ECT Disposing of a MAD list

God's Truth

New member
GT wrote:
Jesus reconciles us to God by giving us the Spirit of God to live in our hearts.

That's not what 2 Cor 5 says, is it?

Of course, it is. How else do you think we are reconciled to God?

This is an important point. We can easily internalize the Christian Gospel and have something very different from what they said.

That is put down internalizing the written Word of God.

The resurrection was the reward to Christ by the Father for doing what he did. Acts 2:34, quoting Ps 110, is saying just that.

Could you show me exactly where it says that?

That puts it in a different category than living a perfectly righteous life for us and suffering for us.

What exactly are you saying? What is the different categories? Jesus lived a perfect life because he loved the Father.

I won't press this fine point any further, but hope you can see the difference and gain power from it.

I have no idea what you are trying to say.

I do know though that you went against me for saying we are made righteous/washed/justified when we receive the Holy Spirit.

I do know that you went against me for saying we are reconciled to God when Jesus gives us the Spirit of God to live in us.

The next post I will show you that the Holy Spirit justifies us when we are saved.

God's Truth

New member
We are justified by the blood of Jesus when we repent our sins and have faith that Jesus' blood washes us.

Hebrews 10:29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth.

Romans 15:16 so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Titus 3:5 He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,

1 Corinthians 6:11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.


Well-known member
GT wrote:
Of course, it is. How else do you think we are reconciled to God?

You are mixing the work of the Son with the work of the Spirit. As you can imagine, the word 'reconcile' has to do with bookkeeping, accounts, etc. as in 'reconciling accounts.' 2 Cor 5 does not mention the Spirit for that reason. The Holy Spirit did not sacrifice himself on the cross.

Luther called the righteousness of God an 'alien righteousness' because it was outside of our daily lives although it settles our debt with God. In his late life, Paul called himself the least of all the saints, even after all his mission work. You can bet he valued the infinite, alien righteousness of Christ to cover his life.

God's Truth

New member
GT wrote:
Of course, it is. How else do you think we are reconciled to God?

You are mixing the work of the Son with the work of the Spirit.

I gave you scriptures that say it is by the blood and flesh of Jesus, and scriptures that say it is by the Holy Spirit. Wake up.
As a separate but definitive case, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. I have scripture for that...but even if you have a hard time about that, realize that ANYTHING the Father says, anything that Jesus says, anything that the Spirit says---THEY ARE IN AGREEMENT. What does that mean? It means that it might has well been the other!!!!!!!!!

As you can imagine, the word 'reconcile' has to do with bookkeeping, accounts, etc. as in 'reconciling accounts.' 2 Cor 5 does not mention the Spirit for that reason. The Holy Spirit did not sacrifice himself on the cross.
Again, Jesus Christ IS THE SPIRIT.

Even if you do NOT believe the scriptures that SAY Jesus is the Spirit---believe the scriptures that use the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit INTERCHANGEABLY!

I want to help you so much. You are so close, yet so far away from the Truth.

Luther called the righteousness of God an 'alien righteousness' because it was outside of our daily lives although it settles our debt with God. In his late life, Paul called himself the least of all the saints, even after all his mission work. You can bet he valued the infinite, alien righteousness of Christ to cover his life.

You are following the false teachings of a man named Luther.

Paul considered himself the worst of sinners BECAUSE he tried to DESTROY the church.

1 Corinthians 15:9 For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

Let's keep discussing.

If you are willing to consider deeply what I say, you will recognize that what I am saying is my quoting the scriptures.


New member
Found in the thread on I Tim 6 and MAD:
(It has taken about 2 years to find this after asking Danoh, for one, to do so).

Basic teachings of Mid Acts Dispensational right division
– Jesus, in his earthly ministry, ministered to the circumcision. (Rom 15:8, see here)
– [bold]The mystery of Christ was first revealed to Paul[/bold] (Col 1:25-26, 1 Tim 1:16, and here)
– Prophecy and mystery are different (Acts 3:19-21 vs Rom 16:25)
– Peter and Paul taught different messages (Peter prophecy, and Paul mystery: See here)
– Prophecy has been interrupted. (See here)
– The gospel of the kingdom is not the gospel of the grace of God (See here and here)
– Israel’s Church and the Church, the body of Christ, are different. (See here)

Jesus was ministering in Israel.
He made several indications of reaching out to the nations, though. He trained 82 guys for mission work, leveraging them with his 1st rule: pray to the Lord of the Harvest for more workers. So if they each reached just 2 more guys, thats 246 by the time things were rocking on the day of Pentecost, where 'every nation under heaven were there.' Get the idea. MAD is mad. Acts is about the true purpose of that generation of Israel to be found in Christ himself, to be a light to the nations, as Christ was.

the Mystery of Christ
The only people this was a mystery to was Judaism. Because of their Replacement theology (Gal 3:17), they thought the expansion to the nations was to take place through the law. It was instead to happen through the Gospel, Eph 3:5. The mystery was not an interjection of an unknown work of God out of nowhere. The OT was full of it in the prophets. But it wasn't to be by spreading the Law's ceremonial and dietary rules.

Prophecy vs Mystery
Well, they can't be too different when it is what the prophets mentioned so much. Judaism imagined Judaism all over the planet and started on that. Christ was unimpressed, says Mt 23. It was actually a spread of the Pharisee mentality. No thanks. I detect a bit of 2P2P here, but more on that later.

Peter vs Paul
(sniffs) More 2P2P. Nonsense. They have the same message when Acts 2, 3, 13 are compared--about justification, about Abraham's promises, about what Israel is supposed to be.

Prophecy interrupted.
(Pewwwwww!!! 2P2P!!!) Right: 483 followed by 2000+ followed by 484. yeah, all the time. I simply do not understand how the Bretheren so thoroughly scrubbed the Christian world of the knowledge of the DofJ, but it was so gone by the time the Brethren went to work on Darby's system, it is unbelievable. The DofJ--the best attested ancient calamity and siege in which 1.5M perished--is like gone when the D'ists go to work. Raptured! The proper title for this paragraph should be "History Interrupted."

Two Gospels
(vomits). All based on the simplest of grammatical errors about Gal 2 WHEN THE WHOLE CHAPTER IS ABOUT AVOIDING OTHER GOSPELS ON DANGER OF PAUL'S ANATHEMAS!!! Only D'ism can make people reshuffle Biblical doctrine like this. Like Mormonism. And then, as though we didn't have the account of Acts in the Bible, Peter gets confronted 3 times for what he's doing! So out of touch that even today, I have had 'Messianic Jews' tell me they could not fellowship with me unless I agreed that Peter went to the Gentile homes there in Acts 9, but DID NOT EAT THE FOOD WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE VISION IS ABOUT!!! (vomits 2P2P all over)

One Body
(NDEs). It's interesting to note that in Galatians, the term 'hairesie' (heresy) is not originally a doctrinal word. It means to divide. The flesh divides. The flesh doesn't just divide into two. That's not nearly enough. Why waste a crisis? Really divide when you can. MAD is flesh. It is poorly educated, uninspired, over-cautious human thinking. (More NDEs)



New member
Catch that, TOL audience? Hop Sing is attempting to weigh in here, when he is clueless as to what the term "gospel" meant 2000 or so years ago, and "translates" what the term "mystery" meant at that same time, into his "20/21 century lenses," i.e., "mysterious," as in "spooky, unable to be understood,......" No, Hop Sing, the term had the meaning of "secret/not revealed."

I told you to take your seat, Col. Klink.

Dopey....put your gimp mask back on.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dopey....put your gimp mask back on.

Nice imitate me, dopey Opie, candyandycain. You learned imitation from your daddy, the devil, the great imitator, fraud, charlatan, like you, fruitcake. Like father, like son...

And put up the fruitie, perverted face of yours, you perverter, so we can laugh at the candy, fruitie coutenance of yours, and the red mop of an excuse for "hair."

I though so, fruitcake-once is enough, as your "avatar"(loosely used here)was laughed off the site, years ago, as you took it down, and this site checked out on you then.

Take your seat, fraud, after you have cleaned up the trail of your litter, dirty little bird, who chirps occasionally, Pigpen Opie.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nice imitate me, dopey Opie, candyandycain. You learned imitation from your daddy, the devil, the great imitator, fraud, charlatan, like you, fruitcake. Like father, like son...

And put up the fruitie, perverted face of yours, you perverter, so we can laugh at the candy, fruitie coutenance of yours, and the red mop of an excuse for "hair."

I though so, fruitcake-once is enough, as your "avatar"(loosely used here)was laughed off the site, years ago, as you took it down, and this site checked out on you then.

Take your seat, fraud, after you have cleaned up the trail of your litter, dirty little bird, who chirps occasionally, Pigpen Opie.

A +


New member
Without reasons, why can't the messianics also say: the land is one part of the trinity? That is what it is like listening to your lists!

That is why it is so annoying to have the mistake-ful list repasted, without reasons.

MAD is a gnostic country club, and if you try to snatch their candy, they get upset and aggresive.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
MAD is a gnostic country club, and if you try to snatch their candy, they get upset and aggresive.

Another "brilliant, "Well, I my opinion...." scribble, from this Penty humanist, fruitcake. Weighty.

Again, candyandycain-you plagiarized the above;

And you plagiarized me, fruitie boy, with your " you try to snatch their candy"-knock it off.