Drug Dealing and the Bible


New member
For instance, say in 20 years I'm dying painfully,
and would like a quick solution.
you don't have to wait 20 years you're already dying painfully, indifference is the silent killer of faith and truth.

It was the less published sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, Ezekiel 16:49-50,
who than is more poor, destitute and needy than a young adult in prison for marijuana possession?

Do Christian here want to have righteous laws that put their beliefs into practice?

Than vote for Gary Johnson for president next year.


you want to be a dead beat and just sit around complaining about gang wars and prisons than do nothing see how that turns out.

I'll buzz off now what needed to be said has been.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:
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New member
The words "authority over" simply do not exist in the Hebrew of Genesis 1:29. You have added those words yourself.

This is an interpretational issue:
The word "give" in this clause has the sense rendered above.
Literally it is "have given", i.e., I have given you every seed-bearing plant.
It doesn't say "for food". That belongs to a new sentence about fruit-trees.


New member
More specifically you're are talking about drug dealing and the Bible it's right in your sig, the pharmaceutical companies selling Christians prescriptions (which cause more diseases than the symptoms they relieve) they are the "drug dealers", not teen age pot smokers or people using the plant Biblically and appropriately, the fact that you think marijuana is a drug and could care less about the impact it being illegal has had on your fellow man shows you're spiritually in bed with them.

This is a perfect example of the false logic (illogic) that you are trying to apply.

You admit that one of the biggest drug problems even for Christians is LEGAL drugs.
So making drugs LEGAL has done nothing but make the drug problem WORSE.
Making many drugs LEGAL did not stop immoral profiteering and exploitation.
In fact LEGAL Pharmaceuticals has become a multi-BILLION dollar business.

What would happen if Marijuana were also "legalized"?
It too would become a multi-BILLION dollar business,
due to unhindered and unregulated exploitation by profiteers.

Your theory that 'legalizing' marijuana would end all this injustice is simply another LIE OF SATAN.

Thanks for proving it.


New member
What would happen if Marijuana were also "legalized"?
It too would become a multi-BILLION dollar business,
due to unhindered and unregulated exploitation by profiteers.

it already is, hello mic fly, war in Mexico? isn't that in one of your new flashes Kermit?

Actually legalizing it would regulate it (by the FDA) and tax it putting money in the hands of the government to use for schools and infrastructure instead of the drug dealers where right now it is not regulated (so it has all manner of pesticides and fertilizers in it) and is being genetically changed to be something that would not occur naturally.

I think satan is a bit more clever than you giving him credit for, he knows how to take things God made for our benefit and put it to our detriment.

The problem I have with pharmaceuticals isn't that they are legal and easy to get, it's that they do not occur naturally, are physically addictive, are not edible in their natural state and are not holistic remedies or cures for any disease, they only treat symptoms and in fact cause diseases.

Marijuana (in it's unadulterated form) does occur naturally, is edible, is not physically addictive, does not harm the body (in moderate amounts), and cures diseases.


keep shinin

jerm :cool:


New member
This is an interpretational issue:
The word "give" in this clause has the sense rendered above.
Literally it is "have given", i.e., I have given you every seed-bearing plant.
It doesn't say "for food". That belongs to a new sentence about fruit-trees.

The problem with your proposed paraphrase of Genesis 1:29 as saying that God gave Adam "ownership or authority over every green seed-bearing plant" but not permission to eat them is that in the very next verse, God spoke the same words to the animals:

Genesis 1:30
"Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so.​

And then in Genesis 9:3, God gives Noah and his offspring permission to eat meat by saying, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs." The phrase "even as the green herbs" is clearly reference back to Genesis 1:29-30.

Common sense also makes this clear.
While all fruit-trees having seed-bearing fruit are non-poisonous and good for food, all green plants are not.


Not so fast. Some fruit-trees are poisonous; for example, the Manchineel tree:

The Manchineel tree...native to Florida in the United States, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America...is a tree reaching up to 15 meters high with a greyish bark, shiny green leaves and spikes of small greenish flowers. Its fruits, which are similar in appearance to an apple, are green or greenish-yellow when ripe...The tree and its parts contain strong toxins, some unidentified...The fruit can also be fatal if eaten.​

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchineel


New member
The problem with your proposed paraphrase of Genesis 1:29 as saying that God gave Adam "ownership or authority over every green seed-bearing plant" but not permission to eat them is that in the very next verse, God spoke the same words to the animals:
Genesis 1:30
"Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so.​
And then in Genesis 9:3, God gives Noah and his offspring permission to eat meat by saying, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs." The phrase "even as the green herbs" is clearly reference back to Genesis 1:29-30.

Not so fast. Some fruit-trees are poisonous; for example, the Manchineel tree:
The Manchineel tree...native to Florida in the United States, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America...is a tree reaching up to 15 meters high with a greyish bark, shiny green leaves and spikes of small greenish flowers. Its fruits, which are similar in appearance to an apple, are green or greenish-yellow when ripe...The tree and its parts contain strong toxins, some unidentified...The fruit can also be fatal if eaten.​
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchineel

Read your own references again:

The fruit itself only contains Physostigmine.

This is not strictly a poison at all, but actually a very useful antidote to many poisons and drug overdoses. Only in high doses is it a poison.

The tree itself (bark and leaves) does contain highly toxic substances, such as sapogenin, phloracetophenone-2, 4-dimethylether:
but eating the fruit does not expose one to those, unless the person is very careless.

Toxicity of the Tree Parts:

The tree and its parts contain strong toxins, some unidentified. Its milky white sap contains phorbol and other skin irritants, producing strong allergic dermatitis.[2] Standing beneath the tree during rain will cause blistering of the skin from mere contact with this liquid (even a small drop of rain with the milky substance in it will cause the skin to blister). Burning the tree may cause blindness if the smoke reaches the eyes. The fruit can also be fatal if eaten. Many trees carry a warning sign, while others are marked with a red "X" on the trunk to indicate danger. In the French Antilles the trees are often marked with a painted red band a few feet above the ground.[3]

The tree contains:




mancinellin, and sapogenin,

4-dimethylether is present in the leaves,


while the fruits possess physostigmine.[4]

The Caribs used the sap of this tree to poison their arrows and would tie captives to the trunk of the tree, ensuring a slow and painful death.

A poultice of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) was used by the Arawaks and Taíno as an antidote against such arrow poisons.[5]

The Caribs were known to poison the water supply of their enemies with the leaves.

Clinical uses

Physostigmine is used to treat myasthenia gravis, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease and delayed gastric emptying. It has been shown to improve the short term memory (Krus et al. 1968). Recently, it has begun to be used in the treatment of orthostatic hypotension.
Because it is a tertiary amine (and thus does not hydrogen bond, making it more hydrophobic), it can cross the blood-brain barrier, and physostigmine salicylate is used to treat the central nervous system effects of atropine, scopolamine and other anticholinergic drug overdoses.
Physostigmine is the antidote of choice for Datura stramonium poisoning. It is also an antidote for Atropa belladonna poisoning, the same as for atropine.[2] It has been also used as an antidote for poisoning with GHB as well,[3] but is poorly effective and often causes additional toxicity, so is not a recommended treatment.[4]

Physostigmine functions as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Its mechanism is to prevent the hydrolysis of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase at the transmitted sites of acetylcholine. This inhibition enhances the effect of acetylcholine, making it useful for the treatment of cholinergic disorders and myasthenia gravis. More recently, physostigmine has been used to improve the memory of Alzheimer’s patients due to its potent anticholinesterase activity. However, the drug form of physostigmine, physostigmine salicylate, has poor bioavailability.
Physostigmine also has a miotic function, causing pupillary constriction. It is useful in treating mydriasis. Physostigmine also increases outflow of the aqueous humor in the eye, making it useful in the treatment of glaucoma.
Recently, physostigmine has been proposed as antidote for intoxication with gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB, a potent sedative-hypnotic agent that can cause loss of consciousness, loss of muscle control, and death). Physostigmine may treat GHB by producing a nonspecific state of arousal. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove physostigmine properly treats GHB toxicity.
Physostigmine also has other proposed uses: it could reverse undesired side effects of benzodiazepines such as diazepam, alleviating anxiety and tension. Another proposed use of physostigmine is to reverse the effects of barbiturates (any of a group of barbituric acids derived for use as sedatives or hypnotics).
Side effects

An overdose can cause cholinergic syndrome.
Other side effects may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, sweating, dyspepsia and seizures.[5]
Side effects from overdose of the fruit is no more serious than
an overdose of any other mildly noxious substance of low toxicity.

So my interpretation of Genesis is still the most rational.

Genesis is not a prescription to ignore botanic knowledge,
Nor is it a guideline for picking safe food substances.
Genesis is merely a VERY BRIEF, terse to the point of cryptic,
summary of the general diet of man and beast.
It cannot be used in any way to recommend either dietary measures,
or safety procedures in the selection or preparation or dosage of foodstuffs.
Nor is it blanket permission to eat any plant.

Furthermore, the translation you are offering still stinks.

The Hebrew doesn't say "seed-bearing herb" really, in the modern sense,
but is an idiomatic expression for grains and grasses, i.e., wheat, barley, oats, rice. The expression is not meant to include plants like hemp,
which in Jesus' day were used to make ship-ropes, not salads.


New member
it already is, hello mic fly, war in Mexico? isn't that in one of your new flashes Kermit?

You really are a dope.
The main drug in the Mexican cartel wars and trade routes is COCAINE,
with a side-order of heroin.
Marijuana is only a hobby.

I think satan is a bit more clever than you giving him credit for, he knows how to take things God made for our benefit and put it to our detriment.
Your naivety knows no bounds.
Before the flood, men had the technology to do far more extensive DNA manipulation than mere corn strains.

Biological Warfare extended to the manufacture of dinosaurs and other monsters.
Scientists were so decadent and frivolous that they released such clumsy accidents as the Duckbilled Platypus into the wild.
They also created such absurd but artistic creatures as giraffes, sloths and anteaters.

God takes no credit for crap.
Half the species that walk the earth were the mistakes of arrogant scientists
who after receiving inappropriate help with techonology from fallen 'angels'
imagined themselves as 'Gods'.

The problem I have with pharmaceuticals isn't that they are legal and easy to get, it's that they do not occur naturally, are physically addictive, are not edible in their natural state and are not holistic remedies or cures for any disease, they only treat symptoms and in fact cause diseases.

Marijuana (in it's unadulterated form) does occur naturally, is edible, is not physically addictive, does not harm the body (in moderate amounts), and cures diseases.
Again your naivety is stunning:

(1) "natural" means harmless? Deadly Nightshade and Toadstools are counter-examples.

(2) Name one disease that marijuana 'cures'.

Please grow up soon.


New member

Read your own references again:

The fruit itself only contains Physostigmine.

This is not strictly a poison at all, but actually a very useful antidote to many poisons and drug overdoses. Only in high doses is it a poison...Side effects from overdose of the fruit is no more serious than
an overdose of any other mildly noxious substance of low toxicity.

"Eating the fruit, which has a very sweet smell and a pleasant taste, can be deadly. Swallowing even a tiny amount of the fruit will cause blisters and swelling in the mouth and throat." -- http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/A2346400


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well Naz, the dope part i get, as it is my common line. Now as to the rest, I know all about that, however, I cannot think it through now. One reason I have some trouble responding to such a post.


New member
Some of Christopher Columbus' men died from eating the fruit of the Manchineel tree.

The rest committed fornication with natives and brought back Syphillis to Europe. (Numbers 25:1)

Had they been Bible-believing Christians, they'd have lived, (Acts 28:5)
without the God-given results of their wickedness.

To imagine there is any protection at all for those who openly disobey Christ and God,
is the most tragically stupid thing a man can do. (Heb. 10:28-29)
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New member
Before the flood, men had the technology to do far more extensive DNA manipulation than mere corn strains.

Biological Warfare extended to the manufacture of dinosaurs and other monsters.
Scientists were so decadent and frivolous that they released such clumsy accidents as the Duckbilled Platypus into the wild.
They also created such absurd but artistic creatures as giraffes, sloths and anteaters.

God takes no credit for crap.
Half the species that walk the earth were the mistakes of arrogant scientists
who after receiving inappropriate help with techonology from fallen 'angels'
imagined themselves as 'Gods'.


Are you being serious?


New member
You really are a dope.
you're no Einstein yourself, unable to grasp even the simplest of concepts...more on that to follow...
The main drug in the Mexican cartel wars and trade routes is COCAINE,
with a side-order of heroin.
Marijuana is only a hobby.
First of all nobody said anything about marijuana being a main drug for the cartels, this is just an attempt to obfuscate the fact that marijuana is already what you claimed it would be if it was legal here:
Nazaroo said:
What would happen if Marijuana were also "legalized"?
It too would become a multi-BILLION dollar business,
due to unhindered and unregulated exploitation by profiteers.
it is already all those things and nothing you have said since adds or takes away from those facts.

Your naivety knows no bounds.
Before the flood, men had the technology to do far more extensive DNA manipulation than mere corn strains.

Biological Warfare extended to the manufacture of dinosaurs and other monsters.
Scientists were so decadent and frivolous that they released such clumsy accidents as the Duckbilled Platypus into the wild.
They also created such absurd but artistic creatures as giraffes, sloths and anteaters.
well what is happening to marijuana is less genetic angel conspiracy nut job talk and more about breeding, the same thing that happens with dog species as desirable traits are bred and less desirable traits are left out, that is why many commercially made strands of marijuana have only 2% CBD and 18% THC, whereas indigenous strands of the 70's had 6% of both at the most.
God takes no credit for crap.
Half the species that walk the earth were the mistakes of arrogant scientists
who after receiving inappropriate help with techonology from fallen 'angels'
imagined themselves as 'Gods'.
I'd be interested on hearing why you think help with technology of any kind is inappropriate for man, but we can save that for another time, IMHO technology itself holds no evil it's up to man to have the spiritual grounding to use it appropriately.
Again your naivety is stunning:

(1) "natural" means harmless? Deadly Nightshade and Toadstools are counter-examples.

you're again confusing harmful plants with ones that are not, apples and oranges when it comes to marijuana.
(2) Name one disease that marijuana 'cures'.
Time to take the blinders off and eat the oats:

and you talk about other people's naivety, more on that to follow....

Please grow up soon.
the stench of pride overwhelms your own voice from reaching anyone else, to think that anyone whom disagrees with your eccentric closed mined view must mean they are immature.
You don't concern yourself with the social implications of the laws of your own country which for any truth bearing Christian in itself shows lack of not only compassion for those suffering under them but immaturity in cognitive development as well.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:
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New member
Making it as dangerous as Poison Ivy or Poison Oak.

- Another two seed-bearing herbs that are not recommended as food,
except of course by idiots like you and Jeremy's Embarrassing Demo.

they are not recommended because they are poisonous, you have yet even after several request to show marijuana to be poisonous when consumed in any way, and yet all the other seed bearing plants you partake in fall under food, wheat, corn, rice, etc etc.

It's obvious you have a prejudice toward marijuana that is not based on science or logic of any kind, but it's not entirely your fault you grew up and swallowed the lies of big bigness lobbies that have propagated misinformation about marijuana for decades.
However, now that you have been told the truth if you chose to remain in the harlot it will be without excuse.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


New member
Before the flood, men had the technology to do far more extensive DNA manipulation than mere corn strains.

Biological Warfare extended to the manufacture of dinosaurs and other monsters.
Scientists were so decadent and frivolous that they released such clumsy accidents as the Duckbilled Platypus into the wild.
They also created such absurd but artistic creatures as giraffes, sloths and anteaters.

God takes no credit for crap.

And how is it that these lab freaks (Duckbilled Platypus, giraffes, sloths and anteaters) managed to survive the Great Flood?


New member
Well Naz, the dope part i get, as it is my common line. Now as to the rest, I know all about that, however, I cannot think it through now. One reason I have some trouble responding to such a post.
ya we wouldn't want anything that's cheap to produce, natural and cures cancer lying about....most of all hide it from the kids koo-kooka-choo mrs .Robinson....


oh the evils of God's creation..."dope"....:help: and He does, praise be.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


New member
And how is it that these lab freaks (Duckbilled Platypus, giraffes, sloths and anteaters) managed to survive the Great Flood?

You didn't finish reading the story.

They didn't survive.
I didn't think I needed to elaborate that part,
but obviously you are slower than average.

An entire 'civilization' was wiped out almost entirely,
one which God Himself caricatured as "Full of Violence". (Gen. 6:11)


If you mean how did various species survive on subcontinents after the "Great Flood",
keep in mind that the "Great Flood" was not a simple event, but an ongoing cataclysm lasting over a year or more,
with repercussions extending down the centuries even until now.
The Biblical text is necessarily simplified in order to tell a terse summary of the event.


New member
Last time I checked, there are still duckbilled platypus, giraffes, sloths and anteaters walking about. Looks to me like they did, in fact, survive.

Sorry, I thought you were referring to the scientists responsible.
Around here, "lab freak" is a popular phrase.