Dreams: Why so few people dont beleve in dreams from GOD


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Demon Buster,
I still didn't receive anything from you, but that's okay.

I'm disappointed at the moment. As I began to write about my dream this morning ... I checked the removable disk where I had saved my Word documents from ages past and much to my regret found that the document I had created years ago with all my dreams listed and described is not there! I've looked everywhere to see if I had squirreled away a hard copy of them, but so far to no avail! Oh well, I have the memories and the books still available, but it will just take me longer to write a response from scratch.

After I shared my dream on another religious board years ago... (I even forget its name ... too long ago), Two things were recommended to me by fellow posters to help me with my dream.
1.) A manipulative night time sky site: Cybersky.com
2.) A book: The Witness of the Stars, by E.W. Bullinger; Grand Rapids, MI; Reprint of the 1893 ed. (Most helpful!)
3.) Later on I found another book by Dr. D. James Kennedy. It was rewrite on the same topic: The Real Meaning of the Zodiac; D. James Kennedy, PH.D.; Special TBN edition; 1989.

First a recap of the dream with a correction regarding the last line of my previous post:

A nighttime sky appeared before my eyes in a dream. As I looked at it filled with all its stars, I fully understood that I was looking at particular constellations. I did not have the helpful elementary planetarium drawings overlaid upon them, so I was surprised that I understood for the most part that these were constellations of significance. Even so I wasn't very certain of their identities. I really do not know very much more about constellations than what an elementary student might learn at a planetarium.

There were two main constellations upon which I was focusing. One was of a man with his arm raised having a sharp tool in his raised hand. I did not know if the man had his face to me or his back so I was not sure whether the tool was in his left or right raised arm. Yet, the man struck downward with that arm, and when he did the other constellation began to whirl wildly.

That other constellation was above the man's head with its head very slightly toward my left. It looked more like a roller coaster than anything else, but when the man struck downward it began to swirl around like a coiled snake and then unrolled and disappeared as it fled from my view.

When I awoke the next morning, the first thought that came to my mind was the word "scorpion." I found it confusing - since the dream I remembered from the night had definitely not been about a scorpion.

This confusing revelation left me wanting to answer the curious question of: Why would I have been given the thought of a scorpion after a particular dream that didn't relate to a scorpion?

My later finding the exact answer to this question would play an important role in proving to me that my dream was definitely divinely inspired.

Here is what I found out and how:
I forget if I bought the Bullinger book or went to the Cybersky site first ... so this is relayed the best I can remember.
I think I went to the Cybersky.com site first and with my limited computer skills began to manipulate the positions of the stars ... this time with drawn overlays over the constellations.

Suddenly I saw the exact nighttime sky portrayed in my dream with the constellations in the same position. This research on my part helped me learn the identity of the constellations. (Oh shoot, I'd have to go back to Cybersky to see if the names were the same as the ones I'm about to use now. Just did and failed at downloading the free trial and was afraid that I'd wind up somehow spending the $34.95 to do that ... so I'm winging my memory.)

The names I will be using for the two constellations are names that I discovered in the book by Bullinger. In that book there was also a map provided where I found the two pictured there as well. That's why I'm not now sure whether I went to the book or the website first... oh well.

The roller coaster constellation is Draco and the man is Bootes. According to the drawings on the map the man was facing me; so, the tool he had in his raised left hand was a cycle. He had struck downward with that cycle... and Draco began to swirl and to finally speed out of sight.

Guess, what was just below the universal horizion on the map... mostly out of sight as the sun might be as it is just peaking from behind the earth's horizion! It was Scorpio!

Then I understood why scorpion was connected to my dream. This revelation is what let me know that my dream was special. I had a dream and a word of knowledge that tied things together as super-natural! All this was revealed on the map in the book!

I tried to go back to my free-trial version of Cybersky and manipulate the charts to see if I could determine a date when the night sky would look just like my vision in my dream over my house, but sadly - then and still - now I remain challenged by internet skills. I think I figured years ago that it was around August / September... but without my lost file I don't remember the year I had my dream any more!!!!

This post is long enough. In a separate post I'll tell you what I learned about the identities of ancient Draco and Bootes and the story that unfolds. For me it was and is just - WOW!


Well-known member
Now for the story of Draco and Bootes as told by Bullinger in 1893.

He researched the stars and believed that the Bible indicates that the stars were used by ancient people to reveal matters pertaining to God's plans for his creation. He referenced Psalm 19 and quotes found in Job 9:9 and 38:31,32; Isa. 40:26 and Psalm 147:4 for a few.

He concluded: "When we read the whole passage (Psalm 19) and mark its structure, and note the words employed, we are emphatically told that the heavens contain a revelation from God; they prophesy, they show knowledge, they tell of God's glory, and set forth His purposes and counsels."

He relates in his book that the sky with its ancient constellations can be read like a set of encyclopedias. There are three volumes or individual books, and then inside each of those volumes are chapters and in those chapters are the topics and under those topics are subtopics.

Well, not to get confusing I will start with Book ONE, which is called:
The Redeemer (His first Coming- "The sufferings of Christ"

The first chapter is: The Prophecy of the Promised Seed of the Woman
The three main topics are:
1. Coma ( The woman and child - The Desired of all the nations)
2. Centaurus (The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim) The despised sin offering.
3.) Bootes (A man walking bearing a branch called Arcturus, meaning the same). He Cometh.

These three topics of the first chapter are actually more like a foreword or an outline that describes what will be discussed in the THREE VOLUMES.

For instance Topic 1 of chapter ONE is a foreword for the topic of the rest of book one.
Topic 2 is a foreword for the topic that will be discussed in book two.
Topic 3 (Bootes - He cometh) is a foreword for the topic of book three.

So according to Bullinger the first chapter of the first book summerizes the - "Person of the Promised Seed from the beginning to the end, from the first promise of the birth of the Child in Bethlemhem, to the final coming."

Look carefully - you'll see the story of our Lord Jesus from the mother and child ...to the defeat of Satan through the cross ... to his being the ONE yet to come.

Well, now that we know that my dream involves Bootes (The one to come) let's fast forward to Volume three:
The Redeemer - (His Second Coming - "The glory that should follow"

The theme of the book according to Bullinger is:
Redemption completed, and consummated in triumph... not to suffer but to come in glory... a time of power and judgement in earth ... and the subduing of all enemies under his feet.

This Volume Three has four chapters:
1.) Messiah, The Coming Judge of All the Earth
2.) Messiah's Reign as Prince of Peace
3.) Messiah's Redeemed Possessions
4.) Messiah's Consummated Triumph

The fourth chapter or topic is about Hydra (The Serpent) That old Serpent - the Devil, destroyed.

I happen to believe that Draco the dragon is also that old Serpent Hydra, and if I am correct, which the map in Bullinger's book indicates, then my dream suggests that we are in the first phrase of the end times.

I've decided that when The ONE that cometh struck downward with his harvesting cycle ... this signaled that Satan's time is short... and final judgement is coming.

I believe that Bullinger's book supports my ideas ... so, if we fast forward to chapter four and find the sub topics with their details about Hydra (the Serpent - which I saw in my dream as roller coaster shape that began to swirl and coil and then uncoil out of sight), then perhaps there will be some insight as to the signal of what is to come.

Bullinger says:
Now for the fulfillment of many prophecies pictured in the heavens. In the cluster of the final three constellations we see the complete destruction of the Old Serpent, and all his seed, and all his works.

BTW, according to Bullinger the ancient names of the stars making up the constellations also can be interpreted and can reveal details about the future. The brightest star within Hydra is sometimes called - Cor Hydrce ... its ancient name was Al Phard (Arabic), and means - the separated, put away.

He suggests that we look at the last two constellations clustered near Hydra ... and they are:
Crater (The Cup) The cup of divine wrath poured out upon him.
Corvus (The Raven) The birds of prey devouring the serpent

Well, you might see now why this particular dream excites me so.
1.) Knowing nothing much about constellations, I was given a vision of a cluster of them proportionally and positionally correct.
2.) Knowing that I would not grasp the miracle of the dream on my own, God gave me a word of knowledge about the scorpion that was out of sight in my vision.
3.) God substantiated the truth and the interpretation by leading me through others to books and websites that revealed the detailed information I needed.

But sadly, most people think I ate food too spicy or something ... and had a silly dream.
Why do so few people not believe in dreams from God?
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Well-known member

Yes, you did find some of the same information that I have.

Did you see Bootes, Hydra, and Scorpio?

The neat thing about Cybersky site is that a person can manipulate the sky... and it will tell you the date when the constellations are in particular positions. It can go back in time and forward into the future ... but I (duh!!!) didn't know if I was doing it correctly.
If you look at the map on your zodiac site ... and rotate the map until the head of Hydra is on the left and Bootes is just below and very slightly to the right of the head... And Scorpio is mostly out of sight to the left, you will have the positions I saw in my dream.

I was afraid to down load the trial Cybersky program again after all these years ... I was afraid my old laptop computer hard drive would crash. Plus I don't want to spend that much money to move it around a few times.

Had you read the information on your site before I mentioned my dream ... or only afterward?

Demon Buster

New member
Had you read the information on your site before I mentioned my dream ... or only afterward?[/QUOTE]

I got it after, but it was the first time I had seen it...it makes looking at the heavens a hole different way.
which got me to thinking . I will have a look at the Hebrew calender to check when my birthday is using the calender the Lord made.



Well-known member
Had you read the information on your site before I mentioned my dream ... or only afterward?

I got it after, but it was the first time I had seen it...it makes looking at the heavens a hole different way.
which got me to thinking . I will have a look at the Hebrew calender to check when my birthday is using the calender the Lord made.


I'm planning to read The Witness of the Stars again to refresh my memory.

I enjoyed posting on your thread. I wish more people had joined the conversation.
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Demon Buster

New member
I enjoyed posting on your thread. I wish more people had joined the conversation.[/QUOTE]

All we have to do is spread the word.

Demon Buster

New member
I enjoyed posting on your thread. I wish more people had joined the conversation.[/QUOTE]

All we have to do is get them 2 come in.


Well-known member
That's great Demon Buster. Maybe between the two of us we can determine the year and month to which my dream might refer? ... or have referred.

Who knows???? You might need to know where I live. USA, Georgia, (approximately - Atlanta)


Well-known member
After reviewing the information on your link and the book "Witness of the Stars" I have decided that my dream shows that Book Three or Volume Three has been opened.
The chapters in that book are:

Taurus the bull: who saves/delivers; coming/ruling - Isa. 60:1,3

Orion the glorious: light of heaven - Is 60:1,2,3

Eridanus the river: river of the judge - Daniel 7:9 (Wow! I also had a dream of a river full of violence - where I was safe and others with me were not even paying attention.)

Auriga the shepherd: shepherd; sceptre/power - Is 49:10,11; Fez (?) 34:22

Book Summary:
Messiah coming to rule in the person of the redeemer, whose wrath is breaking forth on his enemies, while He shepherd's his Redeemed in safety.

Well, this means a lot to me... because I had the dream, but to others I'm not sure.

Plus I had another dream and experience a number of years ago.

I also had another dream that went like this:
A robed man was sitting and holding a book. With his hand he was pointing to something within the book. That was it. The next morning the thoughts in my head were:
"Read my little book."

Now, I knew that it was not up to me to read the little book, but that this was the job of the Christ ... and since I had heard my name audibly super-naturally called out not long before this dream ... I just assumed that the LORD was revealing to me in that dream that my name was written in his BOOK - and I was glad of this.

BUT now, I wonder that perhaps God was saying that it was time to read that - "little BOOK THREE!"

Does anyone find this interesting besides me?????

Demon Buster

New member
Does anyone find this interesting besides me?????[/QUOTE]

Very interesting, to say the lest .

Ps we all use the gregorian calendar and have become accustomed to using it, I will a temp to use the solar lunar calendar that the Lord made to see if it will coincide with anything in his word about the Lord having a purpose for all who fallow him based on what you just posted.


Bible Quote 1 John 2: 27
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

Demon Buster

New member
Hi Ps82 so far I found out.
in using the gregorian calendar I was born in the second month but using the
solar lunar calendar that the Lord made I was born in the twelfth month.
that changes a lot of things I would think...though the old testament Jewish people did use astrology it was used in the same way as it is today.

More to come.

Bible Quote 1 John 2: 27
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

Demon Buster

New member
Hebrew calendar :

The Jewish calendar is a lunisolar calendar, or fixed lunar year, based on twelve lunar months of twenty-nine or thirty days, with an intercalary lunar month added seven times every nineteen years (once every two to three years) to synchronize the twelve lunar cycles with the slightly longer solar year. Each Jewish lunar month starts with the new moon. Although originally the new lunar crescent had to be observed and certified by witnesses, the moment of the new moon is now approximated arithmetically.

Concurrently there is a weekly cycle of seven days, mirroring the seven-day period of the Book of Genesis in which the world is created. The names for the days of the week, like those in the Creation account, are simply the day number within the week, with Shabbat being the seventh day. The Jewish day always runs from sunset to the next sunset; the formal adjustments used to specify a standard time and time zones are not relevant to the Jewish calendar.

The twelve regular months are: Nisan (30 days), Iyar (29 days), Sivan (30 days), Tammuz (29 days), Av (30 days), Elul (29 days), Tishrei (30 days), Marcheshvan (29 or 30 days), Kislev (29 or 30 days), Tevet (29 days), Shevat (30 days), and Adar (29 days). In the leap years (such as 5771) an additional month, Adar I (30 days) is added after Shevat, and the regular Adar is referred to as "Adar II".

More to come

Bible Quote 1 John 2: 27
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

Demon Buster

New member
Books I am now going through to get more info.

Astrological Attributions of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
This book as you might guess.

The Book of Formation, this book is said that it the book on how GOD made everything, I think I might have to learn some Hebrew to fully understand the book, all I can do is read the translation

According to The Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) Each month of the Jewish year has a corresponding color, a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, a zodiac sign, one of the twelve tribes of Israel, a sense, and a controlling organ/limb of the body.

Its all very interesting.
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