bobby said:
Can I assume then that you believe that they arose naturally because you do not believe that they arose supernaturally (not naturally)? In other words, you have never seen any evidence for the supernatural so your working hypothesis is that the supernatural doesn't exist?
I don't wish to put words in your mouth though.
Your opening query, "did cells arise naturally?" would seem to admit only a few possibilities.
1. Yes, the supernatural was NOT involved.
2. No, the supernatural was involved. God gave rise to them
3. No, the supernatural was involved. God had nothing to do with them.
For the theist the answer would be fairly obvious. 2 or 3. For the Christian, only 2. For the non-theist, 1.
So any answer could be easily divined by simply asking if one was a theist or not. No further explanation necessary. But, knowing you're no dummy, I suspected you had something else in mind, something far more telling. Therefore I was curious as to what you had in mind by an unnatural appearance. As an agnostic I wouldn't be considering # 2 , and because I have already said, "how ever they arose, it was naturally," #3 would not be a possibility. So, I don't understand your hesitancy in accepting my answer.
As for the supernatural itself, I have heard of little credible evidence of it.