Z Man
New member
We sure do! I believe God saves us by His grace, and you believe man saves himself by meeting God's requirements, i.e. his good works.Originally posted by godrulz
We disagree on the nature of the atonement and what conditions of salvation refer to.
I believe in Christianity, you believe in religion. That's a big difference!
Says who? How do you know that? Are you God?God could forgive people's sins unconditionally, but it would not be for the highest good.
The fact of the atonement shows that God fixed those problems once and for all. The work is finished. There is nothing we can add to it, or take away from the work that Christ did on the cross in order to be saved.Confidence in His rule, justice, holiness, love would be undermined. The fact that there was an atonement shows that their were problems faced by a holy, loving God to reconcile sinful man to Himself.
Whether you like it or not, that's a work. This sentence totally contridicts itself.The conditions of salvation are not an appeasment (your misunderstanding) nor a work; they are wise requirements that uphold the moral law of God making it wise for God to freely forgive.
To say that there is much more to our salvation than what Christ did at the cross is blasphemy. Christ did it all because there was no way man could ever meet the requirements that God demands from us, which is perfection.
Are you nuts??? What could man ever do to appease God and receive His mercies? What requirement could man ever meet of God to receive his salvation?Salvation is not all of God.
If there is a way that man can save himself, without the need for God, then there would be no need for Christ. His sacrifice screams to the world that man is helpless and unable to meet God's requirements; perfection.
We love God because He first loved us. And no man can say they love Christ without the Holy Spirit living in them.Relationship involves two parties.
We do nothing to aid in our salvation what so ever. It is 100% all of God's work. His Spirit that lives through us is the only reason we are able to edify and glorify His most Holy name. If God's presence were not in our souls, then we'd still be lost, doing what we love to do best; sin.