Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


TOL Subscriber
One can't watch that clip and agree that it appropriate to show on a Christian forum. Sorry, NO CAN DO.

Especially when blaming Jesus Christ for the evil clips!!!

Why would anyone want to do that, or create that, or show that, or defend that .. . in the name of Jesus Christ, who they ultimately are inferring is the cause of all that gross picture of sin.


God is not the cause of such evils. And no Calvinist/Reformer on this forum says God is the author of such horror.

Only the anti-Calvinists post this ugly bad stuff, in the desire to misrepresent our teachings.


TOL Subscriber
I pray to have no pride of my own. I happen to believe that posting a clip like this is damaging to our Christian witness, everyone included.

Absolutely! That is the basis for my reporting it and asking it be taken down.

It is ultimate slander against the name and goodness of Jesus Christ.

Ask Mr. Religion

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AMR would never have tolerated having a false quote attributed to him and put into a video, nor would Knight.
You apparently have not been around long enough to make such an unsupportable statement. I need not take the time to reach back in years gone by to provide plenty of evidence to the contrary. Nowadays at least there is active moderation attempts to reduce the number of misquotes, quote forgery, etc. Such was not always the case here and about. Those are the facts that you have not sought out.

The partial quote in question was lifted absent the surrounding context from a more thorough discussion of the fact that evil exists and that our very good God has a morally sufficient purpose for evil. Avail yourself of more studied treatments, for example here. There is nothing good about evil qua evil except for what God is able to do with it in our lives and for His own glory. As we know from Genesis 50, God wills righteously what men do wickedly.

The posted video is but one of many examples of juvenile approaches to sacred topics using dishonest quote-mining, something that happens often in the anti-Calvinist threads here and at most discussion sites. It is akin to making a video using the same silly tactics that begins, "Judas went out and hanged himself...go thou and do likewise". Some here have even taken the quote-mining nonsense to new levels thinking they have discovered defeaters for that which they argue against. All they are doing is giving evidence to their own desperation. Tambora's motivation for posting the video was but to toady to the mob and hold me up to ridicule. I have tried not to think about the actual time and effort that was required, all the while chuckling to one's self along the way, for a person to seek out and post such an item. It grieves me personally and for the woman who thinks this sort of action somehow enriches the discussion. Does anyone honestly think this behavior is exemplary of being a good steward of the time God has granted us for seeking a greater knowledge of Him (
Ephesians 5:15; Ecclesiastes 11:9; Mark 12:30)?

Like I have often observed, when one is unable or has nothing substantive to contribute to a discussion, things like the above are the default diversionary approach, hoping to cover up one's inadequacies. I only wish that persons who have nothing to say would cease giving us ample evidence of it. ;)



Well-known member
One can't watch that clip and agree that it appropriate to show on a Christian forum. Sorry, NO CAN DO.

That's the first time I've seen the clip, and I thought it was extremely thought provoking and well done. We are all adults here and there is nothing there that we don't see on the news every day. So, what's your beef?

AMR said, "It's good that evil exists." Well, there is some merit to that statement. How would we know to choose the good if there was no evil? I didn't follow the discussion, but God has allowed evil for a reason. What harm is there in discussing it?

So all this bluster over a video clip? All this hair pulling and name calling? Wow. :nono:

Eagles Wings

New member
That's the first time I've seen the clip, and I thought it was extremely thought provoking and well done. We are all adults here and there is nothing there that we don't see on the news every day. So, what's your beef?

AMR said, "It's good that evil exists." Well, there is some merit to that statement. How would we know to choose the good if there was no evil? I didn't follow the discussion, but God has allowed evil for a reason. What harm is there in discussing it?

So all this bluster over a video clip? All this hair pulling and name calling? Wow. :nono:
MYOB and hike on over to a thread that is less intense for ya then.


TOL Subscriber
Maybe you need to read a little harder because Nang, does not ever mince words.

Thanks . .

Nang has never excused Adam for his disobedience by blaming Satan, either. Scripture does not allow such teaching, for Satan is not even mentioned in Romans 5:12-21.