• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?


New member
No flood deposits a desert. Cute....

We've had claims that Devonian rocks were flood deposits, and Devonian sequences have layers that are alluvial fans at the base, progressing to wind blown desert with dunes, lakes and river deposits above.

So if no flood deposits deserts, then you should explain how the Old Red Sandstone came to form in the middle of the Flood.

Right Divider

Body part
We've had claims that Devonian rocks were flood deposits, and Devonian sequences have layers that are alluvial fans at the base, progressing to wind blown desert with dunes, lakes and river deposits above.

So if no flood deposits deserts, then you should explain how the Old Red Sandstone came to form in the middle of the Flood.
Did it exist before the flood? The water receded after the flood.

Jose Fly

New member
Here's an idea......

How about the global flood believers start of by telling us which geologic strata are pre-flood, flood, and post-flood?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Non sequitur.

You said: "There is NO reason to believe that the earth has layers of rocks laid down successively on top of each other... with respect to natural processes WITHOUT a global flood". I'm just pointing out that a "global flood" is unnecessary for the "layers of rock (being) laid down successively on top of each other".
I agree that some things do lay down layers of rock.
So, there IS reason to believe that the earth has layers of rocks laid down successively on top of each other... with respect to natural processes WITHOUT a global flood, contrary to your earlier assertion. I’m glad that’s cleared up.

That is NOT the same process that has made the many places where fossils are found.
Why, in your opinion, is a “global flood” more likely that thousands of smaller, yet still catastrophic, local floods for the appearance of fossil beds throughout the world? Also, why, in your opinion, is a “global flood” more likely for the appearance of marine fossils on mountains than plate tectonics?


New member
Did it exist before the flood? The water receded after the flood.

Here's an idea......

How about the global flood believers start of by telling us which geologic strata are pre-flood, flood, and post-flood?

Well, the Upper Silurian and Devonian strata cannot be flood deposits, obviously. There hasn't been time sine the mythical Flood for so many major changes in the deposit types. And there was only a thousand years before the Flood, wasn't there? Allegedly.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Have you or have you not said, in innumerable posts:

”Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word...”

Yup... and that is why it is a strawman / dishonesty when you try to argue the claim is 'science... proves god's word'
”Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word...”


“Science... proves god's word.”

Is your objection the distinction without a difference between “confirms” and “proves”? Seriously?

How you can deny (”Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word...”) doesn’t imply, “Goddidit!!!” is beyond comprehension.
It does seem beyond your comprehension.
It’s beyond ANYONE’S comprehension.

I don't think you can be helped.
I’m not the one in need of help.

If I misrepresented every evolutionist argument with ' Evolution did it' instead of trying to address what someone was actually saying, it would be a straw man and it would be dishonest.
If “god’s word” says “god created (everything)” and “god’s word” is “absolute truth”, please explain how “Goddidit!!!” explains, life, the Universe, and everything.

Since science rules out "goddidit" as an explanation…
Haha.. If someone claims God created, then show the context...Until you do that, you just keep making logical fallacy arguments.
Since one of your common mantras is, “in the beginning god created”, wouldn’t it be fair to conclude you are claiming “god created”, i.e. “Goddidit!!!”?

for natural phenomena then YOU (the creationist) must find some way to substantiate how "logic" explains "goddidit". My guess is your explanation will include something similar to, "Abiogenesis without my personal concept of deity's involvement is impossible because life from non-life is so incredibly amazing, not understandable, and unimaginable it must be wrong".
As you admit... you are imagining something, then arguing against it. It is the definition of a straw man.
What am I admitting and what am I imagining? Nice edit job btw.

This would be true if it is what “atheists” actually thought was the origin of the universe or the origin of life. You’ve been corrected on this strawman countless times but you keep using it anyway :sigh:.
My claim was 'Atheists either have to believe NOTHING DID IT... or that the cause existed eternally..
Yeah, and it is as wrong now as it was every time you posted it in the past (as has been pointed out repeatedly by myself and others) and will be every time you post it in the future.

Ok... So, tell us what caused everything? Turtles all the way down?
I don’t know and neither do you. The difference between us is I’m not going to insert, “Goddidit!!!”, just because humanity lacks the knowledge.

The Universe as it is now was “caused” by what the Universe was like before the “Big Bang”.
So, the cause existed eternally?
I don’t know and neither do you. The difference between us is I’m not going to insert, “Goddidit!!!”, just because humanity lacks the knowledge.

You make the “argument from ignorance” that because it is unknown what the intermediate “cause” was it must have been your chosen concept of deity, you know, “GODDIDIT!!!”
You are having problems with logic.
Why? If your logic (“world view”?) dictates you can’t live with yourself if there are unknowns in your life then it isn’t my “logic” which is faulty.

The claim is that either there is a cause which existed eternally....or, that nothing caused everything.
Yeah, that is your (faulty) claim. So, what caused everything? Was it an eternally existent, intelligent, uncaused cause? What is the name you normally give this eternally existent, intelligent, uncaused caused?
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Jose Fly

New member
Well, the Upper Silurian and Devonian strata cannot be flood deposits, obviously. There hasn't been time sine the mythical Flood for so many major changes in the deposit types. And there was only a thousand years before the Flood, wasn't there? Allegedly.

We'll see. I have a suspicion about how this will go, but I'm willing to let the flood believers speak for themselves.

Right Divider

Body part
So, there IS reason to believe that the earth has layers of rocks laid down successively on top of each other... with respect to natural processes WITHOUT a global flood, contrary to your earlier assertion. I’m glad that’s cleared up.
My earlier assertion was not a blanket statement that rock layers never get laid down.

Why, in your opinion, is a “global flood” more likely that thousands of smaller, yet still catastrophic, local floods for the appearance of fossil beds throughout the world? Also, why, in your opinion, is a “global flood” more likely for the appearance of marine fossils on mountains than plate tectonics?
The evidence is in favor of a world-wide catastrophic event.

Jose Fly

New member
My earlier assertion was not a blanket statement that rock layers never get laid down.
So your contention was not that rock layers don't get laid down, but that they don't do so on top of one another?

The evidence is in favor of a world-wide catastrophic event.
So which geologic strata are pre-flood, flood, and post-flood?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
So, there IS reason to believe that the earth has layers of rocks laid down successively on top of each other... with respect to natural processes WITHOUT a global flood, contrary to your earlier assertion. I’m glad that’s cleared up.
My earlier assertion was not a blanket statement that rock layers never get laid down.
So, your emphatic, "There is NO reason to believe that the earth has layers of rocks laid down successively on top of each other... with respect to natural processes WITHOUT a global flood", was contingent on not getting caught being a wee bit deceitful. Epic fail.

Why, in your opinion, is a “global flood” more likely that thousands of smaller, yet still catastrophic, local floods for the appearance of fossil beds throughout the world? Also, why, in your opinion, is a “global flood” more likely for the appearance of marine fossils on mountains than plate tectonics?
The evidence is in favor of a world-wide catastrophic event.
I assume you conclude the "biblical flood" is this "world-wide catastrophic event"... Yes?

Could any other reason, not involving divine intervention, be a possible explanation? (Warning! This is a trick question. If you answer, "Yes", you deny your belief in the biblical account, if you answer, "No", you're stuck with the, "Goddidit!!!", fallacy. Choose wisely.)


Well-known member
So which geologic strata are pre-flood, flood, and post-flood?

Hi Jose

IMO the Flood was the Younger Dryas, and the American pre-flood folks were the Clovis Culture.

The flood lasted only a year, was only water, created so few fossils that it made no dent on the geologic column. Of course Noah's flood did not create fish fossils. The way the Bible describes the flood, it would have created few fossils, fish or otherwise.

This event which wiped out the Clovis Culture is claimed to have occurred 11000 years ago.

Pre-flood people hunted mammoths, mastodons, sabre-toothed tigers, and the mega-fauna which disappeared after the flood. The predominant fossils from the flood were wooly mammoths which were flash-frozen in ice, as was possibly Otzi the iceman.

The flood changed the oceans conveyer belt system, and initiated the ice age.

Jose Fly

New member
IMO the Flood was the Younger Dryas, and the American pre-flood folks were the Clovis Culture.

The flood lasted only a year, was only water, created so few fossils that it made no dent on the geologic column.
So pretty much all geologic strata are pre-flood?

Of course Noah's flood did not create fish fossils. The way the Bible describes the flood, it would have created few fossils, fish or otherwise.
So where are the remains of everything that died?

The predominant fossils from the flood were wooly mammoths which were flash-frozen in ice, as was possibly Otzi the iceman.

The flood changed the oceans conveyer belt system, and initiated the ice age.
Any evidence for this claim?

Right Divider

Body part
So, your emphatic, "There is NO reason to believe that the earth has layers of rocks laid down successively on top of each other... with respect to natural processes WITHOUT a global flood", was contingent on not getting caught being a wee bit deceitful. Epic fail.

I assume you conclude the "biblical flood" is this "world-wide catastrophic event"... Yes?

Could any other reason, not involving divine intervention, be a possible explanation? (Warning! This is a trick question. If you answer, "Yes", you deny your belief in the biblical account, if you answer, "No", you're stuck with the, "Goddidit!!!", fallacy. Choose wisely.)
From the "nothing did it!!!" guy.