Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


like marbles on glass
now you know what a trump supporter looks like

I already know what a Trump supporter looks like.

Here are a few delusional female Trump supporters:

O'Neal said Kelly was "out for blood" and trying to discredit Trump. She said Trump probably was referring to a woman's menstrual cycle, and that he would have a point. "I'm a woman, and I don't think women should be president," O'Neal said. "Women are unstable. Once a woman hits that PMS moment, she might nuke someone."

"I do think he's a straight idiot, but I'm going to hang on to Donald Trump for another minute," said Jacqueline O'Neal, a 48-year-old dog breeder in Vidalia, Georgia. "He's the only one that can straighten out this country."

Stephanie Baker, a 24-year-old college student in Sioux City, Iowa, said Trump put Kelly "in her place." "She was getting a little brave," Baker said.

Asked about Trump's history of referring to women as pigs, dogs and slobs, Baker stood up for her pick. "I'm not saying it doesn't bother me, but I don't know the context of those comments," she said. "He could have been joking, and those women could have been laughing."



Hall of Fame
Asked about Trump's history of referring to women as pigs, dogs and slobs, Baker stood up for her pick. "I'm not saying it doesn't bother me, but I don't know the context of those comments," she said. "He could have been joking, and those women could have been laughing."


There has to be a certain amount of agreement with Trump insofar as his disrespect and disdain towards women to allow these remarks to slide.


like marbles on glass
How Trump Is Winning Over Conservatives Without the Bona Fides
No one plays the music of conservatism better than Trump, which allows him to make crowds go wild without mentioning issues like taxes, the deficit, profligate spending, or abortion.

Yet very little of what the conservatives in the hall were going wild over could be characterized as conservative, and most of it wasn’t political at all: The 54-minute address included zero mentions of taxes, the deficit, profligate spending, abortion, or any social issue, unless you count his inscrutable promise to “help on women’s health issues more than anybody, including on the Democratic side, you watch.” Or his put-down of the University of New Hampshire’s unofficial new “bias-free language guide.” “They don’t want you to differentiate between a man and a woman! If that ever passed,” Trump said, “I’m gone.”
[We can only hope.]
Kimberly Rogers, a 33-year-old woman from Westford, Massachusetts, shouted, “Trump, we love you!” as the candidate left the event. Although she is a committed Republican, “I don’t even look at him as a Republican or Democrat. He’s common sense,’’ she said, “and he brings it down to our level.”
[Yes... yes he has.]


like marbles on glass
There has to be a certain amount of agreement with Trump insofar as his disrespect and disdain towards women to allow these remarks to slide.

Makes me embarrassed for my gender, reading some of them. (But at least I don't have to be embarrassed for my political affiliation...)

They aren't the only women I've seen quoted, either. There was another one elsewhere who said (very close paraphrase) "I don't care what he says! I'm on the Trump train!!"


Hall of Fame
Makes me embarrassed for my gender, reading some of them. (But at least I don't have to be embarrassed for my political affiliation anymore...)

They aren't the only women I've seen quoted, either. There was another one elsewhere who said (very close paraphrase) "I don't care what he says! I'm on the Trump train!!"

Hopefully that *Trump Train* will crash and burn PRIOR to the election.


New member
Hall of Fame
There has to be a certain amount of agreement with Trump insofar as his disrespect and disdain towards women to allow these remarks to slide.

Agree, and i would wonder where the concern is that if elected his asinine comments would cause international incidents.


Hall of Fame
Agree, and i would wonder where the concern is that if elected his asinine comments would cause international incidents.

In some aspects, Trump is MORE liberal than others who are running. We KNOW he does not place a high priority on the family, so aside from believing this guy will continue to stick it to women and the less fortunate, why the appeal?


New member
Hall of Fame
In some aspects, Trump is MORE liberal than others who are running. We KNOW he does not place a high priority on the family, so aside from believing this guy will continue to stick it to women and the less fortunate, why the appeal?

I agree, its mind-blowing the support he is getting from conservatives to me.


like marbles on glass
Hopefully that *Trump Train* will crash and burn PRIOR to the election.


I never did like circuses. All those clowns and creepy sideshows. :chuckle:


New member
What part of families don't you understand?

Please explain.

shipping whole families sure sounds like you're keeping them together.

But of course the criminals operating probably don't have 'families',
so they can be simply executed for murder and drug dealing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Did you or did you not state that you will be voting for him IF he is the Republican candidate?

yes but hillary will be elected
he is the republican nominee
and if
he runs third party

thank you for another opportunity to clear that up


like marbles on glass
Please explain.

shipping whole families sure sounds like you're keeping them together.

But of course the criminals operating probably don't have 'families',
so they can be simply executed for murder and drug dealing.

We’re going to keep the families together. We have to keep the families together, but they have to go.”

“We will work with them, but they have to go,” Trump added, suggesting that millions of deported immigrants will have to formally apply for entry into the U.S. after they are sent back to their country of origin. “Chuck, we either have a country or we don’t have a country…. We will do it [export families] and we will expedite it so people can come back in.”

“Chuck, it will work out so well, you will be so happy,” Trump gushed. “In four years you will be interviewing me and you’re going to say, ‘What a great job you’ve done, President Trump.”

Trump doesn't speak for most Americans, only a rabid minority.


So do you still think it's a "good idea?"

Good idea.

When you're a violent warlike non-Christian tribe of criminals,
you should be forced to live in isolation in the middle of the Mexican desert,
where the only people you can injure is yourselves.


New member
So do you still think it's a "good idea?"


I think that mass movement of populations is no solution at all to any problems,
and actually causes massive disruption of people and economies
in the countries that they invade.

We are not talking about casual immigration in small numbers.

We are talking globally of unprecedented forced or panicked migration
of huge populations of people with little or no resources to support themselves,
into other areas that cannot sustain them with local food and housing.

This is a GREAT EVIL, possibly the greatest evil in the current age.

What would a real solution look like?

Military occupation of warzones, trouble-spots and dictatorships,
by a coordinated and committed UN force directed by the world's
largest and most equipped nations.

The mandate would be to first of all stop the local fighting,
dethrone the local warlords and dictators, stop ethnic cleansing,
and put local economies back on a footing that could at least
supply housing, food, shelter and clothing to local populations,
and ease the root causes of wars, namely economic hardship and

Same with the USA:

The solution to Mexico's problems is not to ship their criminals into the USA,
nor is it to allow large-scale immigration willy-nilly into the southern states.
That pressure is already disrupting the US economy and costing US citizens
billions in policing, courts, and economic damage.

The solution is to stop mass-immigration of Mexicans,
and secondarily force the Mexican government to help,
by ensuring food and housing to the populations that are at risk.

Also, many immigrants are flowing all the way from South America,
and the illegal immigration across the borders of several countries
must be stopped and local solutions found for food, housing, shelter,
medicine, and jobs.

There is NO solution in allowing mass migration of poor people worldwide.


So another Christian doctrine that Aikido7 denies is the sinlessness of Jesus.

Perhaps we should start counting, just so we know exactly what kind of
heretic Aikido7 is evolving into.
Christianity is a historical faith, about which certain real events in its past actually happened.

The concept of an actual person without sin is problematic. I use my God-given common sense: the idea of a perfect man is a matter of faith, not facts.

Jesus was only one of about a dozen other wandering charismatics who were also seen as perfect or even God (or the Messiah).

To believe in a sinless man means to me that I am required to leave my brain behind when studying our faith. And that I will not do.
Both Jesus and Caesar were called "Lord and Savior," divine and born of virgins. Perfection was just part of being an ancient hero at the time.

I believe historical context is paramount.

You are right--I have "evolved." I have gone far beyond my childlike ideas and have put away those childish things. I have explored things for myself and no longer follow what men in authority demand I accept.


like marbles on glass
trump wants to keep the families together
he sends them back to mexico

Good idea.

When you're a violent warlike non-Christian tribe of criminals,
you should be forced to live in isolation in the middle of the Mexican desert,
where the only people you can injure is yourselves.

We’re going to keep the families together. We have to keep the families together, but they have to go.”

“We will work with them, but they have to go,” Trump added, suggesting that millions of deported immigrants will have to formally apply for entry into the U.S. after they are sent back to their country of origin. “Chuck, we either have a country or we don’t have a country…. We will do it [export families] and we will expedite it so people can come back in.”

“Chuck, it will work out so well, you will be so happy,” Trump gushed. “In four years you will be interviewing me and you’re going to say, ‘What a great job you’ve done, President Trump.”
So do you still think it's a "good idea?"


I think that mass movement of populations is no solution at all to any problems,
and actually causes massive disruption of people and economies
in the countries that they invade.

We are not talking about casual immigration in small numbers.

We are talking globally of unprecedented forced or panicked migration
of huge populations of people with little or no resources to support themselves,
into other areas that cannot sustain them with local food and housing.

This is a GREAT EVIL, possibly the greatest evil in the current age.

So it's a great evil to have huge populations of people with little or no resources to support themselves moved into areas that cannot sustain them - and THAT'S why you want all the illegal immigrant families that Trump wants to uproot and deport - dumped in the middle of the Mexican desert.



Hall of Fame
that trump train is going to get your hillary elected president

Did you or did you not state that you will be voting for him IF he is the Republican candidate?

What qualities do you appreciate most in the man ... that you admitted you would vote for?

His multiple marriages and adultery ... OR ...

That he is pro-abortion ... ?

Donald Trump does not wish to defund Planned Parenthood:

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Planned Parenthood's vice president of communications, Eric Ferrero, said in a statement.

"We hope that the rest of the GOP field will wake up and reconsider their extreme and unpopular positions on defunding preventive care, abortion bans, and the other economic issues that women and their families care about."