Dozer's Fixation on Rape!

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
if a woman acts carelessly, if she acts recklessly, if she ignores known risks and acts in a way that she knows will make it more likely that she will come to harm, why are you - tam, rusha, bybee, Q - so adamant that her choices, her actions, her behavior not be recognized as a contributing factor?


New member
if a woman acts carelessly, if she acts recklessly, if she ignores known risks and acts in a way that she knows will make it more likely that she will come to harm, why are you - tam, rusha, bybee, Q - so adamant that her choices, her actions, her behavior not be recognized as a contributing factor?
Because, in this case, she is not responsible for someone else should that someone act out. Why is this so tough for you to understand?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why are you so dead set on placing blame on someone who had no responsibility for the crime at all?

if by her actions, her choices, her behaviors, she bears no blame then she bears no blame

if her actions, choices or behaviors have increased her risk of coming to harm, why not blame her for those choices, actions and behaviors?


New member
if by her actions, her choices, her behaviors, she bears no blame then she bears no blame

if her actions, choices or behaviors have increased her risk of coming to harm, why not blame her for those choices, actions and behaviors?
You didn't answer the question. I will try again, with a bit of a word change. Why is this topic important to you?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
:doh:You have missed the whole point behind this discussion. Many folks on here have. It's not just you. They have fixated on his use of the word 'rape'. The whole point is that rape is a symptom of a disease that is killing our society. A lot of people's hands are dirty in this including the church. They have sat on their hands instead of standing up to the immorality in the culture that has been allowed to flourish. Kids are no longer taught to respect other people unless they belong to a 'special protected class' such as homosexuals. We as a church have created this monster by electing people that pass laws that favor the immoral.

This whole debate wouldn't be happening if you just asked him the reasoning behind the original statement. Some people do put themselves in harms way. They they cry the victim. I have seen it happen too many times while I served in the Navy.
Honey, I put myself in harms way by just walking from the apartment to my car.
I cried 'victim' because I WAS a victim!!!!!

Doser has said:
rape is a choice women make
Total hogwash!

Doser has also said that the woman raped SHARES in the responsibility of being raped.
More total hogwash!

If Doser wants to make some profound statement about all the hogwash he has spewed about rape, then he needs to get to it.
Because right now, he is sucking at it.
Maybe he could start by choosing his words a lot more carefully, so he doesn't put himself at risk of having his words criticized.
If he's not being understood, then he shares in that responsibility.


New member
You are a noxious presence. God knows the heart. You forget that at your own peril.

You have been nice to me ma'am but seriously consider your own statement here. I have not seen Doser treat you in a spiteful manner. Most of your comments toward him are full of spite simply for voicing an opinion that is obnoxious to you. If you truly understood the points he was making, you would not find him so obnoxious. God does know the heart....including yours.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You didn't answer the question. I will try again, with a bit of a word change. Why is this topic important to you?

oh, i've been over this too :sigh:

i'm a student at a college that has a huge rape awareness thing going on - lectures, symposia, flyers, posters, discussions

i'm also taking a sociology class that has a large component on gender issues and sexual interactions, including rape

i'm also taking an abnormal psych class that has a large component on abuse and abuse-related trauma


New member
oh, i've been over this too :sigh:

i'm a student at a college that has a huge rape awareness thing going on - lectures, symposia, flyers, posters, discussions

i'm also taking a sociology class that has a large component on gender issues and sexual interactions, including rape

i'm also taking an abnormal psych class that has a large component on abuse and abuse-related trauma
None of this answers my question. Why do you, doser, think this topic is important? Why do you believe women need to understand your premise that they are responsible for their own rapes?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Honey, I put myself in harms way by just walking from the apartment to my car.
I cried 'victim' because I WAS a victim!!!!!

Doser has said:

Total hogwash!

if it doesn't apply to you, it doesn't apply to you

Doser has also said that the woman raped SHARES in the responsibility of being raped.


been trying to get this through your thick skull for quite a while

the rapist bears sole responsibility for the crime of rape

the woman bears the sole responsibility for her actions, behaviors, choices that she knew put her at risk and chose to ignore


New member
just like getting his butt kicked was a choice Joe made:

Joe is planning to go down to the Ferguson protests dressed in klan robes and a hood, carrying a sign that says "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot!" and shout racial slurs at the protesters.

Joe tells his plans to his friend Frank.

Frank says "Don't do it - you'll get your butt kicked, severely."

Joe says "You're not the boss of me - I'll do what I want!"

Joe goes down to the Ferguson protests dressed in klan robes and a hood, carrying a sign that says "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot!" and shouts racial slurs at the protesters.

Joe gets his butt kicked, severely.

Those who assault Joe are arrested and charged.

Frank comes to visit Joe in the hospital.

Joe whines about how unfair it was that he got his butt kicked, severely.

Frank says "What are you talking about? You deserved to get your butt kicked. I told you not to go down there. You chose to get your butt kicked. Next time don't be such a moron."

while those who assaulted Joe bear sole responsibility for the assault

It's not about rape here dude!!!! Get with the program!! There are a whole new set of rules that apply to rape and nothing else. You are strictly forbidden from using logic when discussing rape you misogynistic cave man!!!!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You have been nice to me ma'am but seriously consider your own statement here. I have not seen Doser treat you in a spiteful manner. Most of your comments toward him are full of spite simply for voicing an opinion that is obnoxious to you. If you truly understood the points he was making, you would not find him so obnoxious. God does know the heart....including yours.

i admit to treating her in a harsh manner in the past - our history goes back a loooong way - i had been posting here for several years before she came

it's a long, long story


New member
There are a whole new set of rules that apply to rape and nothing else.
But this is true. Rape is different than theft, which in turn is different than arson; etc etc. They are similar in that apples and oranges are both fruits, but they are different in many other ways.
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