Did Ron Wyatt really find the Ark of the Covenant?

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Greatest poster ever
If you had watched the evidence you would know that it is not lost. It is still where it was found in the chamber where Jeremiah left it.

Yeah, right... If there were any truth to this, don't you think the Israeli government would have gone in and recovered it themselves?


Well-known member
No. I don't. You insist on linking "permission to dig" with actual digging. And attribute to the IAA enforcement superpowers.

But, let's look at the positive evidence that Ron Wyatt found the Ark:
1. Wyatt dug in the Garden Tomb area (it makes no difference if he did it legally or not).
2. He claims to have found the Ark there

That's basically it. Yes, I know there are videos, and a really poor photo, and cut rocks that he claims are this or that. But solid evidence?

Hang on, what do you accept and not accept?

1. Ron Wyatt with many others dug by the Garden tomb Golgotha escarpment as shown in the videos? Yes or no?

2.The IAA are lying when they state Ron did not have permission to dig? Yes or no?


Well-known member
Yeah, right... If there were any truth to this, don't you think the Israeli government would have gone in and recovered it themselves?
You're forgetting who you are dealing with. There is a conspiracy. The Israeli government doesn't want this news to get out, since it will cause a political nightmare. So they are hiding the information, and even lying about Wyatt having miraculously gotten permission to dig. A conspiracy.


Well-known member
Hang on, what do you accept and not accept?

1. Ron Wyatt with many others dug by the Garden tomb Golgotha escarpment as shown in the videos? Yes or no?

2.The IAA are lying when they state Ron did not have permission to dig? Yes or no?

1. yes
2. no

I thought I was pretty clear about this.


Well-known member
Yeah, right... If there were any truth to this, don't you think the Israeli government would have gone in and recovered it themselves?

Again if you had of watched the videos or read what I said, you would know that they did try to do just that but as I said Ron told the Israeli Antiquity Authority that he had found it and they have since found the original tunnel and tried to retrieve but the men sent to retrieve have all died because that is what the ark does unless God gives them permission to see and touch it.

Jeremiah hid it within the vicinity of Jerusalem during the siege:

2 Maccabees 2:4-8Good News Translation (GNT)
4 These same records also tell us that Jeremiah, acting under divine guidance, commanded the Tent of the Lord's Presence and the Covenant Box to follow him to the mountain where Moses had looked down on the land which God had promised our people. 5 When Jeremiah got to the mountain, he found a huge cave and there he hid the Tent of the Lord's Presence, the Covenant Box, and the altar of incense. Then he sealed up the entrance.

6 Some of Jeremiah's friends tried to follow him and mark the way, but they could not find the cave. 7 When Jeremiah learned what they had done, he reprimanded them, saying,

No one must know about this place until God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy. 8 At that time he will reveal where these things are hidden, and the dazzling light of his presence will be seen in the cloud, as it was in the time of Moses and on the occasion when Solomon prayed that the Temple might be dedicated in holy splendor.

Here is that marker:



The video's prove Ron dug in the garden tomb area and that the IAA are lying when they say Ron did not have permission to dig.

You might get there in the end?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Ron told the Israeli Antiquity Authority that he had found it and they have since found the original tunnel and tried to retrieve but the men sent to retrieve have all died because that is what the ark does unless God gives them permission to see and touch it.

Why should anyone care if Wyatt found the ark if no one can retrieve it without dying? What difference does it make?

Follow Ron Wyatt's money trail, and then you'll understand what all this hullabaloo is really all about.


Well-known member
1. yes
2. no

I thought I was pretty clear about this.

Right so you do now finally accept Ron Wyatt with many others dug by the Garden tomb Golgotha escarpment as shown in the video. That's great but it totally contradicts what the IAA state that Ron did not have permission to dig there or anywhere.

You really believe that after returning to dig there more than 10 times over 20+ years, for sometimes months at a time, you really think the IAA just sat back and did nothing!!

You have little understanding just how strict they are:

"When the looters are caught, they are jailed—instead of congratulated—for the find."

They went to find antiquities, and ended up in jail:

etc etc.


Well-known member
Why should anyone care if Wyatt found the ark if no one can retrieve it without dying? What difference does it make?
The Ark of the Covenant is the greatest archaeological artefact ever to exist and the most Holy artefact to ever exist it is beyond priceless and you say 'Why should anyone care if Wyatt found the ark if no one can retrieve it' :rotfl:
Follow Ron Wyatt's money trail, and then you'll understand what all this hullabaloo is really all about.
Ron never made a penny. In fact he had a day job and funded every trip he made to the middle east, (over 120 of them). You know nothing.


Well-known member

But, let's look at the positive evidence that Ron Wyatt found the Ark:
1. Wyatt dug in the Garden Tomb area (it makes no difference if he did it legally or not).
2. He claims to have found the Ark there

That's basically it. Yes, I know there are videos, and a really poor photo, and cut rocks that he claims are this or that. But solid evidence?

Watchman- you ignored this one.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The Ark of the Covenant is the greatest archaeological artefact ever to exist and the most Holy artefact to ever exist it is beyond priceless and you say 'Why should anyone care if Wyatt found the ark if no one can retrieve it' :rotfl:

If everyone who touches it dies why should anyone bother? :rotfl:


Well-known member
You're missing the point. If you accept he with others dug there then you must accept the IAA are lying and also contradicts what the GTA say. Which explains everything.

No. Logically I do not have to accept that. As I have said repeatedly: He could have dug illegally, and not been caught (why- because the Garden Tomb people allowed him to dig and didn't report him).

My question remains: what real evidence is there that he found the Ark?

Don't say "oh go watch a few hours of his videos". The only evidence is that Ron Wyatt claims he found it. That's it! It makes no difference if the IAA and/or the Garden Tomb organization are lying. There simply is no evidence, beyond his word.


Well-known member

What do you get? That you can't explain away the fact that the videos show Ron with others digging at the Garden tomb Golgotha escarpment while the the Israeli Antiquity Authority say he never had permission to dig there and the Garden Tomb Association say he did have permission?

Perhaps you think no one should care about any of this too. :rotfl:


Well-known member
What do you get? That you can't explain away the fact that the videos show Ron with others digging at the Garden tomb Golgotha escarpment while the the Israeli Antiquity Authority say he never had permission to dig there and the Garden Tomb Association say he did have permission?

Perhaps you think no one should care about any of this too. :rotfl:

Mayeb you should take a logic course. There is nothing strange about this. The Garden Tomb Association said OK. IAA didn't. Ron dug. The IAA and the GTA are not the same people. Do you follow?


Well-known member
No. Logically I do not have to accept that. As I have said repeatedly: He could have dug illegally, and not been caught (why- because the Garden Tomb people allowed him to dig and didn't report him).
It is this that you do not understand. The GTA would have there licences revoked if the IAA found they had let someone dig there without there permission and they would not be allowed to operate there, which would put at risk the very tomb they believe Jesus resurrected from! Ron had to get the IAA's permission to dig there, they control who digs where and when.
My question remains: what real evidence is there that he found the Ark?

Don't say "oh go watch a few hours of his videos". The only evidence is that Ron Wyatt claims he found it. That's it! It makes no difference if the IAA and/or the Garden Tomb organization are lying. There simply is no evidence, beyond his word.

No, I am only trying to get you to consider the facts and why the IAA are lying! Also Ron found many other Biblical sites and it has never been prooved he ever lied about anything.


Well-known member
Mayeb you should take a logic course. There is nothing strange about this. The Garden Tomb Association said OK. IAA didn't. Ron dug. The IAA and the GTA are not the same people. Do you follow?

You need to learn the facts about who is in charge in Israel when it comes to digging for artefacts.


Well-known member
I get that certain religious groups like to gin up their beLIEvers and get them excited, helps the donations flow in a little easier.

As I said Ron never made a penny. In fact he had a day job and funded every trip he made to the middle east, (over 120 of them). You know nothing.