ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


Well-known member

You see Christ in that show, but not in me.
Yowch, I was using Danoh's metaphor. I didn't literally mean that show, but rather TOL as he compared it. I do see Christ here. I'd imagine you do too, so the irony touches us all. -Lon

Apparantly he watches the show :D

Springer's commercials announcing "on the next Jerry Springer" certainly do not show Christ.

Perhaps you'll clear that up, Lon - now you've got GT up in arms :chuckle:

Sometimes it is like watching an accident, you can't take your eyes off what you are seeing, but I do change the channel after the pause. I think the most you can accuse me of is slowing down traffic, which in and of itself is incredibly annoying and GT would have every right to complain.

Short answer: I'd be very hard pressed to see Christ on the Jerry Springer show (mostly because I don't watch it, but I suspect other reasons as well). I was talking about seeing Christ on TOL. I believe He is here. -Lon


Well-known member
Even among some MAD. Thus, it is ever a huge item of discussion agenda. I think it one of the elephants in the room. -Lon

I have never met, talked to nor read any MAD who believed anything remotely like LS. Even the unfortunate old line Calvinists, who are dying off, denounce it.
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I'm not sure I'd say that they weren't saved, but that they are caught up in works in direct connection with salvation.

MADs? No you did not. I'll stake my membership on it. Produce one known MAD figure who teaches works salvation and I'll delete myself.


Well-known member
If I'm reading Musterion correctly, he'd like to get off the show, but they keep following him around with cameras.

Not to press the metaphor too far but I don't want them tuning in to my show [threads] at all when all they do is hoot, snarl and hurl rhetorical feces.


Well-known member
Your irony is a sin.

You are seeing something that I don't see OR isn't there. The irony I was talking about is that I wasn't talking about the actual Jerry Springer show at all. The irony is that I don't think TOL is but an awkward approximation "the dramaz." Danoh is correct on that count, but it is rather the way this site works rather than any one of our particular preference perhaps.


Well-known member
Not to press the metaphor too far but I don't want them tuning in to my show [threads] at all when all they do is hoot, snarl and hurl rhetorical feces.
Hence why there are cameras outside your house. Just can't get away from them most of the time.


Well-known member

I guarantee you this...think what you want about MAD but the ONE thing you will never find here is any adherence to works for salvation. Some believe work was required of Israel, some don't, but that's not the issue. As far as TODAY goes, NO ONE teaches it in MAD.

Now in Acts 2, where the words of Christ on earth take precedence over the words of Christ through Paul? Yeah, works all the live-long day. But not here.


Well-known member

I guarantee you this...think what you want about MAD but the ONE thing you will never find here is any adherence to works for salvation. Some believe work was required of Israel, some don't, but that's not the issue. As far as TODAY goes, NO ONE teaches it in MAD.

Now in Acts 2, where the words of Christ on earth take precedence over the words of Christ through Paul? Yeah, works all the live-long day. But not here.
MADs? No you did not. I'll stake my membership on it. Produce one known MAD figure who teaches works salvation and I'll delete myself.

I'd rather not simply because they are new converts and in need of maturing their thoughts. I'm not questioning their salvation though.
Not only that, I'm used to you being around. I'd decline simply on that premise alone. -Lon


Well-known member
I'd rather not simply because they are new converts and in need of maturing their thoughts. I'm not questioning their salvation though.
Not only that, I'm used to you being around. I'd decline simply on that premise alone. -Lon

Don't let me misunderstand you, and so misrepresent you.

You've encountered MADs, young or old, who tie works to salvation? That basically it?

Are you SURE they were MADs? Not asking where you met them but it's a sure bet it wasn't on TOL.

God's Truth

New member
You are seeing something that I don't see OR isn't there. The irony I was talking about is that I wasn't talking about the actual Jerry Springer show at all. The irony is that I don't think TOL is but an awkward approximation "the dramaz." Danoh is correct on that count, but it is rather the way this site works rather than any one of our particular preference perhaps.


This is what I know, you, and the others here go against me for speaking about obedience to Christ.

Can we talk about Jesus instead of Jerry Springer?

Can we talk instead of you telling me who you think is saved and who you think is not saved?

Can we talk without you all calling me a demon, retarded, and whatever else?

Can we talk while you put me on ignore?

God's Truth

New member
Musterion, the Calvinists win on the who obeys Jesus less debate/discussion, because you at least believe you have to believe---which is a work.

You both however are both in trouble.


New member

I guarantee you this...think what you want about MAD but the ONE thing you will never find here is any adherence to works for salvation. Some believe work was required of Israel, some don't, but that's not the issue. As far as TODAY goes, NO ONE teaches it in MAD.

Now in Acts 2, where the words of Christ on earth take precedence over the words of Christ through Paul? Yeah, works all the live-long day. But not here.

Yep, Musti - in all my years, I have yet to hear and or read ANY MAD preach what even REMOTELY appears Israel's Lordship salvation.

Not - a - one.

And Lon; you already know I do not defend ANY MAD on ANY position, merely out of some sort of a "club loyalty."

ANY MAD worth his or her salt is far MORE than merely ACQUAINTED with...

Romans 5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 5:7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Saviour FIRST...

THEN Lord.

Justification FIRST...


Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:


Well-known member
Yep, Musti - in all my years, I have yet to hear and or read ANY MAD preach what even REMOTELY appears Israel's Lordship salvation.

Not - a - one.

And Lon; you already know I do not defend ANY MAD on ANY position, merely out of some sort of a "club loyalty."

ANY MAD worth his or her salt is far MORE than merely ACQUAINTED with...

Romans 5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 5:7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Saviour FIRST...

THEN Lord.

Justification FIRST...


Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

All true.


New member
Don't let me misunderstand you, and so misrepresent you.

You've encountered MADs, young or old, who tie works to salvation? That basically it?

Are you SURE they were MADs? Not asking where you met them but it's a sure bet it wasn't on TOL.

Recall that Lon has been going back and forth with you about "Dispensationalism" not about the Mid-Acts Dispensationalism, you have been going back and forth with him about.

As you well obviously know - big difference between the two.

God's Truth

New member
Recall that Lon has been going back and forth with you about "Dispensationalism" not about the Mid-Acts Dispensationalism, you have been going back and forth with him about.

As you well obviously know - big difference between the two.

That is right, because they both go against works/obeying. However, Calvinists are ammillenists, and madists are dispensationalists... they are half brothers and sisters and will never get along.