Did Ron Wyatt really find the Ark of the Covenant?


Well-known member
This discussion is going around in circles. And you keep deflecting it to the question of whether the IAA is lying. But the question isn't whether the IAA is lying. The question is whether Ron Wyatt actually found what he claimed to find. (Don't jump on me again, and pretend that I admitted that the IAA is lying. I didn't and I don't. It is simply not the point).

Ron Wyatt claimed to find a whole list of archaeological things. You can find a list of these on his Wikiipedia page. Professional archaeologists did not take him seriously. Here is a Christian site that claims he was a charlatan- and has evidence to show this.

You believe that circumstantial evidence indicates that he did indeed find the Ark. You have your own ideas about what constitutes evidence, especially when you really want to believe something (Preferably a non-standard belief.) I've run into your "logic" on the calendar issue as well.

You strike me as a fairly intelligent person, so I have this constant expectation that you will demonstrate some common sense. And I am constantly disappointed. Either that, or you like playing these games with anonymous people on the internet.

Rubbish! I am more intelligent than that. ;)

Look, we have agreed that there is no hard evidence Ron actually found it, only his word that he did. We also agree that he dug there but because he dug there over 10 times, over many years and sometimes for months at a time it is inconceivable that the IAA didn't intervene because they are well known for prosecuting and jailing people who only do this the once without the proper permissions as I proved to you;

When the looters are caught, they are jailed—instead of congratulated—for the find."

They went to find antiquities, and ended up in jail:

Yet Ron not only filmed his digs but freely discussed it on national and international television!:

Ron Wyatt Biblical Discoveries Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8ZD...nzRFs&index=28

Ron Wyatt Biblical Discoveries Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at1MNi3XS58

Yet you think the IAA still did nothing! That obtuse kind of thinking is not rational. If you dug in Israel without permission and was caught you would be arrested! All of Ron's other discoveries are plainly visible to watch and visit and are real and consistent with the Bible accounts:

Noah's Ark: http://theologyonline.com/showthread...nd!&highlight=


Pharaoh's Chariots in the Red Sea: http://theologyonline.com/showthread...03#post5177003

Appart from these he also found; Joseph's Grain Bins, Mt. Sinai ,Sodom & Gomorrah and the other cities of the plain: Zoar, Zeboim and Admah, to name but a few and all of the evidence for these can be seen on youtube.

Ron Wyatt was well know for his humility and honesty and it has never been proved that he ever told a lie. In fact this one claim that he found the Ark of the covenant only caused him to be ridiculed. Also Ron never made a penny from any of his discoveries and funded all of his own hundred plus trips himself from his day job as an anaesthetist.


Well-known member
Video of the Crucifixion site as it is today:



