Executing homosexuals


I wonder if homosexuals, who you'd be content to have executed, would see your funny side? :plain:

Odds are one of those friends, family and/or co-workers ...are homo. I wonder, if exposed as such, would he "drop them like they're hot"?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No they weren't.

Your straw man, like the Scarecrow, has no brain. And neither do you.

Your attempt to discredit by association and hyperbole has failed.

How so?

What you advocate doing to people is exactly the bloody same and plenty of homosexuals were killed under the Nazi regime lest you forget. You and your ilk are nothing short of a self righteous monstrous blood thirsty blight on humanity.

Still, you're 'funny' at least apparently so what the hey...



New member
No, of course child molesters should be kept away from children, but seeking a righteous retribution through execution isn't a humane solution.

Sure, because child molesters
never molest again, after they have
been caught. And it is a so much more
humane a solution to let them live and
molest more children. :kookoo:


Hall of Fame
Sure, because child molesters
never molest again, after they have
been caught. And it is a so much more
humane a solution to let them live and
molest more children. :kookoo:

Certainly ... in the same way that no evidence or incident is required. You can claim they do it because you hate them ... and that should be enough for the legal system.

Luckily for us, it is not. Freedom of and from religion and all.


New member
Certainly ... in the same way that no evidence or incident is required. You can claim they do it because you hate them ... and that should be enough for the legal system.

Luckily for us, it is not. Freedom of and from religion and all.

Are you claiming that repeat
sexual offenders don't exist?

You are a nut.


Hall of Fame
Are you claiming that repeat
sexual offenders don't exist?.

Is that what is written? Is English your first language?

You are a nut.

Uh huh. It's lunacy in a country that values freedom and innocent until proven guilty to actually request proof from someone making intentionally dishonest claims.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Certainly ... in the same way that no evidence or incident is required. You can claim they do it because you hate them ... and that should be enough for the legal system.

Luckily for us, it is not. Freedom of and from religion and all.
There is no such thing as "freedom from religion."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There is no such thing as "freedom from religion."

There is in the sense of not living under an imposed dogmatic theocratic rule of such - which is what you advocate with your support for homosexuals being executed. We're free of that kind of thing in the West thankfully. :)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Arthur still has no brain as evidenced by his ignorance in thinking opposition to homosexuality can only be because the Bible says so and for no other reason.


Hall of Fame
Not at all the topic.

When religion is used for the justification of executing homosexuals, then it is about freedom of/from religion.

BTW, one needs to actually commit a DP offense in order to be executed. We all know that will never happen.


New member
No one here ever gives their plan for executing homosexuals. How do folks propose that the extermination of homosexuals is put into place? Especially now that same-sex marriage has been okayed, what's the plan for reversing it and making homosexuality an executable offense?

Prepare a Lake of Fire and throw them in.


New member
Prepare a Lake of Fire and throw them in.

Throw who in, exactly? How would the courts identify homosexuals?

Would just living together in the same house be reason to kill them? Would acting camp be a capital offence? Would rumour and hearsay be sufficient, as was the case with the witch trials? How about those that got married solely for the financial or tax benefits, but were just in a platonic friendship? Who would you call as prosecution witnesses?

The who idea is impractical, as well as supremely evil.

(And how do you make a lake of fire? A lake implies liquid, but fire is a plasma. :idunno:)
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Arthur still has no brain as evidenced by his ignorance in thinking opposition to homosexuality can only be because the Bible says so and for no other reason.

For someone who boasts about his own intelligence so much you sure do have a bizarre habit of misreading or missing the actual point. What I was addressing had nothing whatsoever to do with whether other objections to homosexuality can be made besides biblical or religious ones. Nothing at all. My actual point was as stated. In the sense of being free from certain people's particular brands of zealous extremism - like yours for example - then we are indeed free of it as there's no chance of it coming about.