived husband for the raped woman.

I'll tell you something deep: would you consider that men are being chastised because they failed to take control of feminist rebellion?
Dig into the depths of scripture, and one will see all sorts of oddities that position such a notion.

And no, I haven't lost everything to a woman. I've experienced bits, but have witnessed more times then I thought any person could decent men falling into such situations.


Hall of Fame
I don't agree with divorce because it is not permitted in the Bible but we should separate from abusive spouse, especially if the kids are involved. Jesus would not condone staying in abusive relationship.

It's puts the children in harm's way emotionally, physically and morally. It is never okay to allow a child to think abuse is just part of what happens in marriage.

The 5 solas

New member
Rape is sensationalized to further ignore the problems of men.

Unbelievable. MEN are the ones doing the act of RAPE!!

Under what actual, sober notion does one hold a women being raped so much worse then a man whose life is basically ruined to a woman?

~Deep scars~ ~future issues with a spouse~ ~trust issues~

I want you to take in the symmetry there- the painfully dull reality of the raped woman and the deprived husband.

Now you sit there and tell me that it isn't in the feminist's agenda to further ignore the deprived husband for the raped woman.

Raped Woman vs Deprived Husband

I cannot even fathom that these two are being compared.


And no, I haven't lost everything to a woman.

Dear Sir, it sounds like you have lost your mind.
It sounds also that your soul is in a very precarious place...this is something you should tend to and bring before the living God.


Okay, you're an absolute tosspot. I wish I'd read this before wasting time typing out a response to your last to me. You're just here to vent against women and it's bloody sickening.


I'm here to state my beliefs, which in reality aren't remotely as bad as you all are trying to make them. I'm not really misogynistic.

You all simply force my hand to issuing details which apparently makes you all mad; you should reflect on that instead of projecting.
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