Everyone Will Die For His Own Sin


I only go by the written Word of God.


Muslims prey on Trinitatians that are rooted in doctrines. They say 1+1+1 (Is not) 3

They are correct. This is why Unitarian Modelists that ascribe to Christ being YHWH have stronger arguments against such forces... but these individuals are outside of scripture.

We have the Father (Matthew 3:17)
We have the Son. (Luke 23:46)
We have the HS. (John 14:26)

We have the revealed Name above ALL Names (Php. 2:9f, 11)

So now we "could say" 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1 (Deuteronomy 6:4)

But... this falls short! We now have to recognize (Col. 2:9)

So we're back to 100% plus 100% plus 100% = 300%

This is poly Theism and is contrary to scripture! What now?


This is the "Answer"! Infinity! Infinite Love! We can't comprehend these matters!

This is why John closes with these words...

John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that should be written.​

Jesus is ONE! Yes... But Jesus is THREE that are ONE! TriUnity! We are left with a "mystery" that scripture reveals and takes "faith" to "believe".

We are left knowing that God isn't completely "knowable"... because of our "finite" reasoning and "imperfect" Love.

No amount of articulation can explain the ONE that is THREE... this is the understatement of fact!

- EE

"If you think you know or know you know... there is nothing you truly know". By faith... By FAITH!

Hebrews 11 and... Job 38 - 41 ... I sincerely ask that you read these.

Lazy afternoon

These are the only kinds of answers you are going to get from me because you are a hatemonger, a false accuser bearing false witness, and now running around like a tale-bearer trying to weave spells: and no doubt Elohim will eventually use your own hate against you to drive you into outer darkness where you belong. You do not deserve to know whether or not I believe the scripture you quote because you should have already believed me when I told you that I believe everything written in the scripture. As for casting pearls; I have a commandment, dear trampler.

Why do not deal with the verses which you have denied the truth of.

What you say evil does harm to you, not to me.

Jesus fulfilled the law in the shedding of His blood for the reconciliation of the world to God in order to remove the curse from the whole world, in order that it not be destroyed.

You have tried to ignore the necessity of His shed blood by your laying hold of a philosophy of the unsaved Jews of personal betterment.

It is impossible for you to feed on the living word of God and become like Christ when you deny the very sacrifice which made it possible for man to eat thereof.

and your lying words about me prove it.

The Christ I serve speaks nothing like the devilish words you do.



Why do not deal with the verses which you have denied the truth of.

What you say evil does harm to you, not to me.

Jesus fulfilled the law in the shedding of His blood for the reconciliation of the world to God in order to remove the curse from the whole world, in order that it not be destroyed.

You have tried to ignore the necessity of His shed blood by your laying hold of a philosophy of the unsaved Jews of personal betterment.

It is impossible for you to feed on the living word of God and become like Christ when you deny the very sacrifice which made it possible for man to eat thereof.

and your lying words about me prove it.

The Christ I serve speaks nothing like the devilish words you do.


I rejoice in an opportunity to agree with you. Not in correction of Daqq... but in the acknowledgment of Christ's atonement.

- EE

Though... I am indeed aware that Daqq needs to yield to correction. As... we all do. I say this sincerely.

Lazy afternoon

I rejoice in an opportunity to agree with you. Not in correction of Daqq... but in the acknowledgment of Christ's atonement.

- EE

Though... I am indeed aware that Daqq needs to yield to correction. As... we all do. I say this sincerely.

Well it is interesting in reflecting on my own journey.

Daqq seems to be avoiding the death of the cross of Christ by spiritualizing it.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jesus is God come as a Man.

He was made flesh.

Can you not understand that when a person sins he dies spiritually?:

"But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death"

A person does not die physically when he sins. Instead, when he sins he dies spiritually. And since the penalty for sin is spiritual death then in order for a person to be justified before the LORD the penalty of a spiritual death he must be justified by the Lord Jesus'spiritual death.

His physical death cannot in anyway pay the penalty for spiritual death.


TOL Subscriber
He was made flesh.

Can you not understand that when a person sins he dies spiritually?:

"But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death"

A person does not die physically when he sins. Instead, when he sins he dies spiritually. And since the penalty for sin is spiritual death

The penalty for sin is spiritual death, manifested in physical death. IOW's it is both.
Romans 6:23

then in order for a person to be justified before the LORD the penalty of a spiritual death he must be justified by the Lord Jesus'spiritual death.

His physical death cannot in anyway pay the penalty for spiritual death.

That is the exact necessity for a God/Man Savior!

The death of Jesus was both physical and spiritual. He gave up His human spirit to God, and died bodily.

But because He was also God, He raised His body BY His power and the power of the Holy Spirit and by the power and will of the Father. God resurrected the Son of God, in body and soul.

God's Truth

New member
He was made flesh.

That is right. God the Father was made flesh.

Can you not understand that when a person sins he dies spiritually?:

"But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death"

A person does not die physically when he sins. Instead, when he sins he dies spiritually. And since the penalty for sin is spiritual death then in order for a person to be justified before the LORD the penalty of a spiritual death he must be justified by the Lord Jesus'spiritual death.

His physical death cannot in anyway pay the penalty for spiritual death.

We are conceived needing to be taught about God. We are flesh and spirit, but because of man's fallen nature, we need to be taught about God and reconciled to Him.


Sin has no more hold on me. I hate what is evil and cling to what is good.

I am not a baby Christian, and Satan will flee from those who submit to God. I still am on guard, however, for Satan is roaming around.

My flesh does not want to do sin.

I don't consider doing sin.
I can't believe how deluded you are. Do you live in a bubble?