Everyone Will Die For His Own Sin


Well-known member
I couldn't care less what you think about me or what anyone thinks about me.

You and glorydazed need to debate scripture and stop talking about me.

Well, you talk about yourself all the time...why should we not join in?

"I've explained this many times", "Why won't you listen to me?", "I've made this very clear."

God's Truth

New member
Well, you talk about yourself all the time...why should we not join in?

"I've explained this many times", "Why won't you listen to me?", "I've made this very clear."

I have no idea what you are talking about. Speak according to the scriptures or don't speak. This is not a thread titled What do you think of the member God's Truth.


Well-known member
I couldn't care less what you think about me or what anyone thinks about me.

You and glorydazed need to debate scripture and stop talking about me.

Whenever anyone tries and debate scripture, you butt in and take over the entire thread. You want it to be about you....well, let it be so. :peach:


Well-known member

"Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him"

Of course people who do not believe in the saving power of the death of the Lord Jesus will not be saved from that wrath.

Saving power of the death of our Lord Jesus, where's that in the Bible? And, it says in the Bible, that we are saved from wrath through Jesus, not through his death on the cross, but through him! Where is does it say in the Bible, that we are saved from the wrath of God by the death of our Lord Jesus, which verse is that in?

It's the saving power of his life, not death! And how many times do I have to say that I believe in the blood of Christ? But not like you do! The blood is the poured out life of Christ. We are justified through his blood, (his life) we are being made just by his life in and through us made manifest by the Holy Spirit. His blood, which we drink,(spiritually) is then in and through us and it covers us and cleanses us from all sin. It's not his natural blood on the cross, do you drink his natural blood? If no, then the blood has a deeper meaning. Just like the seed isn't a natural seed, and water isn't natural water, and bread isn't natural bread! They have deeper meanings and so does the blood, it's his life!

Also regarding the wrath, I was reading the Bible yesterday and I read this.

John 3

The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

So according to John, those who don't believe in Jesus have the wrath of God abiding on them, but those who do believe in Jesus have everlasting life! No saving power of the death of Jesus, we are saved by his life, just as it says (below) in the verse after that which you have quoted!

Romans 5:9

Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled ,we shall be saved by his life.

Christ Jesus was dead to his flesh and alive in God and are are saved through him by the word of reconciliation, the word of God, by believing in the gospel when we hear it, and believing the truth.

2 Corinthians 5

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
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Well-known member
Paul said they law is spiritual, that means sin is spiritual.

If Jesus didn't die spiritually then he didn't die for sin.

Justice required Jesus' soul not be destroyed since he did nothing worthy of death.

Because of Jesus' death we need only die once but live twice.

Jesus didn't die spiritually Jamie, his spirit didn't die in any way whatsoever Jesus died in the flesh, and his Spirit went straight to God, he said "into your hands I commend my Spirit"

Jesus went to be with God, in paradise, and he took the thief with him!


Well-known member
Gestation, whether spiritual or physical, requires a period of time.

Those born of the Spirit are not flesh according to Jesus.

If you bleed then you are not Spirit. Spirits don't bleed.

Can you show me what chapter and verse you are referring to? Thanks


Well-known member

You deny Atonement and you point to other ideas as proof this call is a lie... but you're on record all over the place as denying that the Son of God died for our Sins.

You don't believe in the virgin birth and thus remove blood from the equation. You deny that He was born He!

This is the most blatant display of your error.

- EE

Again, you are lying, I have never denied atonement just because I do not agree with your heretical version of atonement. You are on record saying that "Jesus became Azazel" for you, and at the same time and place, you accused me of "calling Jesus Satan" for disagreeing with your blasphemy. You are a blasphemer and a liar who says, "Jesus is YHWH", and at the same time you say, "Jesus is Azazel", and therefore by default you have said, "YHWH is Azazel", and not only that but you are on record saying that YHWH is your brother, making yourself equal to the Father, and in the same post you even went so far as to say that YHWH is "our Son", (and no doubt because you say He is the Son of Man). It is you who are teaching Mormon precepts because they also believe that the Father was once a man; but you even twist that even further by claiming that the Father is a Son of Adam, His own creation! You are sick and dying if not already twice dead.


New member
Jesus didn't die spiritually Jamie

"Then the serpent said to the woman, 'You will not surely die.'" (Satan)

"for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." (God)

In the Hebrew the word "surely" is die. God said Adam would die die. Two deaths.

The immortal soul concept is Satan's lie. Immortality is not inherent, it's a gift.

The gift is based on a person's relationship with Jesus Christ.


New member
Can you show me what chapter and verse you are referring to? Thanks

Jesus told Nicodemus, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

The wind does not utilize physical transportation to move about. Do you?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
We are justified through his blood, (his life) we are being made just by his life in and through us made manifest by the Holy Spirit. His blood, which we drink,(spiritually) is then in and through us and it covers us and cleanses us from all sin.

So "His blood" refers to "His life"?


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Again, you are lying, I have never denied atonement just because I do not agree with your heretical version of atonement.

What is your view of the atonement? That it results from what you call a "living sacrifice" of the Lord Jesus and it has nothing to do with His death upon the Cross?


Well-known member
What is your view of the atonement? That it results from what you call a "living sacrifice" of the Lord Jesus and it has nothing to do with His death upon the Cross?

How many times does it need to be explained? His Testimony is his blood because his blood shed at Golgotha PAID for his Testimony because his Testimony is exactly WHY they killed him. If you do not have and hold his Testimony in uprightness and truth then you do not have his blood atonement covering. If you claim you are his but you do not do his Testimony-Word then you trample his blood because his Testimony-Word is the equivalent to his very blood.

So how does that work out for you in your Mid Acts MADist theology? Well, let's see: you deny that the Testimony of Messiah applies directly to yourself because you place his words in a different age or dispensation which you yourselves have concocted so as to place his Testimony far away from yourselves. You in fact teach that his Testimony was only meant "for the Jews" and not for your imaginary "house of the Gentiles in Paul" which you imagine yourselves to be a part of. You therefore trample his blood because you reject his holy Testimony-Blood as applying to yourselves even though you claim to have a so-called "Gospel of Grace (only)" while rejecting what the author of Hebrew states about his blood being the very SPIRIT OF GRACE. It is exactly as was said to you long ago now: your own MAD doctrine effectually cuts you off from the Romans 11 Root and the Romans 11 Root is Messiah. You remain entirely unwashed because you refuse to put on the MIND of Messiah by way of putting on his TESTIMONY-BLOOD-ATONEMENT. Some of your fellows even come up with blasphemous excuses such as, "Judas preached the same Gospel", insinuating that the Gospel which Messiah preached in the Gospel accounts is a gospel of Judas, or they quote spurious passages such as "Go and sell all you have", (idiotically taking everything said as completely literal and physical in meaning just like you because the true supernal meanings of everything written are hidden from your carnal eyes).

Nearly all of the arguments we have had over the past entire YEAR have now come down upon your head: my doctrine does not change no matter what the topic might be and that is because the Testimony of Messiah expounds all things and his Testimony runs throughout my arguments. You have not rejected me but rather the Testimony of Messiah: over, and over, and over again. When are you going to wake up? You are not arguing for Messiah or his Testimony but rather you are always arguing for YOUR own concocted paradigm-mindset. Your major problem is in thinking that no one can really know the truth so everything is relative and your version is just as acceptable as the next persons view. You are mistaken in thinking this way because the Testimony of Messiah is the brick wall that stands between you and true salvation; you are never going to swim your way around it our find a way to dig under the wall: you are going to die trying unless you change your heart and mind and submit to the Testimony of Messiah which is his very blood and your only means of atonement. There is no other Way: the Father has sealed his holy Testimony, and this is what "belief" really means. Saul truly "believed" when he met Messiah in the road to Damascus and you see how that kind of true belief changed him forever. Belief is not just some simple one-time confession of faith or belief by way of some previously concocted prayer formula with all the right words and wham-bam you are saved, no, belief means you change your ways and convert, (repent), and turn from what you formerly believed or did not believe. Paul truly believed that Messiah was raised from the dead because he saw him, and the Holy One spoke to him; he indeed truly believed and his entire life was permanently altered because of it. Your version seems to be that since you prayed the correctly worded prayer formula Elohim has no choice but to save you because you DID what you think His Word tells you to do to be saved. No one is going to decide for himself or herself WHEN and WHERE Elohim is going to "save" them and especially not just because they DID their ONE WORK and prayed a pre-formulated Protestant factory prayer like a magic spell. The arrogance of such thinking is appalling; and yet this is clearly the type of buffoonery that leads to Mid Acts type theology, self-righteousness, and Rapturism which is also a product of dispensationalism and self-righteousness.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
His Testimony is his blood because his blood shed at Golgotha PAID for his Testimony because his Testimony is exactly WHY they killed him.

Here is a verse which I am sure that you are eager to pervert:

"He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed”
(1 Pet.2:24).​