Does God know the future?


New member
Does anyone, regardless of the speed in relation to anyone or anything else, ever leave the present?
Of course not. Human experience exists in the "now", and so by definition any place in time that we exist is "in the present". Nonetheless, no two observers in relative motion will agree what is taking place at "now", and so "now" in a universal sense includes different points in time.


Knight said:
What's relativity? What are you saying? Why don't you just answer Clete's question?

I did. He asked me if we ever left the present. I answered "whose?" and then I qualified it by saying (admitedly annotated, but it was only a minute later)

eccl3_6 said:
I never leave my present but Johnny does. Johnny doesn't leave his but I do

From the 2nd book of Peter
8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.




Johnny said:
Of course not. Human experience exists in the "now", and so by definition any place in time that we exist is "in the present". Nonetheless, no two observers in relative motion will agree what is taking place at "now", and so "now" in a universal sense includes different points in time.

Exactly....we experience different "nows"


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Asked yet another way.

Let say we have our three parties again. One is traveling away from another and a third is watching the whole thing happen while perhaps being observed himself by the other two. Is there ever a point at which any one of the three is no longer capable of observing either one, or neither of the other two?

Yes or no, please!

Resting in Him,
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Depends on how fast they're travelling and other stuff but I see where you are going and for the sake of arguments (i.e. nobody is travelling at 'c', assuming we have 180 degree vision, we have perfect telescopes etc, blah, blah,blah) no they can keep seeing one another indefinitely.

I love this....I know where you're going and I already know the answer
Don't worry I'll keep playing along!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
eccl3_6 said:
Depends on how fast they're travelling and other stuff but I see where you are going and for the sake of arguments (i.e. nobody is travelling at 'c', assuming we have 180 degree vision, blah, blah,blah) no they can keep seeing one another indefinitely.

Thank you.

Next debate!
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Clete said:
Thank you.

Next bebate!

Thats it!!! Thats where you were going!!! :banana:

When I look at the sun....I don't see the sun present. The light takes 10 seconds to get to me so I actually see the sun's past. So we have different 'nows'!



New member
Thank you.

Next bebate!
Assume that they can always see each other, what does that change? They won't agree when "now" is, and thus the present exists at different times for different observers.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
eccl3_6 said:
Thats it!!! Thats where you were going!!! :banana:

When I look at the sun....I don't see the sun present. The light takes 10 seconds to get to me so I actually see the sun's past. So we have different 'nows'!

You are truly an idiot. Just because the light you see from the sun is several minutes old doesn't mean the sun is still stuck in the past. Your partner has already pointed out the need to account for the time it takes the light to travel to you. It's just like having to assume that each observer can continue a line of sight to the observed for the question to make any sense which you conceded in you last post. Assuming that the practical elements of such observations could be worked out; that "we have 180 degree vision, we have perfect telescopes etc, blah, blah,blah) no they can keep seeing one another indefinitely."

That's game set and match. If we don't leave the present then relativity is irrelavent to Open Theism. End of story.

Resting in Him,


New member
If time is relative, what is God relative to? And how would that affect his perception of time? I think I started all this trying to show time is a thing (not like a tree) but something that can be affected. It is a part of the universe like gravity, electromagnetism etc. Therefore it is created and not the same as what God experiences within the trinity.


justchristian said:
If time is relative, what is God relative to? And how would that affect his perception of time? I think I started all this trying to show time is a thing (not like a tree) but something that can be affected. It is a part of the universe like gravity, electromagnetism etc. Therefore it is created and not the same as what God experiences within the trinity.

There you have it if....God created time why then should He be goverened by the nature of time, He already exists outside it. The open theists are arguing that time 'just is' and has always been just as God 'is'. We, yourself included Justchristian, have highlighted that time is a real thing in the same sense as gravity is real and behaves differently depending on your relation to it.

Time is not set but relative and this goes againts open theism. It is why they reluctantly answered the question 'do you believe in relativity' and why they cannot allow themselves to accept it. Because it, the way God made the universe, is contradictory to open theism.

Open Theism.....Why the Vatican now employs physicists.​


Johnny said:
No it's not, because even though they can see each other they won't agree on "now". That's the entire point. Go back and reread 1473

Thats it!
Now, the present, is relative.

It is this that open theism cannot resolve.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
justchristian said:
If time is relative, what is God relative to? And how would that affect his perception of time? I think I started all this trying to show time is a thing (not like a tree) but something that can be affected. It is a part of the universe like gravity, electromagnetism etc. Therefore it is created and not the same as what God experiences within the trinity.
The THEORY of Relativity does give credence to the idea that time is a thing but as I've have said seemingly a thousand times, there are multiple theories that account for the same observed phenomina that Relativity accounts for but without requiring the existence of time or even a fourth dimention in one particular case. And these are real theories that have the same amount of mathematical and observational support as Relativity does. The only thing that most of these theories don't have is the respect of the scientific community but that is not even evidence that they are not correct. The problem the scientific community has at this point is that thousands of physisist would have to throw out their entire carreers worth of work if they found out that time is not a thing and what they've believed all this time has been incorrect. And don't be fooled, that is a very real possibility and so there is a biult in conflict of interest in the scientific community. The point being that as long as there is multiple viable theories then none of those theories can be said to have been proven. For any theory of science to be proven, all other competing theories must be falsified, until that happens Relativity will remain a theory.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Johnny said:
No it's not, because even though they can see each other they won't agree on "now". That's the entire point. Go back and reread 1473
Their agreement is not necessary. The fact that they can all observe oneanother is proof that they all exist together at the same moment in time.

They all experience, in one way or another, 12:01:14.00002345pm central time on the 13th of July (to use a clock standard that we are all familiar with), and at that precise moment or any other moment you want to pick they can all observe eachother. No one has ever left the present, they exist and will continue exist NOW and only now. There is simply nothing about any scientific theory that even suggests otherwise.

Resting in Him,


New member
Clete said:
The only thing that most of these theories don't have is the respect of the scientific community but that is not even evidence that they are not correct. The problem the scientific community has at this point is that thousands of physisist would have to throw out their entire careers' worth of work if they found out that time is not a thing and what they've believed all this time has been incorrect. And don't be fooled, that is a very real possibility and so there is a built-in conflict of interest in the scientific community.
Of course this problem extends to other areas as well:
The only thing that Open Theism doesn't have is the respect of the Christian theological community but that is not even evidence that it is not Biblical and correct. The problem the theological community has at this point is that thousands of theologeans, pastors, etc. would have to throw out their entire careers' worth of work if they found out that time is not a thing and what they've believed all this time has been incorrect. And don't be fooled, that is a very real possibility and so there is a built-in conflict of interest in the theological community.​


New member
Yea I buy that time dilation has to do with the same moment in time experienced at different rates not different moments in time experienced simultaneously.

The THEORY of Relativity does give credence to the idea that time is a thing but as I've have said seemingly a thousand times, there are multiple theories that account for the same observed phenomina that Relativity accounts for but without requiring the existence of time or even a fourth dimention in one particular case. And these are real theories that have the same amount of mathematical and observational support as Relativity does. The only thing that most of these theories don't have is the respect of the scientific community but that is not even evidence that they are not correct. The problem the scientific community has at this point is that thousands of physisist would have to throw out their entire carreers worth of work if they found out that time is not a thing and what they've believed all this time has been incorrect. And don't be fooled, that is a very real possibility and so there is a biult in conflict of interest in the scientific community. The point being that as long as there is multiple viable theories then none of those theories can be said to have been proven. For any theory of science to be proven, all other competing theories must be falsified, until that happens Relativity will remain a theory.

Resting in Him,
So are you saying that IF time is a thing it proves Open Thiesm wrong as God would have created it? That's just an if. I just want to be clear.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
eccl3_6 said:
I did. He asked me if we ever left the present. I answered "whose?" and then I qualified it by saying (admitedly annotated, but it was only a minute later)

From the 2nd book of Peter



Wooden literalism to support a preconceived idea. A comparison using like or as is a simile, a figure of speech (cf. hyperbole at the end of John). For an everlasting God, a thousand literal years is a wisp. For finite creatures who die, a thousand years is many lifetimes. There is no literal correspondence, but a figure of speech to show that His Coming is not delayed (though it seemed like it to the early believers who expected it in their life time).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
eccl3_6 said:
Thats it!!! Thats where you were going!!! :banana:

When I look at the sun....I don't see the sun present. The light takes 10 seconds to get to me so I actually see the sun's past. So we have different 'nows'!


But God and a sun creature see it in real time. Perception with our earthly eyes does not change the objectivity of real time on the sun.