Donald Trump: Make Russia Great Again!

patrick jane

Tell me PJ, I know that science is meaningless to you, but what about your country?

If Comey testifies and says that Trump and the Russians worked together, would that change your mind?

I'm betting no, because you're just another hardline anti-liberal on anything and everything. And you'll hitch your wagon to anything that takes it to the "crooked media" and the "fake news" that you so desperately want to exist.

In short, you're small-minded. Learn to look at an issue from every single position. Examine all opinions. Only then can you make an informed decision.

But to you, despite being a Republican voter in every election I've had the ability to vote in, I'm a liberal who can't be trusted. I doubt you'll listen to my advice
You little weasel, what will you say when there is no evidence and no collusion? Probably nothing, in the meantime, you're watching Fake News and getting brainwashed that "Trump is bad" - in fact, he's the best president in the last 54 years

Greg Jennings

New member
You little weasel, what will you say when there is no evidence and no collusion? Probably nothing, in the meantime, you're watching Fake News and getting brainwashed that "Trump is bad" - in fact, he's the best president in the last 54 years

This little weasel will trust whatever Comey says, as he has absolutely no reason to lie.

Nice to know you won't trust the former FBI director who helped to sink Hilary's ship though. There literally could be no more reliable source on whether Trump is colluding or not, and you've essentially just admitted that you wouldn't trust anyone who talks bad about trump.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Its people like "Patrick jane" that the Russians are counting on to "Make Russia Great Again!"

:rotfl: You libs are really attached to this Russia nonsense...not one shred of evidence to date but, you all keep mining for the pay dirt that will never come. It is rather comical to watch. :chuckle:

Greg Jennings

New member
:rotfl: You libs are really attached to this Russia nonsense...not one shred of evidence to date but, you all keep mining for the pay dirt that will never come. It is rather comical to watch. :chuckle:
I hope I'm wrong. I really really do.

But it's hard to look the other way when our president fires an FBI director investigating him for collusion, then follows that up with a call to the Russians in which he said he "fired that nutjob Comey" in order to "ease pressure" on him.

Read between the lines and tell me what that means to you

patrick jane

This little weasel will trust whatever Comey says, as he has absolutely no reason to lie.

Nice to know you won't trust the former FBI director who helped to sink Hilary's ship though. There literally could be no more reliable source on whether Trump is colluding or not, and you've essentially just admitted that you wouldn't trust anyone who talks bad about trump.

Comey's testimony will reveal exactly nothing, watch and see


Hall of Fame
I hope I'm wrong. I really really do.

But it's hard to look the other way when our president fires an FBI director investigating him for collusion, then follows that up with a call to the Russians in which he said he "fired that nutjob Comey" in order to "ease pressure" on him.

You are most certainly *not* wrong. Trump is behaving as a guilty man because ... he is guilty. As are his team. I wonder which one of them will turn on him first? :think:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I hope I'm wrong. I really really do.

Your not wrong to be skeptical but, you should be just as skeptical that anything criminal has been done here given we have not seen any evidence of a crime to date.

But it's hard to look the other way when our president fires an FBI director investigating him for collusion, then follows that up with a call to the Russians in which he said he "fired that nutjob Comey" in order to "ease pressure" on him.

Read between the lines and tell me what that means to you

Well with such trusted sources like the NY times & WAPO it is no wonder you are buying into this crappola, I would not wrap my fish in either of those rags. This Russian collusion charade is a grand smokescreen to keep Americans from recognizing the real crime which was the spying on Americans by a sitting president & his administration. You may not see a problem with a sitting president & his administration using the intelligence community to surveil American citizens, and a presidential candidate along with his team but, it is a criminal act, nobody seems to care that the 4th amendment rights of citizens have been violated. As far as Comey being fired, I am not sure why Trump waited so long, I would have booted the man on day one, he was way outside his pay grade attempting to take the role of the attorney general, furthermore I believe he was covering for Lynch, Obama, Rice, the rest of the administration, probably his own collective butt as well. I think we will see some criminal activity as this shakes out but, it won't be from president Trump's administration.


Hall of Fame
And if you're right, and he says Trump did nothing wrong, I will personally apologize to you PJ for my doubting him.

But I wouldn't bet on that

It won't be a matter of Comey stating Trump did nothing wrong, but rather a matter of the GOP putting party above country. Unless one is willfully blind, it's quite plain to see that Trump and several of his team members (including his SIL) are guilty of conspiring with Russia to win the election and on Putin's end, to sow discord in the United States. Currently, it's worked ... but I still have enough faith in our country to believe the facts will show Trump every bit as guilty as Putin.

patrick jane

It won't be a matter of Comey stating Trump did nothing wrong, but rather a matter of the GOP putting party above country. Unless one is willfully blind, it's quite plain to see that Trump and several of his team members (including his SIL) are guilty of conspiring with Russia to win the election and on Putin's end, to sow discord in the United States. Currently, it's worked ... but I still have enough faith in our country to believe the facts will show Trump every bit as guilty as Putin.
Will you have "enough faith" when America re-elects Trump in 2020?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It won't be a matter of Comey stating Trump did nothing wrong, but rather a matter of the GOP putting party above country. Unless one is willfully blind, it's quite plain to see that Trump and several of his team members (including his SIL) are guilty of conspiring with Russia to win the election and on Putin's end, to sow discord in the United States. Currently, it's worked ... but I still have enough faith in our country to believe the facts will show Trump every bit as guilty as Putin.

Conspiring? Do you have some secret information you are not sharing? because to date no evidence has been produced to back up that accusation. There is a vast difference between contact & conspiracy and given the FBI, CIA, NSA, the left, and their surrogate media cannot find a shred of evidence that any crime, or collusion was committed you are just wrong, it takes more than sour grapes & innuendo to prove a crime. Businessmen, politicians, and diplomats have regular contact with the Russians for various reasons, that does not make it illegal or criminal.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Conspiring? Do you have some secret information you are not sharing? because to date no evidence has been produced to back up that accusation. There is a vast difference between contact & conspiracy and given the FBI, CIA, NSA, the left, and their surrogate media cannot find a shred of evidence that any crime, or collusion was committed you are just wrong, it takes more than sour grapes & innuendo to prove a crime. Businessmen, politicians, and diplomats have regular contact with the Russians for various reasons, that does not make it illegal or criminal.

Greg Jennings

New member
Conspiring? Do you have some secret information you are not sharing? because to date no evidence has been produced to back up that accusation. There is a vast difference between contact & conspiracy and given the FBI, CIA, NSA, the left, and their surrogate media cannot find a shred of evidence that any crime, or collusion was committed you are just wrong, it takes more than sour grapes & innuendo to prove a crime. Businessmen, politicians, and diplomats have regular contact with the Russians for various reasons, that does not make it illegal or criminal.

I mean, I would consider Trump calling the Russians and saying "I fired that nutjob Comey to ease the pressure on me" constitutes evidence. Not absolute proof, but certainly evidence

Remember, this is the same FBI director who wasn't exactly on the Democrats' side when he wrecked Hillary. I find it silly to suggest that he is a liberal pawn


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I mean, I would consider Trump calling the Russians and saying "I fired that nutjob Comey to ease the pressure on me" constitutes evidence. Not absolute proof, but certainly evidence

If you really think an investigation starts & stops with a director that is your first mistake, any investigation that was taking place will be carried on regardless of Comeys absence. I would ask you what evidence that has provided? where is your crime? nobody has found one yet....what you have doesn't prove anything.

Remember, this is the same FBI director who wasn't exactly on the Democrats' side when he wrecked Hillary. I find it silly to suggest that he is a liberal pawn

I think James Comey is about James Comey, he is a man that is full of himself, drunk on his own perceived power which he found out that he does not have...and never did. Comey was not doing his job, and walking a tightrope to make it look like he was, his own agents attest he was a political hack.

Greg Jennings

New member
If you really think an investigation starts & stops with a director that is your first mistake, any investigation that was taking place will be carried on regardless of Comeys absence. I would ask you what evidence that has provided? where is your crime? nobody has found one yet....what you have doesn't prove anything.

I think James Comey is about James Comey, he is a man that is full of himself, drunk on his own perceived power which he found out that he does not have...and never did. Comey was not doing his job, and walking a tightrope to make it look like he was, his own agents attest he was a political hack.

So Trump being quoted as saying, "I fired that nutjob Comey to ease the pressure on me," during a call with Russian officials doesn't constitute possible evidence of collusion to you?

I know I keep repeating that, but I haven't really gotten an answer