trumps inner self
trumps inner self
“When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says in the recording, which was obtained by the Washington Post and released on Friday. “You can do anything.”
Trump, in a 2005 conversation with a television host that was caught on a live microphone, describes a failed seduction, saying: “I did try and **** her, she was married,” and says that when he meets beautiful women he feels able to “grab them by the pussy”.
“You can do anything,” he tells Billy Bush, the TV host who is a cousin of George W and Jeb Bush.
On Friday night, amid a storm of condemnation and disavowals by other Republicans, Trump released a video statement in which he made an almost unprecedented apology.
“I said it. I am wrong. I apologize”.
'You can do anything': Trump brags on tape about using fame to get women
This is the President of the USA and some here love this guy, and one wonders why
