Explain Conservatism


Well-known member

You're not serious. Right?

But I'm serious. What are the principles? What are the ideals? It's not all personality and leader-worship, right? So, what is it about?

I'd have reported this for trolling, had I seen it earlier. She gave you a brief answer. "Conservativism" is interested in 'conserving.' Nutshell: It desires to preserve and celebrate what is inherited and works. It is a group that is interested in the past, and not making the mistakes of it, so the only change it desires is that which compliments it.

So, why Trump? Because he espouses at least some of those values and promised to conserve them and cherish them as president. Is he the best thing since sliced bread? No, but the alternative was a vote of forgoing all tradition and values America espouses. That you don't espouse them? Clear by this and other statements you've made on TOL. Point? None. Trump will likely win the next election, not because he is the best, but because he IS the republican ticket and Democrats will be trying to continue usurping values attacked under Obama's reign. Those who are 'liberal' according to values and desires, such as yourself, will continue to look for a democrat in office. It is interesting, though the House, Senate, and executive offices are Republican; Democrats still think that the nation isn't opposed to this media-fed frenzy over attacking traditional values. :nono: I realize politics go further than such simplicities, but I do think essentially, this is the difference in elections, first of Obama and then with Trump.


...So, why Trump? Because he espouses at least some of those values and promised to conserve them and cherish them as president.

What values would those be? That innocent life is sacred? No, he signed legislation 3 times in his first 9 months in office to fund Planned Parenthood. Marriage? No, in his first weeks in office he said that "Obergefell v Hodges is the laws of the land" and hired a Supreme Court Justice that said the same thing.
Trump has surrounded himself with lifelong democrats and pseudo conservatives.

What exactly is the flip flopper conserving and what good is it if he can't get the basics of conservatism right?

But he wasn't Hillary, right?



The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
- Elbert Hubbard

A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy.
- Benjamin Disraeli

Wealth, in even the most improbable cases, manages to convey the aspect of intelligence.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

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Well-known member
What values would those be? That innocent life is sacred? No, he signed legislation 3 times in his first 9 months in office to fund Planned Parenthood. Marriage? No, in his first weeks in office he said that "Obergefell v Hodges is the laws of the land" and hired a Supreme Court Justice that said the same thing.
Trump has surrounded himself with lifelong democrats and pseudo conservatives.

What exactly is the flip flopper conserving and what good is it if he can't get the basics of conservatism right?

But he wasn't Hillary, right?

Er, even if Trump only signs in 1/2 as many conservative bills as he does liberal ones, it is STILL better than Hilary would have done. I realize Republicans candidates haven't been very good at championing Conservative ideals, 1) it hasn't been true for awhile and 2) they are the only ones where you can hope and pray that one with our values, might actually get into office. You are not going to get conservative values from liberal ones. I believe when you voted Democrat, you voted against your own values, unless you can come up with a few things Democrats have done lately that espouse your Christian ideals? :think:

Lest we lose the forest for the trees, I was addressing One) the OP question about what Conservativism means and Two) how it played in Trumps election and support. My address to you is to explain why a Conservative should not have voted "liberal." If you voted for a more conservative candidate than Trump (pretty easy to do, if you stayed Republican), Kudos. -Lon


Well-known member
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Ah, a broad-stroke pen. Got to love a democrat that enjoys oversimplifications and half-lies. Most Christians are conservative. Christians out-give our liberal counterparts by FAR. Galbraith lied. Lying is not a 'conservative' value. We try to live by truth (one of those things that we try to conserve). Are there Conservative career politicians that do not represent us well? Yes, yes there are.

A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
- Elbert Hubbard
Interesting, Democrats are more likely to blame genetics, including their own obesity than Republicans, who believe diet and exercise are important. See the tradition/liberal trends? Republicans have more guns than Democrats too, I'd hate to see the 'coward war' start.

A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Better than "I was born this way" and "Be yourself." ' Hypocrisy' in this case, is aiming higher than you (generic) personally are, Mr. Disrael. Leave it to a Liberal to miss the forest and be happy with complacency?

Wealth, in even the most improbable cases, manages to convey the aspect of intelligence.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Sounds like the have-nots envious of the have's. I've never thought someone richer than I, was smarter than I, just focused on things more.

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill
Ah, Mr. Mill, what a 'stu-...' ah, what an uneducated and unsubstantiated thing to say. :think:

perhaps www.not-so-brainy-quotes? :think: Part of the fake-news?


Well-known member
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

Although it is not true that all liberals are violent criminals, it is true that most violent criminals are liberals.

- me

So what's that say about the merits of "liberal values" (whatever those are)?
Nothing. Nothing at all.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Ah, a broad-stroke pen. Got to love a democrat that enjoys oversimplifications and half-lies. Most Christians are conservative. Christians out-give our liberal counterparts by FAR. Galbraith lied. Lying is not a 'conservative' value. We try to live by truth (one of those things that we try to conserve). Are there Conservative career politicians that do not represent us well? Yes, yes there are.

Interesting, Democrats are more likely to blame genetics, including their own obesity than Republicans, who believe diet and exercise are important. See the tradition/liberal trends? Republicans have more guns than Democrats too, I'd hate to see the 'coward war' start.

Better than "I was born this way" and "Be yourself." ' Hypocrisy' in this case, is aiming higher than you (generic) personally are, Mr. Disrael. Leave it to a Liberal to miss the forest and be happy with complacency?

Sounds like the have-nots envious of the have's. I've never thought someone richer than I, was smarter than I, just focused on things more.

Ah, Mr. Mill, what a 'stu-...' ah, what an uneducated and unsubstantiated thing to say. :think:

perhaps www.not-so-brainy-quotes? :think: Part of the fake-news?
Atta boy, Lon!

Gary K

New member
I simply have to laugh at the idea that the John Stewart Mill quote is being against today's conservatives. For one, John Stewart Mill was liberal when liberal meant being for a free market economy, for a lassez faire economy, for unrestricted capitalism, for restricted power of government. That's exactly the opposite of what liberals today believe. It's far more in line with the conservative and libertarian point of view on economics.

What he was talking about is that the then conservative party in England was for the government running the economy and using their political power to hand out business favors to their friends. IOWs it means just exactly the opposite of what the person who posted it thinks it means.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What values would those be? That innocent life is sacred? No, he signed legislation 3 times in his first 9 months in office to fund Planned Parenthood. Marriage? No, in his first weeks in office he said that "Obergefell v Hodges is the laws of the land" and hired a Supreme Court Justice that said the same thing.
Trump has surrounded himself with lifelong democrats and pseudo conservatives.

What exactly is the flip flopper conserving and what good is it if he can't get the basics of conservatism right?

But he wasn't Hillary, right?

Er, even if Trump only signs in 1/2 as many conservative bills as he does liberal ones, it is STILL better than Hilary would have done.

What should we call your boy Trump then: a "moderate liberal"? Actually, because so many Libertarians love him for his stance on homosexuality and abortion, let's call your boy a "Libertarian leaning flip flopper" shall we?

I realize Republicans candidates haven't been very good at championing Conservative ideals, 1) it hasn't been true for awhile and 2) they are the only ones where you can hope and pray that one with our values, might actually get into office.

Hoping and praying? Why didn't you vote for the only true conservative on the ballot in the Presidential primaries, Ted Cruz? That's right, he wasn't Libertarian leaning enough for you.

You are not going to get conservative values from liberal ones. I believe when you voted Democrat, you voted against your own values, unless you can come up with a few things Democrats have done lately that espouse your Christian ideals? :think:

Please quit lying, I didn't vote democrat.


Well-known member
What values would those be? That innocent life is sacred? No, he signed legislation 3 times in his first 9 months in office to fund Planned Parenthood. Marriage? No, in his first weeks in office he said that "Obergefell v Hodges is the laws of the land" and hired a Supreme Court Justice that said the same thing.
Trump has surrounded himself with lifelong democrats and pseudo conservatives.

What exactly is the flip flopper conserving and what good is it if he can't get the basics of conservatism right?

But he wasn't Hillary, right?
First of all, while I realize about everybody is against you in politics, I didn't vote for him. I rather, am answering an OP. You could have answered it fairly the same as I have and without endorsing him. IOW, I was making what I believe is accurate commentary that answers the OP.
I'm convinced Trump made it into office simply because we worship and idolize celebrity as a nation (I don't).

What should we call your boy Trump then: a "moderate liberal"? Actually, because so many Libertarians love him for his stance on homosexuality and abortion, let's call your boy a "Libertarian leaning flip flopper" shall we?
I'd have been bummed with McCain too. Don't confuse commentary with endorsement. I didn't vote for him.

Hoping and praying? Why didn't you vote for the only true conservative on the ballot in the Presidential primaries, Ted Cruz? That's right, he wasn't Libertarian leaning enough for you.
Er, I did, and then went Tennessee after he dropped from the race.

Please quit lying, I didn't vote democrat.
Not lying, had read someone say you voted for Hilary and didn't remember you discounting that. My apology for the misread.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Can someone (a conservative) please explain conservatism to me in the age of Trump? It's main principles, it's ideals, what it's supposed to stand for? Because it's really hard to tell if there's anything but naked partisanship and leader-worship.

Feel free to lay out any part of it, or an overview of the whole.
I'm not a conservative; I'm a fundamentalist.

A conservative is a man who tries to protect the regulations installed by liberals.

Sent from my SM-A520F using TOL mobile app


I'm not a conservative; I'm a fundamentalist.

A conservative is a man who tries to protect the regulations installed by liberals.

Sent from my SM-A520F using TOL mobile app

No, a conservative is a man or woman who attempts apply the pie-in-sky regulations installed by liberals.

The attempt to bridge the chasm betwixt the two generally transpires into the essence of which comedians aspire to hone their craft from.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What values would those be? That innocent life is sacred? No, he signed legislation 3 times in his first 9 months in office to fund Planned Parenthood. Marriage? No, in his first weeks in office he said that "Obergefell v Hodges is the laws of the land" and hired a Supreme Court Justice that said the same thing.
Trump has surrounded himself with lifelong democrats and pseudo conservatives.

What exactly is the flip flopper conserving and what good is it if he can't get the basics of conservatism right?

But he wasn't Hillary, right?

First of all, while I realize about everybody is against you in politics, I didn't vote for him. I rather, am answering an OP...

Except that you said this in an earlier post, which sounds like an endorsement to me:

Er, even if Trump only signs in 1/2 as many conservative bills as he does liberal ones, it is STILL better than Hilary would have done.

Clinton and Trump are both LGBTQ flag wavers who agree on redefining marriage and allowing openly homosexual men and women in the US Military as well funding the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood, could you point out some "conservative bills" that Donald Trump has signed that separates him from the democrats?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hoping and praying? Why didn't you vote for the only true conservative on the ballot in the Presidential primaries, Ted Cruz? That's right, he wasn't Libertarian leaning enough for you.

Er, I did, and then went Tennessee after he dropped from the race.

I was in dozens of political threads here on TOL during the Presidential primaries and I swear I didn't see you endorsing Ted Cruz. Could you pull up an old post of yours showing that?

What exactly does "then went Tennessee" mean?

Oh and Lon: "Explain Conservatism".

The Barbarian

There are still conservatives, but they no longer have a place in the republican party. Jeff Flake has a 97% rating from the American Conservative Union. He's unelectable in Trump's party.

If conservatives want a party, they have to either revolt and remove Trump, or they need to leave and start a new one.


There are still conservatives, but they no longer have a place in the republican party. Jeff Flake has a 97% rating from the American Conservative Union. He's unelectable in Trump's party.

It seems that the people at the Arizona Conservative disagree with the ACU.


As do the people at the Conservative Review.

If conservatives want a party, they have to either revolt and remove Trump, or they need to leave and start a new one.

Explain Conservatism.