Executing homosexuals


Well-known member
I analyzed 15 verses of Scripture which speak on the topic of homosexuality, and I came to the conclusion that this sin must be made illegal as a matter of national security.

So what's the plan? I don't want to hear about if's or why's. You came to a conclusion. So now, what's the plan to move forward with making homosexuals illegal?


So what's the plan? I don't want to hear about if's or why's. You came to a conclusion. So now, what's the plan to move forward with making homosexuals illegal?

Zoo, don't you get it? They're not strong enough, the plan comes when they get enough men to wield the pitchforks like in the good ol' days. They need a new play book.


Well-known member
Never got any real answers on this.

How do you folks who advocate executing homosexuals propose that the extermination will unfold? What's the plan?


New member
Never got any real answers on this.

How do you folks who advocate executing homosexuals propose that the extermination will unfold? What's the plan?
Same with the recriminalization.
How would it work, logistically, at this juncture in history and with all that has occurred?


Well-known member
Same with the recriminalization.
How would it work, logistically, at this juncture in history and with all that has occurred?

Sure, the plan for illegality is the largest part of the plan for execution. That's a part of what I'm asking. What do folks suggest as a roadmap to executing homosexuals?


arrest them, try them, convict them, sentence them, execute them

not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you :idunno:


New member
arrest them, try them, convict them, sentence them, execute them

not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you :idunno:
But with all the gay rights laws and hate speech laws and federal judges overturning anti-gay marriage bans; 2003 Lawrence V TX making sodomy the constitutional right in all states ----- how would the illegality come back on the books, and what about the massive gay/liberal protest and outrage, with senators, judges, governors all on their side, not to mention the President :think: It would be as easy as taking back the women's right to vote.


New member
arrest them, try them, convict them, sentence them, execute them

not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you :idunno:





Dear All,

Don't seem so worried about the situation. God knows what's happening down here and He will take care of it quite fairly. The gays will have to pick between gay sex or having God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, and Angels in their lives. They just do not know any better yet. Give them some time. Lots of it. They can do it. I did not have gay sex basically, including masturbation for over 8 years. Once in a while, I would break down. But I'd end up even stronger after that. My times for being done with it is long gone. I'm trying to live now like Jesus did. I don't know how He did it, but it gives me strength. Thank God I don't have to fast for 40 days and nights in the desert, which Jesus did.) I'm so proud of Him. I cannot do it. I can barely get through one day, though I did pretty good the other day for 3/4 day, but I need to do at least one day. God will take care of all of the gays and fornicators (look it up in your dictionary. You don't have the slightest idea). Okay, y'all, it's 5am here right now. Goodnight!!!


I don't know why those Christians that adhere to Jewish law when it comes to the punishment phase of laws against homosexuality think it's necessary to execute homosexuals.

If AIDS, alcoholism/drug addiction, or being murdered by an anonymous lover that they met in some bushes in a public park doesn't kill them first, they'll likely commit suicide for living the lie that they do.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What are you upset about? The men, women and children pictured were receiving exactly what you want.
No they weren't.

Your straw man, like the Scarecrow, has no brain. And neither do you.

Your attempt to discredit by association and hyperbole has failed.