Establishment of the Identity of Christ and The Destruction of the Temple


Well-known member
When you look at Dan. 9, the Olivet discourse and 2Thess. 2 together it makes is obvious that there will be a rebuilt physical temple in the last days.

No it does not make any sense at all.

Ah, yes of course, and the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for "the man of sin to be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God." And of course, according to your literal-physical material world minded theory, the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for this to happen in the literal physical temple-building made with hands of men, in the literal physical city of Jerusalem of below, from more than 800 miles away across the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea; without TV, satellites, cell phones, computers, the internet, a telescope, a pair of binoculars, or even electricity! Meanwhile they were right there in the heart of Yavan! (Greece, or as the KJV says in Daniel 8:21, "Grecia", lol).


And of course, according to you Paul lied because it never happened for any of them because it was not an individual event, so they had to wait for your "final generation" to come along. Too bad they could not live two thousand years to see what you might get to see! :chuckle:

And this was a reply to you already herein:

If you say there are any prophetic statements from the Apostolic writings which have never yet come to pass then it simply means that your version of the Messiah, (because of Matthew 24 and Mark 13), and your version of Paul, (because of passages like 1Cor 15:51-58, 1Thes 4:15-18, and 2Thes 2:1-12), and your version of the author of the Apocalypse do not comply with the Torah; and therefore your version of them all, including the Messiah, are false prophets whom we are not to heed or fear, (Deut 18:15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22). You are teaching and believing in a false Messiah who violates the Torah by way of your misunderstanding of spiritual things. The Gospel is to each in his or her own appointed times, times appointed of the Father, a day and hour which no one but the Father knows. To say that such things never happened to those to whom the authors wrote, (such as even those to whom Paul wrote), is a complete misunderstanding of holy and spiritual teachings in holy and spiritual writings. Do you suppose the Thessalonians were keeping a watchful eye on the literal physical temple in Jerusalem from almost a thousand miles away across the Mediterranean Sea? They did not have Wailing-Wall webcams, satellites, television, computers, ipads, iphones, telephones, or even electricity in those days. It is not that such things are not future, but that they happen to all true disciples of the Messiah in the times appointed of the Father, (when a child becomes a son, Gal 4:1-2), and they are therefore future as pertaining to you in your own appointed times; and truth be told, your apocalypse will not likely be televised. :chuckle:


TOL Subscriber
When you look at Dan. 9, the Olivet discourse and 2Thess. 2 together it makes is obvious that there will be a rebuilt physical temple in the last days.

aaargh . . . :nono:

When the Lord returns, there will be no more days as we know them, for all is going to be destroyed with fire. No more city of Jerusalem. No land left upon which to rebuild anything. See II Peter 3:10-12


Well-known member
UFOs and aliens make the most sense to Daqq the deceiver!

That is a flat-out lie and misrepresentation of what I believe. You are nothing more than a sleazy politician who repeats the same lie over and over again hoping it will stick. In the kingdom of Elohim it is murder to lie about someone because murders proceed from the heart and come forth from the mouth just as the Master says and teaches; and therefore John says, whosoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him. You again bear witness against yourself that you are a wolf in a sheepskin because I already told that I know those things you accuse me of believing are evil, (UFO'S, blah, blah, blah). You are the one who was seeking them out in your own thread, and as I said to you there, perhaps you should go immerse yourself in the Urantia thread if you want to commune with "aliens", (lol). You even said you wanted to learn how to fire one of their laser cannons: how is it that you know more about them than I do, wolfie?


New member
aaargh . . . :nono:

When the Lord returns, there will be no more days as we know them, for all is going to be destroyed with fire. No more city of Jerusalem. No land left upon which to rebuild anything. See II Peter 3:10-12

Half of the people on this forum advocate Law or Torah worship in some form so yes the antichrist will physically make an appearance, order the restoration of Jerusalem and the temple and then force the entire world back under the Law of Moses. It's coming whether you hide your head in the sand or not. Jerusalem will become the capital of the entire world at the very end aka Babylon the Great!


Well-known member
UFOs and aliens make the most sense to Daqq the deceiver!

Half of the people on this forum advocate Law or Torah worship in some form so yes the antichrist will physically make an appearance, order the restoration of Jerusalem and the temple and then force the entire world back under the Law of Moses. It's coming whether you hide your head in the sand or not.

Why do you pay no attention to what was just said to you, (again)?
Your flesh-minded interpretation is calling Paul a liar.

If you say there are any prophetic statements from the Apostolic writings which have never yet come to pass then it simply means that your version of the Messiah, (because of Matthew 24 and Mark 13), and your version of Paul, (because of passages like 1Cor 15:51-58, 1Thes 4:15-18, and 2Thes 2:1-12), and your version of the author of the Apocalypse do not comply with the Torah; and therefore your version of them all, including the Messiah, are false prophets whom we are not to heed or fear, (Deut 18:15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22). You are teaching and believing in a false Messiah who violates the Torah by way of your misunderstanding of spiritual things. The Gospel is to each in his or her own appointed times, times appointed of the Father, a day and hour which no one but the Father knows. To say that such things never happened to those to whom the authors wrote, (such as even those to whom Paul wrote), is a complete misunderstanding of holy and spiritual teachings in holy and spiritual writings. Do you suppose the Thessalonians were keeping a watchful eye on the literal physical temple in Jerusalem from almost a thousand miles away across the Mediterranean Sea? They did not have Wailing-Wall webcams, satellites, television, computers, ipads, iphones, telephones, or even electricity in those days. It is not that such things are not future, but that they happen to all true disciples of the Messiah in the times appointed of the Father, (when a child becomes a son, Gal 4:1-2), and they are therefore future as pertaining to you in your own appointed times; and truth be told, your apocalypse will not likely be televised.

Ah, yes of course, and the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for "the man of sin to be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God." And of course, according to your literal-physical material world minded theory, the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for this to happen in the literal physical temple-building made with hands of men, in the literal physical city of Jerusalem of below, from more than 800 miles away across the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea; without TV, satellites, cell phones, computers, the internet, a telescope, a pair of binoculars, or even electricity! Meanwhile they were right there in the heart of Yavan! (Greece, or as the KJV says in Daniel 8:21, "Grecia", lol).


And of course, according to you Paul lied because it never happened for any of them because it was not an individual event, so they had to wait for your "final generation" to come along. Too bad they could not live two thousand years to see what you might get to see!


New member
Why do you pay no attention to what was just said to you, (again)?

If you say there are any prophetic statements from the Apostolic writings which have never yet come to pass then it simply means that your version of the Messiah, (because of Matthew 24 and Mark 13), and your version of Paul, (because of passages like 1Cor 15:51-58, 1Thes 4:15-18, and 2Thes 2:1-12), and your version of the author of the Apocalypse do not comply with the Torah; and therefore your version of them all, including the Messiah, are false prophets whom we are not to heed or fear, (Deut 18:15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22). You are teaching and believing in a false Messiah who violates the Torah by way of your misunderstanding of spiritual things. The Gospel is to each in his or her own appointed times, times appointed of the Father, a day and hour which no one but the Father knows. To say that such things never happened to those to whom the authors wrote, (such as even those to whom Paul wrote), is a complete misunderstanding of holy and spiritual teachings in holy and spiritual writings. Do you suppose the Thessalonians were keeping a watchful eye on the literal physical temple in Jerusalem from almost a thousand miles away across the Mediterranean Sea? They did not have Wailing-Wall webcams, satellites, television, computers, ipads, iphones, telephones, or even electricity in those days. It is not that such things are not future, but that they happen to all true disciples of the Messiah in the times appointed of the Father, (when a child becomes a son, Gal 4:1-2), and they are therefore future as pertaining to you in your own appointed times; and truth be told, your apocalypse will not likely be televised.

Ah, yes of course, and the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for "the man of sin to be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God." And of course, according to your literal-physical material world minded theory, the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for this to happen in the literal physical temple-building made with hands of men, in the literal physical city of Jerusalem of below, from more than 800 miles away across the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea; without TV, satellites, cell phones, computers, the internet, a telescope, a pair of binoculars, or even electricity! Meanwhile they were right there in the heart of Yavan! (Greece, or as the KJV says in Daniel 8:21, "Grecia", lol).


And of course, according to you Paul lied because it never happened for any of them because it was not an individual event, so they had to wait for your "final generation" to come along. Too bad they could not live two thousand years to see what you might get to see!

....speak of the devil


Well-known member
....speak of the devil

You do so on a continual basis because you do not believe the scripture which has been posted to you on a continual basis. Ho Anomos sits in your temple claiming to be God Almighty, exalting himself above everything that is called God, showing himself and you that he is God, like an angel of light, two horns like a precious lamb but speaking like a dragon in all of the evil words and deeds which proceed from your heart and exit from your mouth and fingertips as you write, and no doubt the tree and vine is known by its fruit. You should have believed Paul when he warned you that you are the temple of Elohim; you should have believe John the Elder when he warned you to test and try the spirits to see whether or not they be of Elohim. And yet your master tells you that the Torah is abolished, and you therefore are utterly lawless by your own confessions herein, and you believe your master simply because he told you his name is Jesus. You should have checked with the real Jesus by way of his Testimony in the Gospel accounts. And now what will you do? for as I said to you already several times, the boil in your forehead is already festering: and how will you overcome now that you are utterly defiled? For even Paul warns you that anyone who defiles the temple of Elohim, Elohim will destroy that evil one. You will need to cut off your right hand, just as the real Master says to do in the Gospel accounts, and you will need to loose your defiled head and rancid mind, and perhaps then, if you overcome, you will be able to put on the mind of Messiah as Paul likewise tells you to do. Make no mistake, O child of Lawlessness and Torahlessness, Elohim will not be mocked: you will either do what the scripture demands or you will go away with your false Assyrian Vine into destruction. These things I know from my own experience, as detailed in my testimony, which you keep mocking. Your apocalypse will not be televised. :chuckle:


Well-known member
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know you not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from Elohim? and you are not your own?
20 For you were bought with a price: therefore glorify Elohim in your body.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
16 Know you not that you are the temple of Elohim, and that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you?
17 If anyone shall defile the temple of Elohim, the same shall Elohim destroy: for the temple of Elohim is holy, which temple you are.

Matthew 15:18-20
18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

Poor, poor, utterly defiled, lawless, Epoisses, what shall he do? :chuckle:

Lazy afternoon

aaargh . . . :nono:

When the Lord returns, there will be no more days as we know them, for all is going to be destroyed with fire. No more city of Jerusalem. No land left upon which to rebuild anything. See II Peter 3:10-12


Zec 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Zec 12:4 In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.

(judahs horses)

Zec 12:5 And the governors (only believers in Christ)
of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of (Heavenly)Jerusalem shall be my strength in the LORD of hosts their God.
Zec 12:6 In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.
Zec 12:7 The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem (the resurrected saints)do not magnify themselves against Judah.
Zec 12:8 In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.(the resurrected saints of the Heavenly Jerusalem)

Lazy afternoon

You do so on a continual basis because you do not believe the scripture which has been posted to you on a continual basis. Ho Anomos sits in your temple claiming to be God Almighty, exalting himself above everything that is called God, showing himself and you that he is God, like an angel of light, two horns like a precious lamb but speaking like a dragon in all of the evil words and deeds which proceed from your heart and exit from your mouth and fingertips as you write, and no doubt the tree and vine is known by its fruit. You should have believed Paul when he warned you that you are the temple of Elohim; you should have believe John the Elder when he warned you to test and try the spirits to see whether or not they be of Elohim. And yet your master tells you that the Torah is abolished, and you therefore are utterly lawless by your own confessions herein, and you believe your master simply because he told you his name is Jesus. You should have checked with the real Jesus by way of his Testimony in the Gospel accounts. And now what will you do? for as I said to you already several times, the boil in your forehead is already festering: and how will you overcome now that you are utterly defiled? For even Paul warns you that anyone who defiles the temple of Elohim, Elohim will destroy that evil one. You will need to cut off your right hand, just as the real Master says to do in the Gospel accounts, and you will need to loose your defiled head and rancid mind, and perhaps then, if you overcome, you will be able to put on the mind of Messiah as Paul likewise tells you to do. Make no mistake, O child of Lawlessness and Torahlessness, Elohim will not be mocked: you will either do what the scripture demands or you will go away with your false Assyrian Vine into destruction. These things I know from my own experience, as detailed in my testimony, which you keep mocking. Your apocalypse will not be televised. :chuckle:

You sit yourself in Gods temple telling everyone you are God.

You commit the same thing you claim of others.

You are as yet under the spell of anti-Christ.

All your words men nothing when you will not acknowledge the shed blood of Christ for the atonement of sin.



Well-known member
You sit yourself in Gods temple telling everyone you are God.

You commit the same thing you claim of others.

You are as yet under the spell of anti-Christ.

All your words men nothing when you will not acknowledge the shed blood of Christ for the atonement of sin.


More false accusations: prove what you say.

This is from right here in this thread:

The Master confirms the covenant to the many, according to how it is written in Dan 9:27, and he does so at the "Last Supper", (with the first cup mentioned, which is the cup spoken about in Matthew and Mark). That means that according to the false doctrine of Lazy afternoon the very same covenant(s) only lasted about a day. However there are at least two cups mentioned and both of them are referenced in Luke 22:17 and Luke 22:20. It is only the second cup mentioned which is called the "New Covenant", (Luke 22:20), and it is not for "the many" but privately for the disciples, ("for you", he says, again Luke 22:20). The reason why is because if one refuses to drink of the first cup of the covenant(s), "for many", then the same will NEVER get to drink of the second cup of the Renewed Covenant because it is personal, private, and individual: to each in his or her own appointed times.

First Cup:

Matthew 26:27-28 ASV
27 And he took a cup, and gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many unto remission of sins.

First Cup:

Mark 14:23-24 ASV
23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them: and they all drank of it.
24 And he said unto them, This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.

First Cup:

Luke 22:17-20 ASV
17 And he received a cup, and when he had given thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:
18 for I say unto you, I shall not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.
19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Second Cup:

Luke22:20 ASV
20 And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you.

And this is not to say that there were only two cups but simply the only two cups mentioned in these passages. In the Textus Receptus and Byzantine text types, in the Matthew and Mark passages quoted above herein, they have erroneously inserted kainos, (new-renewed), next to the word for covenant or testament, so as to afford themselves something they do not have and will never understand so long as they continue to believe the error. In Matthew and Mark the Master only confirms "the covenant to/for the many", (Dan 9:27a). So when all these supposed prophecy scholars talk about an "antichrist covenant with the many" and a "covenant with death", (based on an erroneous understanding of Isa 28:14-18), in their wildly speculative future fulfillment antichrist world empire global holocaust prophecy teachings full of buffoonery, they blaspheme the work of Messiah whom they claim to know, love, worship, and serve.

Again, you are a liar, and you deny by your false doctrine what the Master tells you right here in these passages quoted above; for he speaks of his true blood, "the pure blood of the grape", (as it is written in the Torah of Moses), and that is because he is the True Vine, (as it is written in the Gospel of John). Your vine, your nourishment, your teacher is the Assyrian who loves the flesh and all things carnal of the carnal eyes and mind of the natural man. You are a theoretical cannibal because you do not believe the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts. Prove me wrong, and while you are at it, prove what you say about me with scripture to back up what you say: otherwise I know you are only lying once again.

Matthew 26:27-28 ASV
27 And he took a cup, and gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many unto remission of sins.

Mark 14:23-24 ASV
23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them: and they all drank of it.
24 And he said unto them, This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.

Luke 22:17-18 ASV
17 And he received a cup, and when he had given thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:
18 for I say unto you, I shall not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.


Well-known member
The post at the top by Epoisses doesn't realize that the Dan 9 vision ends in the 1st century, that the Thess re-expression of it was about the same thing and those parts of Mt 24, Mk 13 and Lk 21 that are about that generation; all those are about the same thing. It was about the Jewish revolt of the 6th decade that ruined the country.


Eclectic Theosophist
You're clueless.......

You're clueless.......

He's cutoff from grace by his own self-deception. Now he has visions of UFOs and aliens and preaches Torah over and over and over. God allows him to post here as a warning to others.

Nice try, - no visions of UFO or aliens (never claimed them), and I don't preach 'Torah' at all (except what the Torah itself claims, some of which is of questionable origin, just like your NT),...and am having second thoughts about the 'god' of the OT as it is, in my current studies in Marcionism.

'God' certainly does allow me to be 'free' to write my own gospel and live my own myth (we gnostics have always had this liberty). As far as my 'theology' goes, my commentaries speak for themselves; I'm ever evolving, engaging creative dialogue, is a never ending journey of expanding consciousness.

I'm just as ready to question my own 'concepts' of 'God' as anyone elses.

Unfortunately, some think they can put 'God' in a box, but all they have are their own visions, images and ideas about 'God', which is not always the same as being cognizant of the living spirit-reality of Deity itself, within their own being. But that's another story ;).......
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Eclectic Theosophist
UFOs and aliens make the most sense to Daqq the deceiver!

Did you forget to take your meds again?

Its sad if you're following the bandwagon of the likes of Grosnick Marowbe, who spouts a lot about UFO's and little green men, and has little knowledge of what he speaks about concerning that volume of 119 Papers which make up The Urantia Book. My correction and rebuttal of his UFO/Alien claims still holds here.

The study of Ufology and alien races associated with such visitations to our planet includes a vaster field of research in at least the last century, while records of celestial beings (angels, sons of God) giving messages to mankind is in a category all its own, such as the Bible or UB. The claims of any religious message, spiritual teaching or epochal revelation is to be evaluated by the very content, meaning and value of the message itself, therefore let the reader decide what is true or false therein, while ever being open to 'progressive revelation'.

I do have a thread more along the lines of contemporary UFO research and Exopolitics here :thumb:
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Well-known member
The post at the top by Epoisses doesn't realize that the Dan 9 vision ends in the 1st century, that the Thess re-expression of it was about the same thing and those parts of Mt 24, Mk 13 and Lk 21 that are about that generation; all those are about the same thing. It was about the Jewish revolt of the 6th decade that ruined the country.

According to your understanding was Paul mistaken in what he wrote to the Thessalonians, in places such as 2Thes 1:4-10 and 2Thes 2:1-12, or did those things he wrote come to pass for them in their appointed times? Moreover was the Master himself mistaken in what he spoke in Matthew 24 and Mark 13? "And what I say unto you, I say unto all, WATCH!" (Mark 13:37).


Eclectic Theosophist
More false accusations: prove what you say.

This is from right here in this thread:

Again, you are a liar, and you deny by your false doctrine what the Master tells you right here in these passages quoted above; for he speaks of his true blood, "the pure blood of the grape", (as it is written in the Torah of Moses), and that is because he is the True Vine, (as it is written in the Gospel of John). Your vine, your nourishment, your teacher is the Assyrian who loves the flesh and all things carnal of the carnal eyes and mind of the natural man. You are a theoretical cannibal because you do not believe the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts. Prove me wrong, and while you are at it, prove what you say about me with scripture to back up what you say: otherwise I know you are only lying once again.

Matthew 26:27-28 ASV
27 And he took a cup, and gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many unto remission of sins.

Mark 14:23-24 ASV
23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them: and they all drank of it.
24 And he said unto them, This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.

Luke 22:17-18 ASV
17 And he received a cup, and when he had given thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:
18 for I say unto you, I shall not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.

Indeed, there is no reason to suppose or impose that the Eucharist was a ceremony depicting a penal substitutionary blood sacrifice, as the 'blood' and 'flesh' are symbolic of the fruit of the vine, and the 'bread' of life that comes down from heaven, the regenerating spirit of Life itself, the SPIRIT. I share more on this in the 'blood atonement according to freelight' thread, that LA started some time ago, then CLOSED before I could respond with more commentary. The life Jesus offers comes thru the tokens of the symbol of nature (blood of grapes, the vine, grain, bread, water, the sun, the spirit, etc.)...and transcends old barbaric concepts such as 'penal substitutionary' blood atonement. Just as the fruit of the vine (harvested from the fields) and the 'bread' gives our physical bodies nourishment and life, does the manna from heaven, who comes in the form of the Messiah,...give us spiritual nourishment.


Well-known member
We need more pests like him here.
He brings truth to the forum.

Sent from my iPad using TOL

Thanks, my pesky true believer friend! :)

Indeed, there is no reason to suppose or impose that the Eucharist was a ceremony depicting a penal substitutionary blood sacrifice, as the 'blood' and 'flesh' are symbolic of the fruit of the vine, and the 'bread' of life that comes down from heaven, the regenerating spirit of Life itself, the SPIRIT. I share more on this in the 'blood atonement according to freelight' thread, that LA started some time ago, then CLOSED before I could respond with more commentary. The life Jesus offers comes thru the tokens of the symbol of nature (blood of grapes, the vine, grain, bread, water, the sun, the spirit, etc.)...and transcends old barbaric concepts such as 'penal substitutionary' blood atonement. Just as the fruit of the vine (harvested from the fields) and the 'bread' gives our physical bodies nourishment and life, does the manna from heaven, who comes in the form of the Messiah,...give us spiritual nourishment.


Amen, and the nourishment is ultimately The Word, which is The Testimony of Messiah, which according to the allegories and teachings of his apostles is tantamount and equivalent to his blood because he paid for his Testimony with his own life, (which has been explained to LA both in that closed thread and in several other places). That is why the passages I quoted do not say, "Shall be poured out", or, "Is about to be poured out", no, but rather, "Is being poured out", because it concerns his holy Testimony which is SPIRIT and LIFE. Those who do not wish to DO and WALK his Testimony apparently find it easier to pretend they are drinking human blood or "God-Man" blood, (aka Catholicism and transubstantiation).


New member
Did you forget to take your meds again?

Its sad if you're following the bandwagon of the likes of Grosnick Marowbe, who spouts a lot about UFO's and little green men, and has little knowledge of what he speaks about concerning that volume of 119 Papers which make up The Urantia Book. My correction and rebuttal of his UFO/Alien claims still holds here.

The study of Ufology and alien races associated with such visitations to our planet includes a vaster field of research in at least the last century, while records of celestial beings (angels, sons of God) giving messages to mankind is in a category all its own, such as the Bible or UB. The claims of any religious message, spiritual teaching or epochal revelation is to be evaluated by the very content, meaning and value of the message itself, therefore let the reader decide what is true or false therein, while ever being open to 'progressive revelation'.

I do have a thread more along the lines of contemporary UFO research and Exopolitics here :thumb:

Freelight, I consider your posts to be those of someone who is genuinely seeking for truth. But I must inform you that the alien/UFO propaganda that is currently being fed to the world is demonic built around the heresy of evolution. Everything that God creates is beautiful and perfect so there are no bug-eyed greys or reptilians except in the realm of the demonic. This caricature is meant to lower the conceptions of man to the basest of levels. The actual truth of the matter is that the universe is populated by perfect men and women with perfect bodies who never fell into sin like we did. They look down on us as poor and pathetic because we are.