Explain Conservatism

Gary K

New member
LOL. You can keep on claiming I'm a libertarian all you want. I'm not for legalizing drugs. I'm not for legalizing abortion. I'm not for legalizing sodomy. I'm not for legalizing pedophelia. I'm not for any of those things. And, I have yet to see a libertarian against any of those things except for pedophelia.

Would you explain how having laws against immoral behavior (abortion, homosexuality/adult-child sex, incest, bestiality, recreational drug use, prostitution, etc. etc.) amounts to "totalitarianism"?

It seems you cannot be honest in your discussion. It seems to be completely beyond your ability. I have never said laws about any of those things should not exist. I have said it is not illegal to talk about them, nor should it be. Speech about abortion is not the actual act of either performing an abortion nor having a baby aborted.

I have a step daughter who at the age of 17 was convinced by her supposed boyfriend that she should abort the child he impregnated her with. Should she have been thrown in jail for talking about it? That is what you are seeking. That speech be criminalized. You are a totalitarian without a doubt.

I am for the free discussion of ideas, for only by that can the public mindset be changed. You cannot change anyone's mind by incarcerating them for talking about ideas. All you can do by doing that is create a state such as the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, etc... where any and all political dissent(thought and speech) is cause for getting thrown in jail, "re-educated", and tortured. In my eyes you're a fool who has no idea what he is actually advocating.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Except that Ronald Reagan wasn't a conservative. The same people who drank Reagan's kool aid are drinking Trump's.

Oh please ... the two cannot be compared. While Reagan was not perfect, he was sane and did display decency. There is nothing decent, moral or sane about Trump.

While Donald Trump has been a very valuable asset to the LGBTQ/abortion movements ("Obergefell v Hodges is the law of the land"; he signed legislation funding Planned Parenthood THREE TIMES since taking office in January of this year, etc. etc. etc.), you're right Sandy, one really can't compare Donald Trump with Ronald Reagan.

As Governor of California, Ronald Reagan was largely responsible for abortion, homosexuality and the break up of the family (no fault divorce) going mainstream. As President, he made no attempt to undo the incalculable harm that those acts did to America.

When it comes to comparing the harm that Trump has done to America compared to Reagan, there currently is no comparison.




like marbles on glass
Can someone (a conservative) please explain conservatism to me in the age of Trump? It's main principles, it's ideals, what it's supposed to stand for? Because it's really hard to tell if there's anything but naked partisanship and leader-worship.

Feel free to lay out any part of it, or an overview of the whole.

rex, you might find this relevant to your OP:

When ‘Conservatives’ Turned Into Radicals

... conservatism has long had two faces — one for its ideological elites and another for its voters. Its intellectual class debates free markets and constitutional law, but the message for voters is consistently different, full of sinister socialist plots and black welfare recipients soaking up tax money. The conversations I had in our office on Sunday afternoons took place against a backdrop of complaints about “liberal fascism,” of unceasing racial rhetoric in every publication and comments section, of the national anti-liberal student group Young Americans for Freedom planning a gathering in the center of our campus for “Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day.”

Trump rejected only half that equation: the elites who believed their ideas determined the trajectory of conservative thought. He excised the ideological middlemen and spoke directly to voters, who did not need to wrestle with coherent principles or define the nature of the relationship between citizen and state. They were free to decide that universal health care and copious use of executive orders were conservative values after all — and when they did, the very people whose entire careers had depended on carefully defining and nurturing the conservative movement would come to look like liberal shills. As Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona said late in October, announcing that he would not seek re-election: “It is clear at this moment that a traditional conservative” — a believer in free trade, limited government and all the rest — “has a narrower and narrower path to nomination in the Republican Party.”


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As Governor of California, Ronald Reagan was largely responsible for abortion, homosexuality and the break up of the family (no fault divorce) going mainstream. As President, he made no attempt to undo the incalculable harm that those acts did to America.

Indeed ... Trump is far worse, specifically in the fact that he is DANGEROUS by virtue of his unbalanced mind.

If Reagan were alive today he could give Trump acting lessons on how to talk like a conservative while continuing to promote liberal causes.


New member
I have no idea who you think I am, but I am most definitely not some guy named, Aaron. I get a chuckle at your paranoia though. He must have given you fits when you would debate him.

[MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION] is certifiable :kookoo:



Gary K

New member
Explaining anything to you always proves to be a huge waste of time.

There is no limit to your stupidity

I wouldn't say, stupidity. I'd say it is his unwillingness to see beyond what he desires to see. He has a mind like a steel trap. It was sprung long ago, never reset, and nothing has been able to force it's way in since then.


New member
I wouldn't say, stupidity. I'd say it is his unwillingness to see beyond what he desires to see. He has a mind like a steel trap. It was sprung long ago, never reset, and nothing has been able to force it's way in since then.
It's a common theme.

I must apologize. You are correct in that stupid is not the best word to use.

Delusional is a more accurate word. [MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION] quite literally thinks that you and I are one person that has numerous sock accounts and uses them to talk to yourself on TOL.

Spoiler alert:

It's weird.

Gary K

New member
It's a common theme.

I must apologize. You are correct in that stupid is not the best word to use.

Delusional is a more accurate word. @aCultureWarrior quite literally thinks that you and I are one person that has numerous sock accounts and uses them to talk to yourself on TOL.

Spoiler alert:

It's weird.

ROFL. So you are Aaron? If so this is hilarious. Funniest thing I've had happen to me in a long time.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
. . .Ronald Reagan wasn't a conservative.
. . .As Governor of California, Ronald Reagan was largely responsible for abortion, homosexuality and the break up of the family (no fault divorce) going mainstream. As President, he made no attempt to undo the incalculable harm that those acts did to America.

Interesting. And to think that pseudo conservatives consider Ronald Reagan the modern day father of the conservative movement.


Well-known member
Obviously, the reason I'm asking people on a forum is because I'm looking for a discussion. Someone who can explain the ideals, and respond to questions. Play the game or don't.

Also, I'm not sure any definitions more than a few months old would still apply.

Since you asked, let me indulge you.

A Conservative is one who believes the Supreme Court, the president, the House, the Senate, governors, mayors and everybody else strictly follows the Constitution.

A Conservative rejects wars, except in defense of the land and the people. War is to be declared by both houses of Congress. Fighting an undeclared war is wrong, even if we fight to liberate them from bad guys.

A Conservative rejects Foreign aid. The Constitution does not provide for such arraignments.

A Conservative doesn't believe the Constitution is a living document. A conservative believes it is a contract between the States and the Federal Government. The States are the leaders, not the Federal Government. Under this heading, we have the issues of morality and justice. It is the states responsibility to legislate what is permitted in their own territory. Liberals and other authoritarians tend to see this as "states right's" vs. "Federal jurisdiction." So called "social conservatives" as our good friend ACW here, do not believe this to be the case.

A Conservative does not believe the federal government is authorized to provide welfare, health care, housing or education.

A Conservative believes in traditional values.

There you have my answer. Ask a question is your so inclined..