Executing homosexuals


Well-known member
If they're caught in the act then arrest them, try them, convict them if the evidence is clear and they are guilty, then execute them.

What's your plan to get folks to agree to that? Stand on highway overpasses with cardboard signs? How come I don't see folks out there campaigning?

Say, do you wear an "exterminate homosexuals" shirt, like you might wear a "personhood" shirt? "I support killing homosexuals" or something?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What's your plan to get folks to agree to that? Stand on highway overpasses with cardboard signs? How come I don't see folks campaigning?
Just because I believe it to be the right thing to do does not mean I believe people would be persuaded that it is right and necessary.


Well-known member
Just because I believe it to be the right thing to do does not mean I believe people would be persuaded that it is right and necessary.

Oh, I see. Then why start a thread here about it? An anonymous thread on a site where you know it won't do anything at all is good, but out in public, you keep quiet?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They can all be swift, painful and public.

Seriously, are you even thinking?

Are you? How would this public debacle actually come about? How would such a monstrosity be set up and be accepted by the public at large? What would be the most efficient way to bring such about? How would you scare and oppress the populace into surrendering to such a barbaric and atrocious practice?

Now maybe you just start to think for once here LH. Most folk don't want zealous nutballs being in charge of things, and especially not where it comes to people's private lives and relationships - be that heterosexual or otherwise. Ain't none of your business.

You have no clue here.

You have no idea here.



Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
No one here ever gives their plan for executing homosexuals. How do folks propose that the extermination of homosexuals is put into place? Especially now that same-sex marriage has been okayed, what's the plan for reversing it and making homosexuality an executable offense?

Oh no! Another homosexual thread! You guys are obsessed with making homosexuality a societal norm.


New member
Oh no! Another homosexual thread! You guys are obsessed with making homosexuality a societal norm.

Kinda hard to MAKE something what it already IS.

Just because you and your ilk are a little slow on the uptake, it doesn't change the fact that America is gradually (finally) catching up with the rest of the civilized world.

That it has taken so long is a mark of arrogance, dogmatic pursuit of outdated tradition, and blind adherence to the norms of your predecessors who not only never lived in this world, but could never have seen it coming.


New member
Execute a program of anti-promiscuity indoctrination

Execute a program of anti-promiscuity indoctrination

No one here ever gives their plan for executing homosexuals. How do folks propose that the extermination of homosexuals is put into place? Especially now that same-sex marriage has been okayed, what's the plan for reversing it and making homosexuality an executable offense?

The enemy is not people, but powers and principalities that teach young people that to become adult means to have sex before finally getting married, when people over 30 no longer are sexual.

That education never mentions the consequences that hurt others they will care about.
That education is not telling the next generation that they will be paying 25% of the National Budget on Welfare, advancing the secret and hidden plague of AIDS that will threaten us all as it did in Africa, create a criminal element from kids raised by Single Mothers, and directly hurt and impoverish fatherless children now half of the population in the next generation.

We need execute a program that changes our social behavior similar to the program that has be eliminating Racial Bias since 1965.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We could also execute those displaying signs of Asperger's syndrome, they really irritate me. :IA:

Oh, I see. Then why start a thread here about it? An anonymous thread on a site where you know it won't do anything at all is good, but out in public, you keep quiet?
I never said I keep quiet in public. I'm just not delusional enough to think the majority of the wicked will repent of their rejection of God's commands.

In order to establish a rule of law that coincides with what God knows to be right, not because He says so but for the very same reasons He knows it to be right, a government would have to be established to do so. We cannot fix the system of the USA without first tearing it down to start anew. And the smart money is on the USA falling apart on its own first.

Are you? How would this public debacle actually come about? How would such a monstrosity be set up and be accepted by the public at large? What would be the most efficient way to bring such about? How would you scare and oppress the populace into surrendering to such a barbaric and atrocious practice?
You call it barbaric, atrocious, a debacle and a monstrosity; yet you fail to demonstrate it as such.

You claim the people would need to be scared and oppressed into accepting it, but you ignore the fact that I was neither when I accepted it as right and necessary. Which was less than a decade ago.

Now maybe you just start to think for once here LH. Most folk don't want zealous nutballs being in charge of things, and especially not where it comes to people's private lives and relationships - be that heterosexual or otherwise. Ain't none of your business.
Who said anything about what they do in private?

You have no idea here.

Your position is about the letter of the law (man's law), not justice.

Oh no! Another homosexual thread! You guys are obsessed with making homosexuality a societal norm.
Yes they are.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You call it barbaric, atrocious, a debacle and a monstrosity; yet you fail to demonstrate it as such.

Painfully killing people for having consensual sexual relations is just that.

You claim the people would need to be scared and oppressed into accepting it, but you ignore the fact that I was neither when I accepted it as right and necessary. Which was less than a decade ago.

Well, to be honest LH, who cares? So you became convinced that it's 'right and necessary'. So? Most Christians don't and would be appalled by the notion never mind secular society. For this to come about it would have to be imposed. It wouldn't have a cat in hell's chance if it were up to a public vote. People do not want to live in a theocracy akin to sharia law in the West, with good reason.

Who said anything about what they do in private?

Oh, so it's okay in private as long as they aren't seen?

Silly immature little boy.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Painfully killing people for having consensual sexual relations is just that.
Simply saying it doesn't demonstrate it.

Try again.

Well, to be honest LH, who cares? So you became convinced that it's 'right and necessary'. So? Most Christians don't and would be appalled by the notion never mind secular society. For this to come about it would have to be imposed. It wouldn't have a cat in hell's chance if it were up to a public vote. People do not want to live in a theocracy akin to sharia law in the West, with good reason.
I was initially appalled at the idea. So why do you think I was convinced?

And how do you not understand that I don't advocate voting on it?

Oh, so it's okay in private as long as they aren't seen?
I didn't say it was OK. The point is that if it is in private then no one knows and thus there is not enough reasonable suspicion to investigate; let alone arrest, try and convict.

Silly immature little boy.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Simply saying it doesn't demonstrate it.

Try again.

Do I need to explain why cruelty is barbaric as well? It's obvious to anyone with an ounce of humanity about them.

I was initially appalled at the idea. So why do you think I was convinced?

Poor reasoning and a lack of humanity towards others would explain it...

And how do you not understand that I don't advocate voting on it?

I said if it were put to a vote it would have zero chance of going through, that it would have to be imposed. I said nothing about what you may personally advocate regarding a vote one way or the other. Do what you throw around at other people so often and read what's actually written.

I didn't say it was OK. The point is that if it is in private then no one knows and thus there is not enough reasonable suspicion to investigate; let alone arrest, try and convict.

Yeh, it would just be that straightforward would it? :plain:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Do I need to explain why cruelty is barbaric as well? It's obvious to anyone with an ounce of humanity about them.
You haven't demonstrated that it is cruel.:dunce::duh:

Poor reasoning and a lack of humanity towards others would explain it...
Assumptions and nothing more. I'm not surprised.

I said if it were put to a vote it would have zero chance of going through, that it would have to be imposed. I said nothing about what you may personally advocate regarding a vote one way or the other. Do what you throw around at other people so often and read what's actually written.
Why bring up a vote when I already as much said I don't believe it would pass?

Yeh, it would just be that straightforward would it? :plain:
How would suspicion enough to investigate arise if no one ever catches them in the act? Especially when no less than two or three witnesses are required?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You haven't demonstrated that it is cruel.:dunce::duh:

So I do need to explain the obvious to you? Okay then, if you saw an animal being tortured would you consider it cruel? Presuming you've given the only moral and sensible answer to that question then you can now do the math on this as well. :thumb:

Assumptions and nothing more. I'm not surprised.

Oh do please tell then.

Why bring up a vote when I already as much said I don't believe it would pass?

I brought it up as part of my answer, not as a commentary on what you might happen to think on it. Read what's written.

How would suspicion enough to investigate arise if no one ever catches them in the act? Especially when no less than two or three witnesses are required?

Are you kidding? There'd be suspicion where two friends of the same gender share a place to live for a start, despite the fact many do. Under an effective police state? Once again, do the math.


Well-known member
Is your pastor George Carlin,,cause he had the same plan lol.. but really guys,,serious?dont murder,love thy neighbor, am I on the KKK web site by accident?

Another man once hated a whole type of people and wanted to execute them all, his name was Hitler and the event was deemed the Holocaust,

What do you mean, my pastor? You might read as poorly as Lighthouse does. It's not like it was a very long post... I don't understand the problem.

Anyway. The pastor's name was Charles Worley. In a sermon, he advocated keeping all homosexuals behind a huge electric fence. He said they should be fed. Some people here advocate killing homosexuals. They want to exterminate the homosexual people. Some don't want to kill the homosexuals, but just want homosexuality made illegal.