Empty chicken egg left on my car...weird

patrick jane

I knew a guy who knew a guy who got tired of the birds sitting on a wire directly above his car all day, pigeons too. With pigeons they tell all their friends and family and send look-outs.

I digress, as he tired of his car getting bathed in bird doo he knew why. The neighbor fed the birds and nigeons crackers everyday, so they camped out there. The story goes, that he collected some cat poop from the litter box and started putting it on the neighbor's car hood.

It's been said that he tried pleading with the man to stop or change the location of the feeding frenzy to no avail. He explained about his car getting bombed and the worry about paint. After the litter the feeding stopped.

Totton Linnet

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I have solved the riddle ta da

It was your Grandmother telling you not to try teaching her how to suck eggs any more