DNC chair won't speak at Dem convention following Wikileaks fallout

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
List with links to some really good stuff in their email.

LaQueenia is a NAME! I'm sorry, boo. I hope you got a raise with this title. On Friday, May 6, 2016, Comer, Scott <ComerS@dnc.org<mailto:ComerS@dnc.org>> wrote: just kill me now. From: Rob Smith - Chief Product Officer - NY [mailto:robs@haddad.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','robs@haddad.com');>]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 2:01 PM
To: Comer, Scott; Tobias, Andy; Andrew Sendall; rgrozier@gro-dev.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','rgrozier@gro-dev.com');>
Cc: LaQueenia Gibson - Executive Assistant
Subject: DNC LGBT Event
Gentlemen, I’m encouraging a phone call next week. There has been some shift in leadership and I’d like for us to be aligned on next steps. After seeing a few emails, I’m not sure that we are all on the same page. I’m going to have LaQueenia send out some options for next week. Hopefully we can all get on the phone and reenergize this event.​

Nothing like making fun of their name.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If the other side had nominated someone who could be supported, that calculation just might have bitten them this year.

Trump got more votes than any nominee in history. He is supported, except by jackasses like.....



New member
Trump got more votes than any nominee in history. He is supported, except by jackasses like.....

Trump got 13,300,472, compared to Clinton's 16,838,264 and Sanders' 13,100,987. Clinton had more votes by a lot, and Sanders was within 200,000. Not only is that not true of all of history, it isn't even true of this election cycle.


Oh, but go ahead, tell me that's just liberal spin or something. Republicans don't deal in facts.

I do think Trump is going to win, because Hillary is the most uninspiring candidate in recent memory. But I won't be voting for him.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump got 13,300,472, compared to Clinton's 16,838,264 and Sanders' 13,100,987.........
First of all I was referring to the GOP primary.

Second, Hillary was not up against 16 rivals.

Lastly, what the heck does your post have to do with anything, because I was responding to the false statement that Trump can't get any supporters when obviously he can.

Go play on the freeway, pinhead.


New member
First of all I was referring to the GOP primary.

Ok. How does that tell you anything about who's going to win the general election? The electorate grows every year, so you'd expect whatever candidate is currently running to generally have more votes than their predecessors.

Second, Hillary was not up against 16 rivals.

Sure. But they didn't divide the vote a whole lot. Sanders gave Clinton a real run for her money. Cruz, Kaisich, and Rubio combined only totaled slightly more than Sanders' vote, and none of the others really registered. And I suspect that a lot of those opponents helped him more than they intended. He gets a lot of mileage out of poking holes in safe, conventional campaigns. Just ask JEB. Or Little Marco. Or Lying Ted.

Lastly, what the heck does your post have to do with anything, because I was responding to the false statement that Trump can't get any supporters when obviously he can.

I didn't intend to suggest that he couldn't. I think there's a very real risk he could win this election. I can't consider him, nor could I consider voting third party/independent/protest because of many of the things he has said, and I know many people feel the same way. The recent revelations of DNC conspiring against Sanders don't really change that. They just underscore the impression a lot of Sanders supporters had.

Go play on the freeway, pinhead.

Yeah, good talking to you, too. Wow.
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patrick jane

I think there's a very real risk he could win this election. I can't consider him, nor could I consider voting third party/independent/protest because of many of the things he has said
But nevermind Hitlery's blatant crimes and lies - She's toast


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Republicans have been searching for a crime to charge her with for 20 years, and nothing ever really sticks.

So, you assert she did not commit multiple felonious acts? She actually did, and the reason she is not being held accountable as any other citizen is because of politics. It really has nothing to do with "the republicans" it has to do with the fact that the law has two standards , the laws average people are held to, and the law that elitist politicians have to adhere to. That double standard should be disturbing to all Americans regardless of party affiliation.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What a chaotic convention! I am kind of under the impression that The Democrats will not find unity this week....:chuckle:

On another note it is refreshing to see Democrats chanting to jail Hillary, even they know she's a felon.

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New member
Hall of Fame
What a chaotic convention! I am kind of under the impression that The Democrats will not find unity this week....:chuckle:

On another note it is refreshing to see Democrats chanting to jail Hillary, even they know she's a felon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I bet the Democrats were loving the GOP convention but now they are having their own troubles. :chuckle: And more emails may be coming. :think:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I bet the Democrats were loving the GOP convention but now they are having their own troubles. :chuckle: And more emails may be coming. :think:

It is obvious that the libs are a mess at this point, more so than anything happening on the republican side, or at least that is how I am reading this. This election has only skimmed the surface of how bad it will eventually get... My opinion anyway.


New member
So, you assert she did not commit multiple felonious acts? She actually did, and the reason she is not being held accountable as any other citizen is because of politics. It really has nothing to do with "the republicans" it has to do with the fact that the law has two standards , the laws average people are held to, and the law that elitist politicians have to adhere to. That double standard should be disturbing to all Americans regardless of party affiliation.

As I've pointed out in another thread, you've been unable to find that parallel example that make the comparison valid. So, go ahead and believe that, I don't think there's a thing in the world that could change your mind, and I don't care to try again. But you are wrong.

