• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I asked you in several posts to tell me what method I should use to identify and study the immaterial (the supernatural). The only response I receive is, "You're a great comedian". :sigh:

Would you like to try again?
You've already proven to like talking to a brick wall. I will not waste my time with you anyone.
Well, I'm the one subtantively responding to posts (and grammatically correct, usually). You're the one making grandios claims then refusing to back them up and you won't answer the simplest of questions, so, it isn't me being a "brick wall".

Would you like to try again?

patrick jane

Well, I'm the one subtantively responding to posts (and grammatically correct, usually). You're the one making grandios claims then refusing to back them up and you won't answer the simplest of questions, so, it isn't me being a "brick wall".

Would you like to try again?
Science, i.e. physics, biology, cosmology etc., are your god(s). That's what you put your faith in. Why do you think there are no records of history older than 6 or 7 thousand years?

patrick jane



New member
What you think doesn't matter.

Oh but it does. Do you think it is the Christian fundamentalists that control science and technology? Who controls the international business system, the schools and universities? Government and the courts? Who is educating the children and running the media?

No. My voice does matter, whether you like it or not.

Merry christmas.:wave:


Well-known member
Oh but it does.

No it doesn't.

You morons (and that's not an insult, it's a literally correct description) believe you have somehow earned the authority to tell everyone else the what and how of the universe, even though you believe you're nothing more than an accidentally animated bag of dirt, water and electro-chemical impulses. You're on a crusade to convince everyone else to believe as you do, by force if necessary...even though, if you're right (which you're not) what you're preaching for AND against is ultimately meaningless and so a complete waste of time..dirt trying to convince dirt that it's dirt. So what? All end up as nothing more than dirt, if you're right.


You're fools, all of you. There is NO REASON for anyone to take you seriously, so I don't.

Right Divider

Body part
Sorry, but I don't know what that sentence is supposed to mean. Could you clarify?
I was saying that, no, I do not believe something "just because it's in a book".

I've not said anything like that at all.
Sometimes I get peoples views confused here on TOL. I thought that you were one of the atheist materialists.

By the definition of the word. There's a difference between killing someone and murdering someone. The word "murder" specifically refers to an illegal and therefore immoral act of killing someone.

Discovery of the moral values of a society can be accomplished by the social sciences. I'm not aware of a means to quantify them.
Why is murder wrong? How do you come to moral determinations like that? "Social science" cannot determine right and wrong, it only obverses what people do.

I never said it was, so I'm not sure who you think that was for.
Where else do you find truth?


Well-known member
But I know you and all other haters of God would MUCH prefer to be magic rock apes who have nothing but the ultimate lights out waiting for them.


New member
But I know you and all other haters of God would MUCH prefer to be magic rock apes who have nothing but the ultimate lights out waiting for them.

It's not about preference at all. I'd love an eternal life after death, but I just don't believe what I see written in ancient books. I want repeatable corroborating evidence, while your seem to have a lower threshold for evidence when it comes to being offered what you dearly hope to have.

Either of us may be right, but hoping for something to be true doesn't translate into it being certainly true. Asks science has a better track record for predicting outcomes for material things.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No it doesn't.

You morons (and that's not an insult, it's a literally correct description) believe you have somehow earned the authority to tell everyone else the what and how of the universe, even though you believe you're nothing more than an accidentally animated bag of dirt, water and electro-chemical impulses. You're on a crusade to convince everyone else to believe as you do, by force if necessary...even though, if you're right (which you're not) what you're preaching for AND against is ultimately meaningless and so a complete waste of time..dirt trying to convince dirt that it's dirt. So what? All end up as nothing more than dirt, if you're right.


You're fools, all of you. There is NO REASON for anyone to take you seriously, so I don't.

Well, you take things seriously enough to type out rants like this apparently. Furthermore, it's science under discussion here, namely evolution, not atheism so if you're conflating the two then that's an error on your part. As you know, there's several Christians on here who ascribe to evolution and some have obvious credentials in the area (Barbarian, Alate One). If it doesn't compute for you because of your doctrinal mindset then that's kinda blinkered but up to you. Otherwise, GC Thomas is correct. Science doesn't care what your beliefs are, mine or anybody else's, it's only interested in evidence for which evolution has more than enough.

The Barbarian

Sorry guys. Clete and creationists like him have left the discussion. All you have left to argue with are the magic rock apes throwing poo.

Given the embarrassing display the remaining creationists have put on, I doubt if any rational creationists will be coming back.

The Barbarian

There are tons of spear points and plant and animal food items, but next to no Clovis people fossils found. Can you think of anything to account for this anomaly?

There are tons of artifacts from Roman era Europe, but next to no European people fossils found. Can you think of anything to explain this anomaly?

It is by no means established that humans are responsible for the wave of extinctions at the end of the ice age, when humans first entered the Americas.