Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


You would think that statement would have been a question. All I did prior to being given faith is notice my inability to change by my own will and from that had a small bit of sincere hope. Scripture tells us to hope in the Lord. So what did I do wrong?


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What did you do to have faith given?


New member
What did you do to have faith given?
I told you; realized total depravity or inability to turn from what I knew was wrong. This realization brought about an inkling of hope. Yet even these things I wouldn't declare my own doing or that they alone resulted in faith.


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Robert Pate

Well-known member
So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.

God does not zap people with the Holy Spirit without hearing and believing the Gospel.


New member
You blasheme and speak evil of the Gospel every day !
If anyone here speaks evil of the gospel it is the Calvinists. With the doctrine that all non elect are actually elected for eternal damnation. As if one cannot hear the gospel and be changed by the Holy Spirit. If that was the case then why did Jesus instruct his disciples to spread the gospel of repentance from sin? Why did he say that the law would be written on the hearts, and that He didn't nullify the law but upheld it? If those who aren't of the elect don't have a choice in the matter, then why preach repentance and new spiritual life? What's sad is that you can't even get a Calvinist (whom undoubtedly considers themselves of the elect) to admit that it is their duty to shepard as many lost sheep as possible. Evidently to them; the lost sheep cannot be helped. So if nine can change or be helped then were does hope stem from? What hope would we have if our faith was that the work of the Christ was to no effect?

This isn't an attack on Calvinism, because it's tenets seem true; but it seems that somehow the doctrine (or perhaps misplaced pride) has caused the followers to actually be the lost sheep in cases.

K....I'm done.


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Robert Pate

Well-known member
If anyone here speaks evil of the gospel it is the Calvinists. With the doctrine that all non elect are actually elected for eternal damnation. As if one cannot hear the gospel and be changed by the Holy Spirit. If that was the case then why did Jesus instruct his disciples to spread the gospel of repentance from sin? Why did he say that the law would be written on the hearts, and that He didn't nullify the law but upheld it? If those who aren't of the elect don't have a choice in the matter, then why preach repentance and new spiritual life? What's sad is that you can't even get a Calvinist (whom undoubtedly considers themselves of the elect) to admit that it is their duty to shepard as many lost sheep as possible. Evidently to them; the lost sheep cannot be helped. So if nine can change or be helped then were does hope stem from? What hope would we have if our faith was that the work of the Christ was to no effect?

This isn't an attack on Calvinism, because it's tenets seem true; but it seems that somehow the doctrine (or perhaps misplaced pride) has caused the followers to actually be the lost sheep in cases.

K....I'm done.


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You are right.

Paul and the apostles spent over 20 years of their lives and traveled over 10,000 miles by foot, donkey and ship to take the Gospel to the pagan Gentile world. Calvinist believe that was a waste of time and believe that they should have been taking a poll to see who had been predestinated.


Well-known member
If anyone here speaks evil of the gospel it is the Calvinists. With the doctrine that all non elect are actually elected for eternal damnation. As if one cannot hear the gospel and be changed by the Holy Spirit. If that was the case then why did Jesus instruct his disciples to spread the gospel of repentance from sin? Why did he say that the law would be written on the hearts, and that He didn't nullify the law but upheld it? If those who aren't of the elect don't have a choice in the matter, then why preach repentance and new spiritual life? What's sad is that you can't even get a Calvinist (whom undoubtedly considers themselves of the elect) to admit that it is their duty to shepard as many lost sheep as possible. Evidently to them; the lost sheep cannot be helped. So if nine can change or be helped then were does hope stem from? What hope would we have if our faith was that the work of the Christ was to no effect?

This isn't an attack on Calvinism, because it's tenets seem true; but it seems that somehow the doctrine (or perhaps misplaced pride) has caused the followers to actually be the lost sheep in cases.

K....I'm done.


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A bunch of God hating nonsense !


Well-known member
You are right.

Paul and the apostles spent over 20 years of their lives and traveled over 10,000 miles by foot, donkey and ship to take the Gospel to the pagan Gentile world. Calvinist believe that was a waste of time and believe that they should have been taking a poll to see who had been predestinated.

More God hating nonsense, despising the Gospel of Gods Grace !


Well-known member
You don't know what the Gospel of grace is, nor do you want to know.

The Gospel of God's Grace is the Power of God to all the Elect He had Chosen in Christ Jesus, their Covenant Head and Surety Heb. 7:22 to be Saved before the world began. They don't have to do anything! They were reconciled to God even while being enemies Rom. 5:10. That's the Wonder of God's Grace Eph. 2:8-9!

2 Tim. 1:8-9
8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;
9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began


Brother Ducky

New member
You are right.

Paul and the apostles spent over 20 years of their lives and traveled over 10,000 miles by foot, donkey and ship to take the Gospel to the pagan Gentile world. Calvinist believe that was a waste of time and believe that they should have been taking a poll to see who had been predestinated.

Source for this? Or is it something that you just made up? A lie, perhaps?


TOL Subscriber
If anyone here speaks evil of the gospel it is the Calvinists.

So you accuse, according to your wrong view that:

With the doctrine that all non elect are actually elected for eternal damnation.

Which is not a Calvinistic belief, at all . . .

As if one cannot hear the gospel and be changed by the Holy Spirit.

Calvinists teach that one cannot hear the gospel until the Holy Spirit changes their hearts first. Sinners must be spiritually born again in order to exhibit faith and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If that was the case then why did Jesus instruct his disciples to spread the gospel of repentance from sin?

The gospel preached is God's means of calling His elect to faith in His Christ.

Why did he say that the law would be written on the hearts, and that He didn't nullify the law but upheld it?

The Law was fulfilled by Jesus Christ in order that the righteousness of the Law might be written upon the hearts of His elect and imputed to their account.

If those who aren't of the elect don't have a choice in the matter, then why preach repentance and new spiritual life?

Because the Gospel message is a two-edged sword. The Gospel message will produce grace in the elect, but reveal unbelief in all reprobates.

What's sad is that you can't even get a Calvinist (whom undoubtedly considers themselves of the elect) to admit that it is their duty to shepard as many lost sheep as possible. Evidently to them; the lost sheep cannot be helped.

This is a false view and wrong accusation. Calvinists believe in a universal and indiscriminate proclamation of the Gospel, for it is not known to any but God, who the elect might be.


New member
So you accuse, according to your wrong view that:

Which is not a Calvinistic belief, at all . . .

Calvinists teach that one cannot hear the gospel until the Holy Spirit changes their hearts first. Sinners must be spiritually born again in order to exhibit faith and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The gospel preached is God's means of calling His elect to faith in His Christ.

The Law was fulfilled by Jesus Christ in order that the righteousness of the Law might be written upon the hearts of His elect and imputed to their account.

Because the Gospel message is a two-edged sword. The Gospel message will produce grace in the elect, but reveal unbelief in all reprobates.

This is a false view and wrong accusation. Calvinists believe in a universal and indiscriminate proclamation of the Gospel, for it is not known to any but God, who the elect might be.
We know from scripture that wide is the path that the multitudes traverse. We know that many will be called yet few will answer.

From this alone (though there are other passages that reference the same thing) we can tell that the elect are rather few compared to the mass. you personally think that it is the duty of the elect to shepard the lost sheep? Or are they considered reprobates; unworthy of time and effort?

Don't forget that the least will be greatest and the meek will inherit the earth.

Thank for your leveled reply and sound doctrine. It is good to speak with those types.

I admit my presuppositions and assumptions, yet too admit that they stemmed from actual interaction and witnessing the words of self proclaimed Calvinists.

Not you.


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TOL Subscriber you personally think that it is the duty of the elect to shepard the lost sheep?

It is the spiritual commission of Christians to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to and amongst all men.

It is NOT the prerogative of any believer to judge any other soul as being reprobate or unredeemable.

Or are they considered reprobates; unworthy of time and effort?
