Explain Conservatism


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Can we both agree that someone who would write something like that is beyond sick? What term should we use towards the author of that article?

'Moral degenerate'?

How about we call that sick piece of human scum this?:

'Murray Rothbard: The founder of the modern day Libertarian movement'.

LOL. You still insist on saying I'm a libertarian. That is funny. Just because I agree with some of libertarian thought doesn't mean I agree with all of it. I'm not for legalizing drugs. I'm not for legalizing prostitution. I'm not for a lot of things libertarians are for.

I do marvel at how TOL Libertarians constantly quote from their secular humanist leaders, yet deny embracing their sick and twisted ideology.

The Libertarian Party Platform explains the core of Libertarianism, which is opposite of true conservatism:

As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.
We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.
Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.


Your buddy drbrumley called me an "authoritarian" in an earlier post. Of course since my "authoritarian" beliefs come from God via Holy Scripture, his problem is with God, not me.

As to the quote you gave, I agree with most of it. Parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

Starving a baby to death is a far cry from "raising" it. Another one of your precious leaders, atheist Walter Block (who became "Mr. Libertarian" after Satan called Murray Rothbard home)), justifies a father selling his 4 year son ("who is not an adult") to NAMBLA.

Page 58

Quite the leaders that your godless cult has.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Caught in yet another lie?

How about instead of finding a post (just one) where you endorsed Senator Ted Cruz for President
How about a primary ballot with his name marked? :think: This is kind of inane, ACW. There is no reason for anybody to lie. If they are comfortable telling you who they voted for, you need not question anyone. Yes, I have posted positive comments etc. Yes, anybody that 'knows' me can verify that fact. You've no reason to disbelieve. None. I DON'T CARE if you disbelieve me or not. That is YOUR problem, not mine. I'm not going around trying to prove everything I say. A lot of people don't like to say who they voted for, but I have never felt any reservation in telling how I vote. It helps others think about their own so I do it.

you supply a post where you share the Word of God with your good friend Arthur Brain?
How about you ask him if you are this interested? Better? Look at any discussion we've had about faith and him repeatedly saying he is not an atheist?

You surely must recall you telling me that the only reason that you're friends with a pro homosexual agenda person like Arthur is so that you can share God's Word with him.
"Only" reason? :nono: He friended me and I'm happy to be friendly. Proverbs 18:24. Rather, we were discussing that I am not friends with him because we share commonality on all points. He and I both admit our differences. At any rate, not sure what this has to do with the price of tea in China. You 'seem' to just like picking fights on TOL. Did you know this is trolling and against your agreement with rules on TOL? Why are you being temperamental? Is this a bad month for you? What is your problem? why are you dragging AB into this??? :idunno: :confused:

Just one post, Lon, that's all I'm asking.
How about the one I just posted before this one???

I've sent private messages to many who were supportive of Cruz with "Me too" as well as have told Patrick Jane what my particular hang-ups were with Trump and why I didn't vote for him. Other than that, why do you care so much? Why, in the wide-world does it make any difference to you whatsoever??? :idunno:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Remind me Sandy, which candidate did you endorse? As I recall it was the LGBTQ flag waver John Kasich from Ohio.

Would you like to guess who did NOT endorse Trump.

John Kasich. :D

One LGBTQ flag waver failing to endorse another LGBTQ flag waver.

What's this world coming to Sandy?


How about a primary ballot with his name marked? :think: This is kind of inane, ACW. There is no reason for anybody to lie...

I have this thing for calling out people who claim to be conservative, but really are wolves in sheep's clothing. I did it with your friend Wiley Coyote, and I'm doing it with you now.

What better place to do so in a thread called "Explain Conservativism"?

Being that you cannot supply one shred of evidence showing that you supported Ted Cruz, the only true conservative in last year's Republican Primaries, and being that you support that filthy degenerate Donald Trump because "he isn't Hillary Clinton", and being that you can't even define the basis for conservativism ("whatever works" isn't even close to defining it), and being that you're liked and are friends with those who truly do loathe conservativism (Art Brain, Patrick jane, drbrumley, etc.), I'm calling you out as a fraud Lon.


Well-known member
I have this thing for calling out people who claim to be conservative, but really are wolves in sheep's clothing. I did it with your friend Wiley Coyote, and I'm doing it with you now.
Yeah? And? So (if true)? Don't Care. I really don't. My greater concern is not political. I am a member of the U.S. but I'm looking for a place whose Builder and Maker is God. I could give a care less about what you think of me otherwise.

What better place to do so in a thread called "Explain Conservativism"?
Great. WHO CARES, besides you? Nobody. Nobody cares whether I am a Conservative or a Liberal or whatever. I HIGHLY doubt you do either. Who cares, ACW???

Being that you cannot supply one shred of evidence showing that you supported Ted Cruz, the only true conservative in last year's Republican Primaries...

Er, no. YOU cannot prove you voted for Cruz or anybody, yourself. Go ahead and try. Simply saying so in thread is NOT proof.

I'll tell you what, simply tell me what you'd like me to believe about you and UNTIL someone says you lied or until if have a "REASON" to doubt you, I'll take your word for it. How about that? :think: Any more of this is just trolling on your part ACW. Nobody cares if I'm a conservative or a liberal, not even you. The ONLY Thing that matters with such, is how we individually vote our values and guess what? You can't do a thing about that either. Quit being droll. Tell people why they should vote a certain way next election and don't worry about things that are too late and well beyond your control. There is absolutely NO POINT to your posts in this thread. :plain:

and being that you support that filthy degenerate Donald Trump because "he isn't Hillary Clinton", and being that you can't even define the basis for conservativism ("whatever works" isn't even close to defining it), and being that you're liked and are friends with those who truly do loathe conservativism (Art Brain, Patrick jane, drbrumley, etc.), I'm calling you out as a fraud Lon.
Er, no. I am not on record ever supporting him. I simply said he was 'more conservative' than Hilary and 'why' he made it into office. Shocking, really, when I and a good many other Christians didn't vote for him. I could give a rip what you want to 'accuse' me of. You are wrong. Lying? Nope, just inept. Knock it off. -Lon


Yeah? And? So (if true)? Don't Care. I really don't. My greater concern is not political. I am a member of the U.S. but I'm looking for a place whose Builder and Maker is God. I could give a care less about what you think of me otherwise.

Great. WHO CARES, besides you? Nobody. Nobody cares whether I am a Conservative or a Liberal or whatever. I HIGHLY doubt you do either. Who cares, ACW???

God cares. God wants people/cultures and governments to conserve His teachings.

I see that I've gotten you all worked up. You best rest.

Did you check out your buddy patrick jane's last post? He's passing off pro homosexual Steven Crowder as a conservative.

Libertarians: they are a fascinating bunch.

Steven Crowder crashes gay-bar karaoke night dressed as Trump


Well-known member
God cares. God wants people/cultures and governments to conserve His teachings.
:up: but I 'think' that isn't a political conservative, but a Christian. To me, different animals.

I see that I've gotten you all worked up. You best rest.

Did you check out your buddy patrick jane's last post? He's passing off pro homosexual Steven Crowder as a conservative.
I might see the confusion now. Do you see a Christian and a conservative politically, as the same thing? IOW, can a guy be politically conservative and not be a Christian? I might understand where you are coming from if that's close.

Libertarians: they are a fascinating bunch.

Steven Crowder crashes gay-bar karaoke night dressed as Trump
Honestly, I don't even think Regan was 'Christian' enough for me, politically. I believe Jesus said we'd always be in the minority.

I had a card once that had holes in it, for my birthday. Inside it said something like "This card is made of cotton and there were only two cards left, both of them had weevils. I picked the card that was mostly still in tact because it contained the lesser of two weevils."

I always feel like that every time I go and vote :( "Only two candidates left...." Maybe I'm asking for sympathy and hoping you relate to the same. There was a third candidate this election, and though I knew there was no chance, I voted for him anyway. He of course didn't win...


...I might see the confusion now. Do you see a Christian and a conservative politically, as the same thing? IOW, can a guy be politically conservative and not be a Christian? I might understand where you are coming from if that's close.

Let it put is this way AarLon:

A person can believe that the teachings of God as seen in Holy Scripture is best for individuals and nations without being a follower of Christ.

On the other hand: Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian and lie about supporting Ted Cruz during the primaries when you really did support and continue to support Donald Trump?

Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian when you don't even acknowledge that conserving the teachings of God is the core of conservatism?

Is it possible for you to be a Christian while being friends with despicable humans beings without sharing God's Word with them?

In my opinion you can't be a Christian and do what you do AarLon.

You put on a great act, but unfortunately for you, you can't fool God.


Well-known member
Let it put is this way AarLon:

A person can believe that the teachings of God as seen in Holy Scripture is best for individuals and nations without being a follower of Christ.

On the other hand: Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian and lie about supporting Ted Cruz during the primaries when you really did support and continue to support Donald Trump?
That I see 'anything' that resembles a conservative value makes me a 'supporter????'

Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian when you don't even acknowledge that conserving the teachings of God is the core of conservatism?
Probably not. I really have WAY more thought and allegiance to my faith than politics at large. I do think, as a believer, I have to vote carefully, but I'm not as concerned with politics as I am with the day to day business of preaching, teaching, discipling, and giving. If I'm a failure as a Christian in your eyes because of it, that's one thing, but you can't really label much one way or the other politically at that point. I'm simply not much of a politician.

Is it possible for you to be a Christian while being friends with despicable humans beings without sharing God's Word with them?
I think so. 40 years ago, my father asked me to stop sharing the gospel with him, nor to share any scriptures. A bit over ten years ago, he came to Christ. I prayed. Does it fit into your paradigm? :think:

In my opinion you can't be a Christian and do what you do AarLon.
Opinions are great. I think a Christian would have had a hard time voting Democrat up until these past two decades. For me, however, I cannot question their Christianity. Being a Christian has to do with one's walk with their Savior. To me, it is better to discuss scriptures over the matter.

You put on a great act, but unfortunately for you, you can't fool God.
I believe you are taking WAY too much on your shoulders. It is very hard to tell who is a Christian on TOL. We can read a bit between the lines, but I'd hesitate to tell a total stranger (like you) anything about your walk with God. I don't really know you. If you think you've got some special ability from God I don't have, I'm not really a fan of charismatic issuances. I 'can' tell you, you seem like a particularly judgmental guy and that because of your free-use and often clearly wrong judgments, your pronouncement here doesn't mean a lot to me. I've seen you abuse your judgmentalism once too often, incorrectly. There are others on TOL I'd immediately worry, because they know me AND I trust them. I just don't have anywhere near that relationship with you ACW. I hardly know you AND you hardly know me. It really shoots your 'judgment' down to you just not being mature in the judgment department. You really shouldn't be judgmental anyway, unless you can show me it is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit :think: (It isn't, stop doing it). -Lon


Quote: Originally, posted by aCultureWarrior
On the other hand: Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian and lie about supporting Ted Cruz during the primaries when you really did support and continue to support Donald Trump?

That I see 'anything' that resembles a conservative value makes me a 'supporter????'

One has to question the motives of a person who supports a pro homosexual politician like Donald Trump, especially when that person has so many pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda friends on a Christian website.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian when you don't even acknowledge that conserving the teachings of God is the core of conservatism?

Probably not. I really have WAY more thought and allegiance to my faith than politics at large. I do think, as a believer, I have to vote carefully, but I'm not as concerned with politics as I am with the day to day business of preaching, teaching, discipling, and giving. If I'm a failure as a Christian in your eyes because of it, that's one thing, but you can't really label much one way or the other politically at that point. I'm simply not much of a politician.

If you ever decide to share God’s Word with your pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda friends here on TOL, would you send me a transcript of that, as I would love to frame it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it possible for you to be a Christian while being friends with despicable humans’ beings without sharing God's Word with them?

I think so. 40 years ago, my father asked me to stop sharing the gospel with him, nor to share any scriptures. A bit over ten years ago, he came to Christ. I prayed. Does it fit into your paradigm?

I’m not impressed with unsubstantiated stories (like your story about endorsing Ted Cruz). I can only go with what I see here on TOL, and your endorsement of a pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda businessman turned politician, along with you having many pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda friends whom I’ve never seen you witness to, makes me very suspicious of you.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In my opinion you can't be a Christian and do what you do AarLon.

Opinions are great. I think a Christian would have had a hard time voting Democrat up until these past two decades. For me, however, I cannot question their Christianity. Being a Christian has to do with one's walk with their Savior. To me, it is better to discuss scriptures over the matter.

The bible is very clear on the proper of government. It’s pretty difficult to follow Christ when you disagree with Him on subjects that He’s very clear about.

In any event, it’s been fun exposing you. I have to warn you though: God will not be mocked.

Gary K

New member
Quote: Originally, posted by aCultureWarrior
On the other hand: Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian and lie about supporting Ted Cruz during the primaries when you really did support and continue to support Donald Trump?

One has to question the motives of a person who supports a pro homosexual politician like Donald Trump, especially when that person has so many pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda friends on a Christian website.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it possible for someone like you to be a Christian when you don't even acknowledge that conserving the teachings of God is the core of conservatism?

If you ever decide to share God’s Word with your pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda friends here on TOL, would you send me a transcript of that, as I would love to frame it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it possible for you to be a Christian while being friends with despicable humans’ beings without sharing God's Word with them?

I’m not impressed with unsubstantiated stories (like your story about endorsing Ted Cruz). I can only go with what I see here on TOL, and your endorsement of a pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda businessman turned politician, along with you having many pro homosexual/LGBTQ agenda friends whom I’ve never seen you witness to, makes me very suspicious of you.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In my opinion you can't be a Christian and do what you do AarLon.

The bible is very clear on the proper of government. It’s pretty difficult to follow Christ when you disagree with Him on subjects that He’s very clear about.

In any event, it’s been fun exposing you. I have to warn you though: God will not be mocked.

LOL. So, acw, anyone whose arguments you have a hard time dealing with is a sock puppet. Your paranoia is getting the best of you. It seems to me that after losing so many arguments that you would stop to think that you might possibly just be wrong about a lot of things, as the only arguments you seem to be able to raise against facts are adhominen attacks. That's the sure sign of the losing side of a debate.


Like clockwork, WizardofOz shows up at yet another thread where aCultureWarrior gives a brief hint that the person that he is debating (in this case Lon) is very likely Aaron (i.e. "AarLon).

[MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION] - be a pal and tell me all the names of my supposed sock accounts...

Apparently, I am Lon as well :kookoo:

I joked several years ago that the vast majority of TOL'ers are one or two people with numerous sock puppet accounts. After thorough examination of several Libertarian leaning TOL'ers, there is no doubt in my mind that it's true.

I wrote the following in the most recent thread of a 4 part series that has given you and your Libertarian leaning friends nightmares:

The evidence:

As you know WizardofOz is my very bestest friend in the whooooole wide world (we're such good friends that he emailed my late pastor asking him if he thought homosexuality should be recriminalized). He and the guy who was offered oral sex by another guy in college (and was tempted to take him up on the offer) and patrick jane as well as ok doser are not only all of American Indian descent, but are hardcore Ron Paul supporters as well. Add the fact that they're all in their mid 40's and hate me with a passion, well it doesn't take a calculator to add that one up.

I found it rather quee...ahem...odd that patrick jane earlier today said that WizardofOz (he'my very bestest friend in the whoooole wide world don't cha know) hadn't posted in this thread since early in part 3 (that's been over three years ago).

Does patrick know everyone who has posted in this and the previous thread and not returned to post again?


How did your fellow Libertarian know that you didn't post in the hundreds of pages that consist of Part 3 and 4 after you made your brilliant introduction on Page 1 in Part 3?

There must be a simple explanation for it.

To answer your question: Sigh, where shall I start?

musterion, patrick jane, ok doser, Sabbath Moon, Angel4Truth, Koytoy, glassjester, Lon, ffreeloader,etc. etc. etc.

At first I wondered if you were ahem...roommates with someone (or a group of people) that post Libertarian ideology as you do, but then I realized that in your sad world that you enjoy the fantasy of being numerous other people.


like marbles on glass
musterion, patrick jane, ok doser, Sabbath Moon, Angel4Truth, Koytoy, glassjester, Lon, ffreeloader,etc. etc. etc.

At first I wondered if you were ahem...roommates with someone (or a group of people) that post Libertarian ideology as you do, but then I realized that in your sad world that you enjoy the fantasy of being numerous other people.

You think all of the above are WizardofOz?

Come on, aCW, those people are as different from him as the man in the moon.

You're worse off than I thought.


LOL. So, acw, anyone whose arguments you have a hard time dealing with is a sock puppet. Your paranoia is getting the best of you. It seems to me that after losing so many arguments that you would stop to think that you might possibly just be wrong about a lot of things, as the only arguments you seem to be able to raise against facts are adhominen attacks. That's the sure sign of the losing side of a debate.

I believe we left off here, where you espouse theocratic/totalitarian views towards things that are sacred to Libertarians.



You think all of the above are WizardofOz?

Come on, aCW, those people are as different from him as the man in the moon.

You're worse off than I thought.

Since I can't even convince you that homosexuality is wrong, please don't expect me to reason with you on this matter.


New member
The evidence:

As you know WizardofOz is my very bestest friend in the whooooole wide world (we're such good friends that he emailed my late pastor asking him if he thought homosexuality should be recriminalized). He and the guy who was offered oral sex by another guy in college (and was tempted to take him up on the offer) and patrick jane as well as ok doser are not only all of American Indian descent

I can only speak for myself. I have never been offered oral sex by a guy. I do not have any American Indian blood in me. I am of Irish, English and German descent.

but are hardcore Ron Paul supporters as well. Add the fact that they're all in their mid 40's and hate me with a passion, well it doesn't take a calculator to add that one up.

I am 37 years old. I don't hate you although you are a paranoid idiot.

I found it rather quee...ahem...odd that patrick jane earlier today said that WizardofOz (he'my very bestest friend in the whoooole wide world don't cha know) hadn't posted in this thread since early in part 3 (that's been over three years ago).

It would be easy to determine by running a search. It would only take a second to verify this. It is true, I have not once posted in your WHMBR part 4 thread. I can only listen to a broken record for so long...

Does patrick know everyone who has posted in this and the previous thread and not returned to post again?

How did your fellow Libertarian know that you didn't post in the hundreds of pages that consist of Part 3 and 4 after you made your brilliant introduction on Page 1 in Part 3?

A search of my posts in part 4: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
A search of my posts in part 3: I made 12 total posts in part 3

You do know how to use the search function, don't you?

There must be a simple explanation for it.

There are with me having numberous sock accounts being pretty far down the list of possible (simple) explanations.

To answer your question: Sigh, where shall I start?

musterion, patrick jane, ok doser, Sabbath Moon, Angel4Truth, Koytoy, glassjester, Lon, ffreeloader,etc. etc. etc.
:kookoo: You really are a nut.

At first I wondered if you were ahem...roommates with someone (or a group of people) that post Libertarian ideology as you do, but then I realized that in your sad world that you enjoy the fantasy of being numerous other people.

And I would also be coming here to talk to myself. We're not all as nutty as you are.

I've reached a new level of concern for your mental health.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The evidence:

As you know WizardofOz is my very bestest friend in the whooooole wide world (we're such good friends that he emailed my late pastor asking him if he thought homosexuality should be recriminalized). He and the guy who was offered oral sex by another guy in college (and was tempted to take him up on the offer) and patrick jane as well as ok doser are not only all of American Indian descent

I can only speak for myself. I have never been offered oral sex by a guy.

I would never imply that you are or once were a practicing homosexual Aaron. I do wonder why the devout defense of homosexuality though? Surely it must be based solely on Libertarian ideology (the self ownership philosophy).

I do not have any American Indian blood in me. I am of Irish, English and German descent.

I don't believe you.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
but are hardcore Ron Paul supporters as well. Add the fact that they're all in their mid 40's and hate me with a passion, well it doesn't take a calculator to add that one up.

I am 37 years old. I don't hate you although you are a paranoid idiot.

Then there's the Ron Paul/Libertarian connection.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How did your fellow Libertarian know that you didn't post in the hundreds of pages that consist of Part 3 and 4 after you made your brilliant introduction on Page 1 in Part 3?

A search of my posts in part 4: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
A search of my posts in part 3: I made 12 total posts in part 3

You do know how to use the search function, don't you?

One would think that patrick jane would have explained that when I questioned him on that matter over 3 months ago. Instead, he went silent.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
To answer your question: Sigh, where shall I start?

musterion, patrick jane, ok doser, Sabbath Moon, Angel4Truth, Koytoy, glassjester, Lon, ffreeloader,etc. etc. etc.

At first I wondered if you were ahem...roommates with someone (or a group of people) that post Libertarian ideology as you do, but then I realized that in your sad world that you enjoy the fantasy of being numerous other people.

I've reached a new level of concern for your mental health.

How about you and I, and you can gather up all of your Libertarian thinking friends if you like, how about we all go over to my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (200-300 people a day view it) and we can discuss Libertarians philosophy and legislation, and after debating, we can decide who is in need of mental health care?