Okay - this is very interesting. I can see your point a little clearer now. In the last clause, did you mean "such as no woman being over the man..."?
Paul's teaching was that the woman should not be over the man as a teacher or authority when it comes to God's commandments.
I said, " do not jump over that hierarchy without good reason, such as no man being over the woman (husband or father)."
In Leviticus 30, the discussion is about how a father can annul a vow made by a daughter living in his household and a husband can annul a vow made by his wife.
However, there are times when a woman will not have a father or a husband that has the authority to annul her vows.
These are the women I am referring to as having no man over them.
You think there are repercussions if the hierarchy is not observed - would you expound on that please? Any examples? The Anglican Church?
The Episcopalian church (American version of Anglican church) ordained women priests in 1974, and ordained the first openly gay bishop in 2003.
It is my belief that the openly gay man would never have been ordained as a bishop in that church if they had not set the stage for it by ordaining women as priests.
I don't know of any denomination that has ordained openly gay men and women as priests, bishops, and pastors without first ordaining women.
Marriage? Marriages where the husband no longer believes in Christ?
Paul stated that anyone married to a non-believer could divorce them. 1 Corinthians 7:12-16
If the wife believes and the husband does not believe, still the wife is not to assume she has scriptural authority or teaching over her husband or over other men.