

Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And you represent the creationist agenda: when under fire for being illogical, lash out and try to hurt the 'evolutionist' any way that you can, no matter how insignificant

You make an assertion, use it as evidence and then when called on it use the fallacy of begging the question, and I'm irrational?

:mock: evolutionists

I gave you a link and a quote from that link. If you're truly interested in whether Mesopotamia is older than Jewish tradition, then do your own research.

OK. :idunno:

Reporting back — Genesis 1 is the oldest known account in history.



You make an assertion, use it as evidence and then when called on it use the fallacy of begging the question, and I'm irrational?

:mock: evolutionists

OK. :idunno:

Reporting back — Genesis 1 is the oldest known account in history.
No. The Epic of Gilgamesh is older than anything in the Bible. So you messed up somehow.

This is a lost cause. Why do I even try to show you the light?


Well-known member
3. As with flood myths, the oldest creation myths available to us are from Mesopatamia. The fall from grace is well documented as part of their creation story. We pilfered that, too
I wouldn't call it so much as "pilfering" as intentionally re-writing and re-envisioning a known mythological story. The purpose was to teach monotheism and fight against polytheism which as you note is mentioned frequently in the old testament.

Monotheism was revolutionary at the time and the best way to communicate it was using forms and patterns that were well understood at the time. Stripe and Co. want to believe it's an ancient news story.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I wouldn't call it so much as "pilfering" as intentionally re-writing and re-envisioning a known mythological story. The purpose was to teach monotheism and fight against polytheism which as you note is mentioned frequently in the old testament.

Monotheism was revolutionary at the time and the best way to communicate it was using forms and patterns that were well understood at the time. Stripe and Co. want to believe it's an ancient news story.
Inventing stories is not convincing. Or evidence.

As much as I'd love to, you try to play scientist too much to be ignored. It's both comical and sad

:mock: evolutionists.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Sumerian flood myth

The tale of Ziusudra is known from a single fragmentary tablet written in Sumerian, datable by its script to the 17th century BC (Old Babylonian Empire), and published in 1914 by Arno Poebel.


And the Biblical account is known from multiple intact scrolls written in Hebrew, datable by its genealogies to the 40th century BC and published in about 200BC. :idunno:
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The Barbarian

The Dead Sea Scrolls were written in Roman times, long, long after that. They are closer to our own time, than they are to the events they describe.


And the Biblical account is known from multiple intact scrolls written in Hebrew, datable by its genealogies to the 40th century BC and published in about 200BC. :idunno:

Ahh....the genealogies which claim that men lived for over 900 years.....

LOL....that's reliable


Barbarian observes:
Stipe is the chorus in a Greek comedy.

He probably didn't get the allusion. Who know what he actually thought it meant? Apparently, the mods got it; I haven't heard from them.

Though they tolerate Stripe's ridiculous idiocy because it goes in their favor, they seem far more intelligent than our silly friend.

Now Barbarian is banned.....perhaps my praise of the mods was premature?


The Dead Sea Scrolls.

"Discovered between 1947 and 1956, the Dead Sea Scrolls comprise some 800 documents but in many tens of thousands of fragments. The Scrolls date from around 250 B.C. to 68 A.D. and were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek; they contain Biblical and apocryphal works, prayers and legal texts and sectarian documents."


LOL at Stripe. 40th century my behind. Try third


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Ahh....the genealogies which claim that men lived for over 900 years.....LOL....that's reliable
We weren't discussing their reliability; the issue was that you claimed one was copied from the other. You provided nothing in the way of evidence and others had to step in to cover your ignorance. Now you want to talk about something else.

What was that about goalposts being shifted again? :rolleyes:

"Discovered between 1947 and 1956, the Dead Sea Scrolls comprise some 800 documents but in many tens of thousands of fragments. The Scrolls date from around 250 B.C. to 68 A.D. and were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek; they contain Biblical and apocryphal works, prayers and legal texts and sectarian documents."


LOL at Stripe. 40th century my behind. Try third
Try reading, buddy. It's good for you. :up:
Mods, I would like a public explanation as to exactly why The Barbarian was suspended
He's a troll and a liar. And there is already a public record.

:mock: Blablarian


We weren't discussing their reliability; the issue was that you claimed one was copied from the other. You provided nothing in the way of evidence and others had to step in to cover your ignorance. Now you want to talk about something else.
I want to discuss the genealogies in depth, Stripe. Their reliability is of the utmost importance, as the only reason to believe an absurd timeline that is the sum of men's ages reaching up to 1000 years per individual, would be unquestionable reliability. You seem to cede, however, that they aren't reliable, which means that your figure of Genesis being 4000 years old is unreliable.

That's how logic works, Stripe. Try using it sometime.

Try reading, buddy. It's good for you. :up:
How about you read the link? Or ANY SOURCE ON THE SCROLLS. They all come to the same conclusion. :readthis:

He's a troll and a liar. And there is already a public record.

:mock: Blablarian

Sorry, but pointing out your idiocy to the world doesn't count as trolling. If you don't like it, don't say stupid things.

:mock: Stipe